Rachel May hosted farm "roundtable" at Morrisville SUNY
9-27-19 Senator Rachel May, with the Legislative Commission on Rural Resources, held a roundtable at SUNY Morrisville with leaders and stakeholders in New York’s agricultural industry.
The goal of the roundtable was to discuss a broader, more robust Farm to Institution program across New York State. Currently, Farm to Institution New York State empowers publicly funded institutions to purchase 25 percent of their food from New York State farms. Senator May and the LCRR are working with partners to increase the number of institutions participating, increase the percent of food from NYS farms, streamline the procurement and distribution systems and create production and storage facilities so that more farms can take advantage of the program.
The roundtable is the first of many conversations aimed at creating a reliable market for New York State farms, particularly small and mid-sized family farms. By creating centrally managed processing, storage, and distribution centers, more farms will be able to participate in the improved Farm to Institution program. Schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, and nursing homes which receive public funding would all be encouraged to participate in the program to provide high quality, local produce for their students, residents, and staff.
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