For those of you looking for low-cost healthcare insurance, here is some information on HEALTH NY, a low cost program. I will also put up some information on the "BRIDGE PLAN" which is a brand new (today) program to cover pre-existing conditions.
Low-Cost Healthcare for NY State Residents.For those of you who are looking to afford healthcare insurance, New York State offers such a program called: HEALTHY NY. Below Is a quick summary of the program and it's eligibility requirements. The information is clear and straightforward; NO checkups/NO lengthy waiting period. See the full booklet and information at:
Healthy NY is reduced-cost health insurance. You can purchase Healthy NY from any of New York’s licensed health maintenance organizations (HMOs). Premiums differ depending on: benefits, county of residence and the HMO you chose, Below are APPROXIMATE premiums for the MADISON COUNTY HMO's who offer the HealthNY program.
Those HMO's in MADISON COUNTY are: Excellus BC/BS, MVP Health, United Healthcare & Capital District. Monthly Premium RANGE - Depends on package & HMO selected. Here is the MONTHLY PREMIUM Range:
Individual $ 161 - $ 328
2- Adult $ 322 - $ 682
1- Parent & Child(ren) $ 254 - $ 624
Family $ 434 - $ 919
Healthy NY’s standardized benefit package includes preventive and primary care, emergency room services, and much more. You can also choose an optional prescription drug benefit or high deductible health plan. Healthy NY offers four benefit packages:
• Healthy NY
• Healthy NY with a prescription drug benefit
• Healthy NY high deductible health plan
• Healthy NY high deductible health plan with a prescription drug benefit
1. You must be a resident of New York State and must not be eligible for Medicare.
2. You or your spouse must have worked at some time in the past 12 months.
3. You must not be eligible for health insurance provided by your employer.
4. You must meet income guidelines (see below)
5. You must be uninsured for the 12 months prior to applying for Healthy NY or have lost coverage due to a specific event.
For purposes of calculating your household size, count yourself, your spouse if your spouse lives with you, and dependent children, whether they live with you or not. Count all of these people, even if you are not going to include them on your Healthy NY policy. Do not count parents, roommates, or those not dependent on you for support.
# Persons Gross Per MONTH
1 Up to $2,257
2 Up to $3,036
3 Up to $3,815
4 Up to $4,594
5 Up to $5,373
6 Up to $6,153
To Apply
Mail your completed application and documentation directly to the HMO you have chosen by the 20th of the month, your coverage should start by the 1st of the next month. If you have questions about the status of your application, please contact the HMO that you selected. You can enroll in Healthy NY year-round.
HEALTHYNY Booklet & Application - Summary of standard program. This provides a good overview of the application procedures and insurance coverage offered
Pre-existing conditions? NY has JUST started a new program on a first-come/first-serve basis. See " NY BRIDGE PLAN " my next posting.