Thursday, November 14, 2013
Supervisor John Salka got back to us with the answers to questions raised in today's RAT posting re: 1. county health benefits; and 2. possible property tax rate for Brookfield.
Thanks to John for the quick and informative reply. Salka voted AGAINST the proposed 2014 budget currently before the Madison County Board of Supervisors.
"1. The health insurance contributions will be 10% for a single plan and 20% for a family plan. It will apply to any management or elected official hired after 1/1/14.
"2. The tax rate for the Town of Brookfield will go from $6.61 per thousand to $6.99 per thousand. This is the rate increase as it stands now. Due to the fact that the property tax cap was overridden we are now seeing amendments to restore all the funding to the not for profits (including the Fair) and it is impossible to predict if there will be any more between now and the public hearing Tuesday night [Nov 19]. Theoretically you could see another 20 or 30 cent increase on top of the $.38. So much for fiscal responsibility. "