Sunday, October 1, 2017

TAXES DUE - MONDAY - October 2 Last Day .....BUT NO Board Minutes since FEBRUARY!??.

Brookfield Central School taxes are due on MONDAY - Oct 2...last day before rate this year is a whopping $17.79 per $1,000 of assessed value.  You can pay your taxes on Monday from 6-8PM at the School's Main Office.

NOTE:  For that we can't even get SCHOOL BOARD MINUTES...NO MINUTES SINCE FEBRUARY !! What's going on???? Been told for MONTHS now by Superintendent  Jim Plows that they would be done...Still NO MINUTES.... Sloppy, Sloppy... hasn't the Board recognized they don't have MINUTES!!! More B-S from the Admin? They want our money without telling us what they are doing with it....typical .