RESOLUTIONS APPROVED: Truck Issue Options, Amend Highway 284
The Town continues to have problems with the International trucks. (Discussed below). As a result, the Town needs a fall-back truck with plow for this winter. Although they anticipated buying new, a plow could not be put on a new truck until January/February so the only option was to buy used with a plow. The Board authorized Paul Owens to purchase a used truck with plow up to a limit of $40,000.
The Board unanimously approved an amendment of the 284 Highway Agreement" to include (1) approximately $10,000 to finish Baldwin Rd. (the page or the original agreement had been dropped inadvertently) and (2) added Gorton Lake Rd. Due to the unanticipated deterioration work needs to start this year (grade & grind) and finish (stone & oil) next year with CHIPS funds.
The "284 Agreement" is the Town's annual certification to the State that it will set aside CHIPS funds for specific "permanent" road work performed with NYS CHIPS money. The Agreement includes the name of each road, mileage, distance and approximate cost. The approved "amendment" simply added Baldwin and Gorton Lake Rd. to the earlier Agreement.
For those of us who wondered what "CHIPS Money" referred to.... The Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) provides State funds to municipalities to support the construction and repair of highways, bridges, highway railroad crossings, and other facilities that are not on the State highway system.
In order to be eligible for CHIPS reimbursement, the highway project must: (1) be undertaken by a municipality; (2) be for highway-related purposes; and (3) have a service life of 10 years or more with normal maintenance or comply with certain exceptions. Superintendent Owens indicated roads have to wait 5 yrs in order to be eligible for new CHIPS money.
Upon approval of the State Budget, NYSDOT determines each municipality's final CHIPS funds for the new State fiscal year and notifies Brookfield of the available amount via the letter for the scheduled June payment.
Turn out low... two audience members present and Councilman Mayne absent.
HOWEVER....interesting conversational items included:
* The Town has an un-designated fund balance of $360,000. In basic terms, this is the Town's emergency/savings funds that are not set aside for specific purposes ("designated") such as "new equipment", CHIPS" ...etc. While it does sound like a big "cushion", Owens indicated that a "bad winter" could set the Town back another $100-150,000 in materials & overtime;
* The Town's Annual "Debt Service" is $140,000. This includes payment on Loans (equipment) and includes interest and principal payments the Town is due to pay this year. Funds are set aside in the Town's budget ("designated funds) and not included in the $360,000.
* And the FLICK's saga continues. Approximately $2,000 has been spent on legal fees for the Town Attorney to write letters to "FLICK's" Tavern telling them to get their personal items and vehicles off the Town's property. The Town has gone through the additional survey expense to confirm the Town's property line ends at Flick's "drip line" (and confirmed Town's ownership of its well situated close to Flick's drip line).
* Salka said the Town's assessed value increased by Two Million ($ 2,000,000) Dollars but he didn't say from what amount did it increase; nor did he say to what it is attributable.
* The Town isn't the only one with bum "International" trucks...there is a class action suit against the company over faulty engines in the trucks used in the Town's "International Rollover" program. Other Town's have had similar problems and are participating in a class action suit to recover money lost due to these problems. Salka had no interest in having the Town participate in a class action.
* Town is still waiting for State reimbursement for the salt shed. Sounded like a few things had to be finished and inspected; expecting payment in 2018.
* Minor collision between two Town trucks, while working on Baldwin Rd. According to Owens, no major damage or injuries.