Friday, June 30, 2017

Troubled Wisconsin Man......

I think this about sums up the GOP's stance on healthcare....


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

ALERT - Possible drowning reported in Bridgewater

Jun 28, 2017 at 7:08 PM JUST IN....

Emergency crews Wednesday night were sent to the scene of a possible drowning.

Initial reports indicated a man in his 70s was seen floating in a pond behind a residence on White Street.

Bridgewater firefighters, Bridgewater Ambulance and law enforcement responded shortly before 7 p.m.

Check back as details are released by officials. UTICA OD Link Here:


American Healthcare is beyond reach for the AVERAGE AMERICAN. Most of us would never have care without the OBAMACARE . Prices have escalated and services have expanded.

Over the 4th of July recess,  the Republican Congressmen are meeting with their FINANCIAL DONORS to determine their vote on the upcoming Healthcare bill.  Fourth of July Picnics are the traditional fund raising events of politicians. 4th of July Picnics...with Donors....Not the voters. We are collateral. The DONORS will do the talking and decide the upcoming VOTE....the Mercers, Kochs, the PAC'setc.

The current healthcare system is not perfect. We agree.   But, for most of us, it's ALL WE have!

And the Republican Congress would rather rip it out from under us and give tremendous tax breaks to the WEALTHY....1% ...POLITICAL BLACKMAIL ..they need to keep a promise to their DONORS or they lose their financial backing.  

This upcoming vote is about INTEGRITY as well as healthcare.  After the recess, we'll see who had it and who is simply whoring for their pimp, the GOP - "GREEDY OLD POLITICIANS!"

Unfortunately, as a result of the Citizen United case --  that allowed unlimited campaign funding by corporations and wealthy private groups -- the FUTURE OF AMERICA and our HEALTHCARE rests with  the POLITICAL DONORS... not the voters....guess that's the "NEW WORLD ORDER"! 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Town v FLICKS - Why Lie About the Survey

According to last week's Waterville Times, the Brookfield Town Board said "the boundary lines cannot be established until the surveyor  "pinpoints the underground well."   That is complete BS.... 

The survey has been completed and in the Town's possession SINCE JANUARY 2016 !   

WHY? WHY? all this lying.  People don't go to these Town Board meetings because this is the type of out right deceit.  People have repeatedly asked about the property dispute and received nothing but BS.  Mistrust of government starts RIGHT HERE.

Rumor has it.....the Town Hall's water may be on Flick's property.  Maybe that's why Salka is pushing to build a new Town Hall.

Friday, June 23, 2017

MAD CO Sheriff RILEY has a new JOB!

Madison County Sheriff Allen Riley is resigning from his job to become New York State corrections commissioner, Madison County officials announced today.

He will be working for the New York State Commission of Correction. This commission meets monthly to discuss variances, maximum facility capacities, regulation changes, death investigations and more.

The Commission of Correction does not hire or oversee correctional officers. That is done by a different agency.

Riley has been sheriff for the past seven years.

He has been appointed to the state job by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Madison County Undersheriff John Ball will take over daily operations while the county searches for Riley's replacement, officials said.

Riley spent 27 years with the New York State Police before he became the 55th sheriff of Madison County. He was the first African American elected sheriff in Central New York and the second in New York state. He was 49 when elected.

Riley is a graduate of Canastota High School and Morrisville State College. He was born and raised in Oneida.


Future uncertain for Vernon Downs

VERNON, N.Y. -- Vernon Downs will close its doors by the end of the year, after a last minute deal in the state Legislature fell apart.

Vernon Downs owner, Jeff Gural, said the track loses $150,000 each month competing with other casinos like the neighboring Turning Stone Casino, as well as others in Syracuse, Schenectady and the Finger Lakes.

"All I'm saying is just adjust the tax rate to reflect the fact that we're surrounded by these casinos," Gural said Thursday.

Gural said he plans to shut down the casino in the fall, the racetrack in November and hotel in December. Vernon Downs employs about 300 people.

"I just remain convinced that no sane politician could possibly think that's a good idea to close Vernon," Gural said.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

CONGRESS - Killing Healthcare for the Middle Class

Today Republican "leaders" are supposed to unveil their secret health plan.... frankly, it's quite clear CONGRESS could care less about the's all about the PARTY! Screw the rest of America.......the REPUBLICAN plan is to take away healthcare and use the proceeds to pay the for tax breaks for the rich.

CONGRESS wants to make sure they've taken away enough money from the middle class healthcare needs in order to fund TAX BREAKS for the 1% ...screw the rest of us...Thanks,'re really making only SOME OF US Great (and FAT) Again..... don't believe, straight from this morning's Wall St. Jounal:

(WSJ 6/22/17)  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to release draft legislation this morning; many lawmakers said they hadn’t seen the bill’s text as of Wednesday afternoon.

Lawmakers at the two ends of the GOP spectrum are also increasingly joining Democrats in criticizing the lack of transparency and rapid-fire timeline for a vote.

WSJ 6-22-17  At least half a dozen Senate Republicans took a stand Wednesday against party leaders’ plan for a quick vote on the health-care overhaul, damping hopes for passage next week.

The opposition is coming both from conservative Republican senators, who believe the proposal doesn’t repeal enough of the Affordable Care Act, as well as GOP centrists, who are upset by deep cuts to Medicaid that would leave more people uninsured.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

JUNE Town Board Meeting -- Waterville TImes

Check out this week's  6-21 Waterville Times that hit the newstands Tuesday... Coverage of local graduations with great photos....Support your local paper - without them we wouldn't know what's going on in Town government. Here are some highlights of the article:

*  Salka looking to build a new town hall... forming a "committee" to "research" options;

*  Truck problems continue.  Four trucks back; fifth one still in shop; The trucks were purchased under a plan with International.  The oldest among them is only a 2013...." 'Brakes on one of the trucks are still not fixed, although the truck is in use', Paul Owen said." [Please  tell me that's a misprint.]

*  G&I Homes will pay for the $5,000 worth of damage done to Hollow Road;

*  The Board agreed to reimburse a homeowner for $3,250 worth of damage done to his yard and driveway by the Town plow.

*  Planning Board reviewing subdivision regulations once again.

*  90 dogs have been licensed in the month of May [don't forget the dog enumeration/census];

*  Clerk Sherry Perretta and Salka working on getting the 80% state reimbursement for the $450,000 salt shed. [80% is $360,000; the balance of $90,000 from the Town; also want the $30,000 stacker for the salt shed - see last month's Times.]

*  "The Town will pay $15,000 an year through 2024 for the new purchased through Clinton Tractor."  [or $105,000 = 7 yrs  x $15,000].

*  DOT Update re: damage to Rt 8 Leonardsville....[looks like we have to settle for "patch" job.]

*  Dewitt Head reported 29 businesses have sponsored banners for the North Brookfield  [Stadium]!

*  Town vs Flick's Tavern over boundary lines..."The surveyor needs to pinpoint on a map the location of an underground well before the Town can officially determine boundary lines." [What's the well got to do with it?..the Town already has the need to find a well..unless the problem is where the TOWN's well is located. There's got to be a story there.  It's dragged on for years...even with a survey in the Town Board's hands.]

* The meeting ended with an Executive session to discuss contracts and "litigation"...[never a good way to end a meeting!]

Check out this week's June 21 Waterville Times...many good graduation photos...but too many obits!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

MAGEE - legislation expands Farmers’ School Tax Credit

Magee’s legislation expands Farmers’ School Tax Credit

Assemblyman Bill Magee (D-Nelson) announced that legislation he sponsored to ensure more farms are eligible for critical property tax relief has passed both the Assembly and the Senate.

Magee’s legislation allows family members who operate farms held in trust to qualify for the Farmers’ School Tax Credit – a refundable credit for farming businesses that have paid school district property taxes (A.4650).

See Full Story at:   MADISON COURIER

Got Cancer Questions? This Little-Known Hotline Is Here To Help

Got Cancer Questions? This Little-Known Hotline Is Here To Help

If you were worried you had cancer, who would you call for information? Chances are a federally-funded cancer helpline isn't the first place that pops into your mind.

But for 40 years, a helpline funded primarily by the National Cancer Institute has been answering people's questions about cancer.

It's a source of information for people who have been called back for a follow-up after routine screenings and are worried they might have cancer. And it can also help cancer patients get information about participating in clinical trials and help them figure out questions to ask their doctors.....see rest of this article at:

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Why have we not heard anything further regarding the June 14 bust in near Binghamton which lead to the confiscation of the following weapons from a  Mr. Ramadan Abdullah ?.   Here is the article from the Binghamton online paper PRESS CONNECTS.  Is there a terrorist cell here in Central NY.... here it is...

"Shoplifting bust leads to huge weapons cache" 

"Police say thousands of rounds of ammunition for rifles, pistols and assault weapons, including .50-caliber armor piercing incendiary rounds along with firearms parts, were also found by investigators. The scope of the weapons bust was enough to shake longtime law enforcement veterans in the Southern Tier, who said they could not recall anything quite like this.

"...Ramadan Abdullah, of Johnson City, has been arrested after a large weapons cache was found in the Town of Union. Assault weapons and high-powered ammunition were seized. The state police Special Investigations Unit was brought in to assist Johnson City police with the case. Search warrants were carried out on Abdullah's personal storage unit in the Town of Union, residence on Ackley Avenue in Johnson City, and a property in the City of Oneonta. 

"Among other items seized was a hardcover book with inside pages cut out to conceal a small handgun, as well as two bulletproof vests, .38-caliber ammunition and high-capacity ammunition feeding devices.

"Barnes said many of the guns are being considered assault weapons, which are illegal under New York State law. Police are also exploring Abdullah's travel patterns; he is a United States citizen and investigators believe he has previously traveled overseas, according to Barnes. As the investigation continues, police say, additional charges are not being ruled out.

List of weapons seized by police


US Charter Arms AR-7 Explorer, .22 caliber, semi-auto rifle w/ Sightmark Holographic sight

Steyr-Daimler-Puch A6 AUG, .223 caliber, semi-auto rifle w/sling and scope

Kassnar Imports AK47, 7.62x39 caliber, semi-auto rifle w/folding stock

Springfield Armory M1A, 7.62 caliber, desert camo colored, semi-auto rifle w/scope

Armalite AR-180, 5.56 caliber, semi-auto rifle, w/sling

Armalite AR-180, 5.56 caliber, semi-auto rifle, with folding stock, Armalite scope, and sling


H&K USP Compact Pistol, .357 SIG caliber, semi-auto pistol, with laser – LOADED

Browning Arms, 9mm caliber, semi-auto pistol w/laser – LOADED

Browning Arms Company , .22 caliber semi-auto pistol – LOADED

Glock Model 30, 45ACP caliber, semi-auto pistol w/laser – LOADED

COP Inc, Four barrel pistol, 38 Special / 357 Magnum caliber - LOADED

H&K SR9TC, 7.62x51 caliber, desert camo colored semi-auto rifle w/ Springfield Armory Scope

Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S, 223/5.56 caliber, Semi-auto rifle, w/ leather sling


Fun Opportunity ! BEAVER CREEK PADDLE! SAT June 24