Monday, December 18, 2017
UPDATE - Tax Bill : Media Overview 12/18/17
PENDING TAX BILL: [12/18/17 Monday]
Here is BLOOMBERG's overview of the Media Coverage from the following outlets ....
• Republicans promised that their tax overhaul would reduce Americans’ annual tax filings to forms the size of a postcard. By that measure, their legislative efforts have failed, as the labyrinthine tax code remains enormously complex. (NYT)
• The likely hit that residents of high-tax states like New York will take from the tax code change has already caused a slowdown in real estate sales, as companies weigh shifting jobs to lower-cost areas. (WSJ)
• A last-minute change to the tax bill, not included in the previous House or Senate legislation, benefits real estate investors. (Bloomberg)
• The tax overhaul retains incentives for companies to keep their operations in the United States, according to some tax experts — and in some ways has incentives for shifting more operations abroad. (WaPo)
• John McCain of Arizona will miss the tax vote, although that isn’t expected to cause trouble for the Senate G.O.P. leadership.