Monday, June 16, 2014

Brookfield School BUDGET VOTE - Noon to 9PM JUNE 17 Tuesday

Please do not forget to vote on the BCS school budget ! This budget will require 60% voter approval. The BCS Administration has mislead public into thinking the school will close if this budget is not passed -- that BCS is educationally "insolvent"... it's not insolvent it is OBSOLETE !!! This Board and Administration does not plan ahead -- they simply look "behind" --- the way things "used to be"....well folks, it's the 21st century and these high schoolers (7th - 12th grade) deserve a 21st century education and to get out in the "world" !!! Pre-k to sixth grade could remain at the BCS building, but high school kids deserve an education...not "baby sitting"! Just take a look what Waterville, Mt. Markham, Hamilton & Unadilla Valley offer their 7th-12th grades... NOTE: We pay almost $500,000 (half a million !! ?) per YEAR for the debt service on the past capital projects! Wake up this Administration and vote NO!