Wednesday, December 16, 2015

BCS ? TOWN BOARD? Minutes?

In keeping with the Town's tradition of not reporting town and school board actions....still no minutes on either of their websites despite numerous promises but MORE NUMEROUS Excuses...just as well we will probably be appalled by the inaction of these entities.

Congratulations HAMILTON! $255,000 Grant for their Salt Shed

The Town of Hamilton just won a $255,000 grant from NYS DEC to build a new salt shed.  Too bad Salka didn't want to work together and apply.  Now, the Brookfield taxpayers can foot the bill.  Nice to see how well the Salka & the Board play with others.

$1,000 Reward - Lipstick on the Pig...

Sure...the BCS Board & Administration are now offering a $1,000 reward leading to the arrest of the students who vandalized the BCS school to the tune of $250,!  It looks good, but when they don't want to know who the "suspects" are... and don't bother to follow up... who are they fooling AGAIN?...

Friday, December 11, 2015

BOARD OF EDUCATION Vandalism Update: " ...Shut your CAKE-HOLE" about it!

BOARD OF EDUCATION Update:  " ...Shut your CAKE-HOLE about it!!!"

For those of you who actually care about the recent $250,000 in vandalism at BCS ...DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME !

Based on what occurred at Wednesday night's BOE meeting,  it is evident that the Board and Administration want this one buried deep....real deep.  Don't talk about it..."it's under investigation".

In the past few weeks several calls and emails have been sent to Superintendent and a Board Member and was told there was "nothing new"; they are still "waiting to hear from the police"...WAITING TO HEAR? Apparently only the Waterville Times has the gumption to follow up.  Why do we have to get an update from the Waterville Times and have the BOE claim no knowledge?

Don't ask about it....and don't bother with BOE meetings if you are easily intimidated by a Board Member telling you to "shut your CAKE HOLE"... . Based on the failure of other members to react, I take this to be standard treatment of the public.

Frankly, their failure to answer the most basic questions only leads to further speculation...and the plot thickens:

Did the suspects gain entrance by using a school ID card?   Since they refused to answer or respond negatively only reinforces the rumor that access was gained using an employee access card.  If so, there must be some record.  Perhaps that explains why the Board and Administration don't appear to be moving ahead on this case.

While the Board complain "people are refusing to talk to the police... " Why is no one is being taken in for questioning?  NO Leads? NO suspects?  In this "close-mouthed" Town?...surely you jest.

The message is: just let it drop... and "shut your CAKE-HOLE" about it!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

7:00 PM - Library/Media Classroom

VANDALISM: There is more to be cleaned up!!!! 

It has been over 60 days since the Brookfield School was vandalized to the tune of a quarter of a million dollars!!!  Rumors abound but no action taken or updates given.  Is this going to be yet another incidence of vandalism being swept under the rug ?  Is that because of "who" might have been involved? How they gained access?..... allegations & suspects abound.... it's time to get some answers and action from the Board and Superintendent to clean up this part of the mess!  Please take the time to attend tonight's meeting and get some answers!....

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Conviction of ex-speaker Silver sends NY politics into turmoil

(Excerpts/ Utica OD): The conviction of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has shaken New York politics down to the granite foundations of the state Capitol….  A jury convicted the 71-year-old Manhattan Democrat on Monday on charges that he traded favors for $4 million in kickbacks from a cancer researcher and real estate developers….A political earthquake has hit Albany, said Blair Horner, legislative director for the New York Public Interest Group. "This is a stinging rebuke to the 'Albany business as usual' defense and a clarion call to clean up state ethics."