Thursday, January 3, 2019

And the new TOWN SUPERVISOR IS.....

Loren Corbin - former Town unanimous vote of the Town Board: Abrams, Walker, Head, and Mayne (who dropped out of the race so he could stay a Board member....).

It was a full house with 20+...the meeting started with a brief introduction by each of the candidates.  The Board then went into an executive session (in Salka's office)...after about 40 minutes they returned with DeWitt nominating Loren Corbin and approved by the full board....Despite Salka's attempts to put Chuck Blood in the position.    No public comment was allowed.   The position will be held until the next general election in NOVEMBER.

Granted, there was dissent as stated by Rachel Owens (former Board member), however the sentiment of the Board as well as several citizens is:  NOW maybe we can get things done.   Salka left a high level of frustration - a catalog of loose ends....unending litigation...and a whole host of Salka's "I'll look into that". (the black hole of follow up!)...he can now continue to play his old game in the Assembly...and help his the IDA Courthouse deal. See Nov 3 post.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


UPDATE - STRANGE BEDFELLOWS IN BROOKFIELD SUPERVISOR "Contest"....John Salka and George Cowen are calling around to the Board and others to SUPPORT Chuck Blood!!!...Now I hear Blood "might" retire from farming. Bring your popcorn for tonight!!!
TONIGHT - JAN 2 - 7PM - TOWN BOARD MEETING! PUBLIC NOTICE..SUPERVISOR APPOINTMENT....SPREAD THE WORD The Town Board of the Town of Brookfield will hold a SPECIAL MEETING on January 2, 2019 at 7:00 pm at the Brookfield Town Hall for the purpose of appointing a Town Supervisor for a term of 1 year effective retroactive to January 1, 2019 and expiring December 31, 2019 and filling any vacancies that may occur from that appointment. Letters of interest will be accepted at the Town Clerk’s Office during regular office hours, by email to Town Clerk at or by mail to Brookfield Town Clerk, PO Box 83, Brookfield, NY 13314. Letters/emails will be accepted through December 31, 2018. Any questions, please call the Town Hall at 315-899-3364 during regular Town Clerk hours.
Sherry Perretta
Town Clerk
Dated: 12/19/2018 and/or 12/26/2018 in papers
Posted 12/15/2018 on door and website