Wednesday, December 11, 2013

TOWN BOARD - Lots of Wind & No Plans

Due to family commitments, I was unable to attend and report on the December TOWN BOARD MEETING. So many important issues continue to face the community. In my absence, I requested an update on TWO CRITICAL ISSUES which have been held up for far too long: Road use law and the Comprehensive Plan. Following is a review of the issues covered by Jackie Mineo who attended the regular BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD meeting held this past Monday, Dec. 7. Attendance low, but two very critical items for the Town continue to go unaddressed. Political cowardice?....Enough with the promises!............. Windpower Welcomed in Brookfield:..... At last Monday night’s Town Board meeting John Salka made comments indicating that the Town welcomes the development of wind turbines and hopes that there will be no opposition “like in Madison”. It was pointed out by our Highway Superintendent that many of our roads currently would not be able to bear the weight or possibly accommodate the width of loads associated with wind turbine construction and that we still need a Road Use Law to protect the Town against the costs associated with the damage that would likely occur. That road use law was also discussed. The newest delay was attributed to wording in the proposed contract with Delta Engineering who we are told will be doing a road survey prior to the adoption of a Road Use Law. At this rate the question is, are we going to have a Road Use Law before construction on wind turbines begin? On the topic of delays…the Board was asked why no vote has taken place to accept or reject the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Salka offered the excuse that it was used as a “political Football” before elections…but those elections are over ( and that would be a poor excuse in any case) so why all the political foot-dragging? This plan has been in the works for FIVE years. It has been finished for some time now and has been presented to and accepted by the County. It’s had its’ public hearings. The Comprehensive Planning Committee was recently the recipient of a Madison County Planning Department Award for its work at an awards dinner that Mr. Salka attended and proudly posed for pictures at …and yet still refuses to bring it to a vote before the Town Board. There is no excuse or acceptable reason for this. Make up your mind, Board members…take a vote, decide and be accountable. It’s what you’re there for.