If you don't think we need to have HEALTHCARE INSURANCE REFORM, read the following SCARY FACTS regarding the cost our current, expensive and dysfunctional HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. The following information appeared in the 9-1-09 issue of The Clarion-Ledger
* Over 47 million Americans do not have insurance. It's just too expensive.
* Only 63 percent of U.S. employers offer health coverage for their employees.
* Health care spending ran $2.4 TRILLION ($ 2,400,000,000,000) in 2008 and will likely exceed $3.1 trillion by 2012, ...MORE THAN 4X what we spend on NATIONAL DEFENSE!!!!
* The US spends more than other industrialized nation on HEALTHCARE-- MORE THAN those that provide health insurance for their citizens !
* Communities bear the financial medical costs of the uninsured, through higher taxes and stress on local health services.
* Out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles, co-payments increased 115 percent (between 1999- 2006).