Thursday, May 26, 2011

RAW SEWAGE Dumping in Lake Ontario

Come on now...isn't it about time we stopped this disgusting practice?.... and we worry about "hydro-fracking".... ? From today's POST STANDARD: New York environmental regulators have asked the federal government to ban vessels from dumping on-board sewage into waters along its Lake Ontario shore. They want the Environmental Protection Agency to create a "no-discharge zone" running along 326 miles of shoreline from Youngstown in Niagara County to Cape Vincent in Jefferson County.

MEDICARE - "Privatization" JUST SAY "No"

Sounds like the Republicans are going to have to change their butcher job (aka -"privatization") of the MEDICARE program. Democrat Kathy Hochul (D- Buffalo) won on long-held Republican turf riding a wave of voter discontent over the national GOP's plan to change Medicare. Tuesday's special election in New York's 26th Congressional District became a referendum on the health care plan for the nation's seniors may serve as a warning shot to further GOP efforts to cut popular entitlement programs. See:


New York legislators are close to a deal for a 2% cap on property tax increases. There’s just one catch: property tax bills will likely go up beyond the advertised 2 percent cap because the proposal would allow local governments and school districts to ignore the cap if, their pension costs increase by more than 2 percent — which has happened with regularity in New York in recent years. Syracuse expects its pension costs to jump 42 percent in the 2011-12 fiscal year, to $28 million. Facing that kind of skyrocketing expense, the 2 percent cap may be a mirage. “Unless you address those cost factors, the property tax cap is really just a symbolic, at most, gesture,” said Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner. BUT - at least it's a STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.... Bravo to MAGEE & VALESKY for their Support of the CAP.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

BROOKFIELD - Town Board Meeting - May 9, 2011

The Very UNOFFICIAL Minutes – Town Board Meeting…..5-9-11

Good turnout…18-20 …. IN ATTENDANCE: All Board members; and other offices: Rod Jennison (Hwy) /Bob Piersma (Codes)

6:30 PM – Public Hearing re: Local Rd. Use Law….
Discussed a PROPOSED road use law that would restrict heavy (4-ton/ “heavy industry”) road use on certain TOWN roads (to be determined). Copy available at Town Hall .. Good discussion: but hearing voided due to procedural issues/inadequate posting- ; 911 address; road inventory; other Towns’ laws. No action taken; further discussion needed.

7PM – Regular Board Meeting –
Planning Board – D. McCoach – another hearing scheduled for 6/2 ; Mary Lou Rhodes new Vice Chair; Board ok’d all PB attending 5/17 pipeline seminar; 7/21 – tentative joint meeting between Town & Planning Board.

NEW Gravel Pit – Clark: Permit pending. Off Rt. 8 by Wagoner’s store. May be another year. Clark leasing the land.

Snow’s Pond – Jennison is paying the $500 fine; the estimated cost to rebuild is $2-3,000; Perk Stalter reported wildlife returning to the Pond…. 5/11 – WED/ 1PM meeting at Snow’s Pond …DEC, Soil, Water, open to those interested.

Dog Census/License Costs – S. Kabana gave rundown of costs, need for census.

Highway – storm damage repairs to take priority; estimated damage $88,000 and applying for Federal Aid. …still discussing waste oil furnace pros/cons ….Letters from Cheseboro Rd objecting to large-scale tree removal by Highway Dept without owner approval. Hopefully, the “Paul Bunyon” Days are over ! …..Lone loader bid opened: $35,000 cash for used with trade in. Hwy to consider rent with option deals on future equipment.

Codes – B. Piersma reported revenues down by a couple thousand from last yr. Junk yard inspections coming up.

Gas Drilling Committee – so far, only K. Nowak …anyone interested should contact a Board Member or Karen Nowak. The committee will keep the Board up to date on gas drilling developments. Looking for good, factual information. Even-handed treatment.

Zoning Board of Appeals and the Board of Assessment – looking for volunteer members. There has been one applicant for the ZBA position.

Budget/Reserve Fund Balance – Salka has agreed to provide Corbin with a break down of two items that reduced the Town’s reserve account by $70,000. Basically, the reserve is like a savings account /"rainy day fund" for the Town.

Comprehensive Plan – still reviewing the surveys …and according to J. Visentin -- …avoiding any politics.

Leonardsville School – Mt. Markham has put building up for sale; would like to see if the district would donate some land to Leonardsville for a ball park. Contract awarded to T. Chase for mowing Leonardsville Park.

Judge’s Chambers – Verdict still pending… yes folks, we’re still discussing the renovations… one of the bidders never received the revised specs…back to the drawing board. Question: by the time it gets finished, will any of us be able to climb the stairs?…they’re already talking about one of those automated “stair chairs”….

Insufficient Funds – B. Whitacre was unhappy that the school’s check to the Town was mentioned at the last Board meeting. Some question as to whether it was…or was not marked “insufficient funds”…Whitacre did not think it should have been brought up publicly. Some Board said it was simply a matter of disclosure.