Friday, September 13, 2013
BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD: Special Meeting SEPT 25 (Wed) 7PM - Assessor & Moratorium
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this SPECIAL Board meeting to consider: Assessor and Extension of the Gas Drilling Moratorium. This is an important meeting... we need to have ON SITE Office Hours for the ASSESSOR...or get a NEW ASSESSOR... several qualified assessors have submitted their resumes...our current Assessor provides on-site hours for the other Towns she covers, but is "refusing" to do so for Brookfield according to Town Officials. The financial impact of the Assessor position is too important to allow this to go on. Add to that, the influx of Amish who aren't going to be able to "hitch up the horse" and head 40 miles to the Assessor; and Sherry Kabana, the Town Clerk, has been handling assessor related questions and paperwork. For what we pay and the financial impact, it is imperative that the TOWN BOARD make sure we receive this coverage.
Wednesday, SEPT 25 - 7PM - Brookfield Town Hall
* Assessor and
* Gas Drilling Moratorium Extension