Monday, December 21, 2009

BROOKFIELD: 2008-09 Town Salaries

Thanks to the internet, more and more information is available
regarding our local and state government operations.
SeeThroughNY is a great reference for salaries, contracts and
school district salary information.
Unfortunately, the information
is not always complete. Supervisor Salka provided info on some elected
offices. Check it out at

YTD Salaries Paid 2008-09
Abrams, Donald $38,125
Brown, Gregory $35,833
Cross, Dana $37,529
Jones, David $37,263
Kabana, Sherry $12,389
Snow Jr, John $37,504
Weigand, Rhonda $14,004
Worden, Geoffrey $9,370
Zediker, Mark $39,088
Supervisor - Salka $ 5,649/yr
Town Board $ 2,100 each/yr
Judge $ 5,974 Each/Yr

Sunday, December 20, 2009

GOV'T SCAMS: NYS Pension Retirement System


Interesting article in Syracuse Post Standard re: Onondaga County Sheriff's office manipulating the Overtime!

Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg. SPIKING OVERTIME is standard operating procedure for the NYS Public & Municipal Employees - Teachers, legislators, police, fire, etc.

Let's add the rest of the story. The NYS Pensions are:
They can RETIRE at 55....and
NYS RETIREMENT PENSIONS cost taxpayers 6 TIMES.. YES, SIX TIMES more than a pension received from a PRIVATE sector job!!!

NY Fiscal Watch compared 2 workers making the SAME pay of $100,000, working for the SAME number of years, and retiring at the SAME age.

The PRIVATE Sector worker’s EMPLOYER-PROVIDED retirement benefits valued at the time of retirement will COST $427,500.

The NYS PUBLIC TAXPAYER-PROVIDED retirement benefits...$2,530,000. ... That's right....MMMM Milllion $$...... for a SINGLE EMPLOYEE !!!

A reader notes - this is common practice of teachers that in their last 3 years who become club advisors, coaches and chaperone school events, police officers, firefighters, and numerous individuals that have overtime available to them that are in our incredibly generous New York State pension program. The word is out and anyone that can get overtime uses it for this purpose.

Tax payers are getting INFORMED & VERY, VERY ANGRY!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Another amazing story of POLITICAL CORRUPTION IN ALBANY....Elliot Briody of an investment fund, Markstone Capital, plead guilty to bribing officials of the state Comptrollers Office -- yeah,...the department that is supposed to be guarding the State's Funds. According to Attorney General Cuomo's office, over $1 million in bribes were paid to four top officials who served under former state comptroller ALAN HEVESI. Apparently it was a good investment. For $1 million in bribes, Briody and his firm picked up $18 million in "fees". According to the story, the Comptroller's office steered $250 MILLION - one-quarter B-B-BILLION $$- of the NYS PENSION FUND to Markstone for investment. The criminal scheme " involved numerous individuals at the highest political and governmental levels under former Comptroller Alan Hevesi, in which the State pension fund was used as a piggy bank for the Comptroller’s chief political aide and a favor bank for political allies and other friends." And they said it was just a bad stock market that caused the State Pension Fund to shrivel up! Check out this interesting article and "comments" from "Capital Connection" section of the Albany Times Union...this story may have "legs"....

BUSINESS: Agro Farma...moving to Norwich ???

"IF" all goes well with FEDERAL & STATE incentives, AGRO FARM may be moving to the 335,000 sq. ft. "Woods Corner" P&G facility just outside of Norwich. Agro Farma currently operates the former Dannon Yogurt facility in Columbus. If the deal goes through, the resulting project could create as many as 350 new jobs, help local dairy farmers and bolster the tax base, according to Senator Charles Schumer. Full article (Evening Sun

MADISON Co - Supervisor Raises SHOT DOWN !

Thanks to the Madison Co. Supervisors, including Salka & Goldstein, who voted against a salary raise, recommended by County Chairman, John Becker (R- Sullivan), that would have resulted in minimum salaries of $20,000 for each supervisor. ..for "Part time" Jobs!...Becker and two supervisors, Russell Hammond (R-Georgetown) and Ron Bono (R- Madison), cast the only votes in favor of the plan . Supervisors currently receive:
1) $12,600 salary from the COUNTY;
2) separate salary from each of their respective Towns;
3) free health and dental insurance benefits;
4) NYS Retirement system benefits (NYS Tax Free);
5) After 10 yrs service, health & dental benefits for LIFE.

Jim Goldstein (D-Lebanon) put up a resolution asking that Supervisors also contribute 10% to the health plan . (Unfortunately, no one had the political courage to second that one. Likely to be mugged by their colleagues! ) The health benefits run between $5,000 and $12,000 per year, depending on individual vs. family coverage. Although Becker’s proposal would have dropped all the health benefits in favor of the $7,400 across the board raises, that would have only added to the more costly benefits under the NYS retirement system. Short term savings would have been a larger, long term cost to the taxpayer.
Check out the POST STANDARD and comments…taxpayers are not happy campers!

GOV'T: SeeThroughNY Website TOWN & SCHOOL

NEW WEBSITE: Town, County & School Payrolls
Check out the informative website SeeThroughNY….

The purpose of the site is to give New Yorkers a clearer view of how their state and local tax dollars are spent. The site is sponsored by the Empire Center for New York State Policy, part of the non-partisan and non-profit Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. The site is designed to become the hub of a statewide network through which taxpayers can share, analyze and compare data from counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts and public authorities throughout New York. The information in the website comes from official government sources. Here is an example of the TOWN PAYROLL. School salaries are also included. BROOKFIELD - Town Payroll - New York State Public Employee Payrolls on SeeThroughNY
Last, First YTDPay
Abrams, Donald $38,125
Brown, Gregory $35,833
Cross, Dana $37,529
Jones, David $37,263
Kabana, Sherry $12,389
Snow Jr, John $37,504
Weigand, Rhonda $14,004
Worden, Geoffrey $9,370
Zediker, Mark $39,088