Check out this week's 6-21 Waterville Times that hit the newstands Tuesday... Coverage of local graduations with great photos....Support your local paper - without them we wouldn't know what's going on in Town government. Here are some highlights of the article:
* Salka looking to build a new town hall... forming a "committee" to "research" options;
* Truck problems continue. Four trucks back; fifth one still in shop; The trucks were purchased under a plan with International. The oldest among them is only a 2013...." 'Brakes on one of the trucks are still not fixed, although the truck is in use', Paul Owen said." [Please tell me that's a misprint.]
* G&I Homes will pay for the $5,000 worth of damage done to Hollow Road;
* The Board agreed to reimburse a homeowner for $3,250 worth of damage done to his yard and driveway by the Town plow.
* Planning Board reviewing subdivision regulations once again.
* 90 dogs have been licensed in the month of May [don't forget the dog enumeration/census];
* Clerk Sherry Perretta and Salka working on getting the 80% state reimbursement for the $450,000 salt shed. [80% is $360,000; the balance of $90,000 from the Town; also want the $30,000 stacker for the salt shed - see last month's Times.]
* "The Town will pay $15,000 an year through 2024 for the new purchased through Clinton Tractor." [or $105,000 = 7 yrs x $15,000].
* DOT Update re: damage to Rt 8 Leonardsville....[looks like we have to settle for "patch" job.]
* Dewitt Head reported 29 businesses have sponsored banners for the North Brookfield [Stadium]!
* Town vs Flick's Tavern over boundary lines..."The surveyor needs to pinpoint on a map the location of an underground well before the Town can officially determine boundary lines." [What's the well got to do with it?..the Town already has the need to find a well..unless the problem is where the TOWN's well is located. There's got to be a story there. It's dragged on for years...even with a survey in the Town Board's hands.]
* The meeting ended with an Executive session to discuss contracts and "litigation"...[never a good way to end a meeting!]
Check out this week's June 21 Waterville Times...many good graduation photos...but too many obits!