National Guard Troops Arrive in Central New York for Disaster Training This Week
Nearly 600 service members from the New York, New Jersey and Puerto Rico National Guard conducted a training exercise at the New York State Preparedness Training Center in May 2014.
Nearly 600 service members from the New York, New Jersey and Puerto Rico National Guard conducted a training exercise at the New York State Preparedness Training Center in May 2014.
Homeland Response Force to conduct exercise at State Preparedness Training Center
More than 700 National Guard Soldiers and Airmen from New York and New Jersey arrive in Central New York today to prepare for a disaster response force exercise this week at the New York State Preparedness Center. The training will validate unit preparations to serve as a regional disaster response force.
The training exercise will occur from June12 through the 18.
The organization, known as a National Guard Homeland Response Force, will train both at the New York National Guard Armory in Utica and Oriskany at the New York State Preparedness Center to certify their readiness to assist responders following a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear or incident.
Residents may notice increased military traffic in the Oriskany, Rome and Utica areas as the HRF arrives and conducts its final training preparations and validation exercise.