Leonardsville / Monday, Oct. 12: Great turnout – approx. 30 people. Always a good turnout for Leonardsville – good food and coffee!! And the meetings are always good entertainment and educational! Seriously! Some informative “audience” input (especially on equipment matters!...and Perk Stalter on the local cemetery project) and good humor (intentional or otherwise)! …and some drama with tense moments! ...better than most TV! One of the highlights of this meeting was seeing Dave Maine up, around and smiling! Other highlights: Of the $16,000 in fees collected last month…the Town got to keep $600 of it and the rest was shipped off to Albany for their piece of the ever-growing pie!!...Christmas & Associates public meeting re: the Snow subdivision was discussed. Impression that C&A is working with the Town and will make some requested adjustments. Interesting fact (?) from C&A that only 14% of their lots are ever developed…..so does that must mean that 85% of the developed properties are going to land “speculators” from down State and out of State????? …… Mt.Markham is “playing ball” with Jim Gould and the Leonardsville Baseball/Park Committee – they have a backstop now! …Bob Piersma, Jr., formerly of Brookfield, has been named the new Codes Officer. The interim CO, Morrie Sturdevant of Deansboro, received many thanks and praise for his expertise and cooperation; with especially high marks for his helpful approach in working with the public. …Concern over the Town’s cost and obligation to rebuild abandoned roads for property development like Jones Rd. … the $400,000 HUD grant has been approved for North Brookfield. Sign up and informational meeting at month end. Upstate Construx, the sole bidder was granted the $72,000 contract (comes out of the HUD grant). The Company may be taken over by the couple that currently runs the lead abatement portion of the program. Sorry to see "The HUD Dude"(Mark Taub) retire!...he is headed south, to Panama!!! He’s been working with the Town on HUD programs for over a decade, logging in $ Millions of local housing improvements for the Town. We will miss not only his expertise, but his good humor and understanding. …Property tax revaluation being completed. Public informational meetings will be arranged when results available….Meet the Candidates Night has been rescheduled. Jim Gould noted a Legion Dinner and Hunting Season conflict as originally scheduled. Now rescheduled to FRIDAY, October 23 – 7:30 PM Former Leonardsville School Auditorium… Salka read his Open Letter to the Public, in response to criticisms and comments by his opponent, Loren Corbin….Next Regular meeting is MONDAY – November 9 (North Brookfield Fire House) 7:00 PM.