REGULAR MEETING… Monday/August 10, 2009
This month’s meeting was held in North Brookfield…approximately 25-30 residents in attendance… was a long, but productive meeting, finally ending about 11PM…
FINANCE – Fiducial/Recor Accounting reps showed up to refute allegations of lousy bookkeeping and errors in the Town’s financial statements due to misunderstandings, lack of information, etc. The firm’s reps provided a detailed presentation, but in the end it boiled down to a “he said/she said”. … Ended up being a case where the new person handling the Town’s financials was a novice, with no CPA, no accounting degree. It became obvious the Town wasn’t getting the advice/service it had paid for in the past. Looks like we will be looking to a new accountant – Tackberry out of Hamilton has been recommended. He handles Madison’s books. The Board has yet to appoint Tackberry…RUMOR IS: Special Saturday Board meeting to do so…..The Fiducial/Recor reps also stated that they did not believe there was any problem with Brookfield financials related to Larry Recor’s recent arrest for alleged embezzlement of $280,000 from the Boonville Library. Recor owned Recor Associates, who had kept the Town’s books for the last ten years. Salka is looking into an audit or review of the Town’s books to be sure.
HIGHWAY – The Board voted to purchase a used GRADALL “as is” from Jefferson Co. for $19,999. The odd amount, recommended by Loren Corbin, is to avoid the “emergency purchase” paperwork (attorney’s fees) involved in purchasing without competitive bids. Highway Superintendent Ed Bennett did his homework; had alternative prices; provided pros/cons of this purchase, had the crew check it out… bottom line -- it made sense: good price given condition; critical need rather than rent at $2,000 week! …and parts would be interchangeable with current Gradall. A member of the audience also pointed out that the future trade-in values for the two would partially offset the expense. Supervisor Salka was concerned over the replacement parts history of the machine, but agreed this was the best alternative available. Bennett had his people up to check it out and looks like a good deal.
ROAD WORK – Jones Rd. Bennett estimated it would take approximately $80,000 to upgrade Jones Rd. for a single trailer on this seasonal road. Bennett has been working with the owner but overall reluctance to put that much into a road where the status of the property and codes are under question. Decision was postponed until more information could be obtained.
CODES OFFICER – Temporary officer Morrie Sturdyvent attended the meeting and provided perspective on some of the codes-related questions that came up. Morrie and the Town are anxious to find his replacement. … looks to be a good working relationship with Morrie and the Town. Morrie has a bus driving position that starts in Sept and would prefer to have someone in place before then. The Town received several applications and interviews to be scheduled. Anyone interested should contact the Town Hall/Sherri Kabana or John Salka. Councilman Head is to get together with Morrie for an annual junk yard inspection. .
TOWN MEETINGS – PUBLIC NOTICE POSTING. A resident provided the Board with state law information regarding the posting of Town and Town Committee meetings in a public location. Not only the Town Board, but any official board committees need to comply with rules to notify the public of its meeting times & places. She is also going to provide the Town Clerk with information on Clerk’s responsibilities relating to the Town Planning Board and notices.
PARK COMMITTEES – According to Councilman DeWitt Head, the North Brookfield park celebration had a good turnout and they are planning another community event…. Bonnie Button’s resignation from the “Academy St.” park committee was accepted. No reason given…. Al Smith offered to pay the tab for the stain to be used on the picnic tables at the Town Park(s?). A group of teens has offered to do the work if the Town obtained the materials.
BEAVER CREEK ROD & GUN CLUB – Resolution Pending The referendum to put the 55-acre gift of land, from the Town to the Club, needs to be approved by the Board no later than the September regular meeting in order for it to make it to the November ballot….otherwise, the transfer would require a separate vote, which would cost more. Earlier in the week, there was a good turnout at the Special Public Meeting to discuss the gift from Brookfield to the private, Beaver Valley Rod & Gun Club. Impressed with the turnout and passion; particularly the number of teenagers and young adults that showed up and spoke up in a respectable manner – it was loud, but civil!! …. it appears there is an agreement in principle that the land goes back to the Town if the Club disbands; that the Gorton Lake runoff would be transferred to the Club; timber rights seem to settle at any financial gain going back to the club to first cover their operating expenses and surplus monies would go back to support the Town. Gas and other mineral rights which could have a economic benefit in the future, would stay with the Town. BUT …not finalized and subject to change. The Club needs to finish up some paperwork and hopes to have a resolution before the Board in September.
HUD PROJECT – The Board voted unanimously to terminate one of the projects based on recommendations from the HUD representative. All, including the HUD “Dude”, regretted having to pull the plug, but the cost of the rehab vs. market value guidelines eliminated the project. On a positive note, two senior citizen projects could be picked up. The costs of lead clean up and materials have limited the number of projects that can be handled under their budget vs previous projects.