When you go to vote next Tuesday you'll also be asked to vote on two constitutional amendments. Please don't miss them. They are located ...WAY DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BALLOT... . See WSYR (www.9wsyr.com) for details.
PROPOSITION #1 - Should the State Swap Certain Forest Lands with NATIONAL GRID (formerly NYSEG) ...?
A "YES" vote - would bring new power lines to an isolated Adirondack community – and even the agency that serves to protect the Adirondack Park is throwing its support behind the measure.“This is one of those rare opportunities where we can do some good for the environment, and help the park at the same time,” says Adirondack Council member John Sheehan.Sheehan is urging approval of Prop 1, which would pave the way for construction of a new power line over State Route 56 in St. Lawrence County to the community of Tupper Lake. “We believe that trading what amounts to a roadside ditch in exchange for river shoreline is a good one, and one that New York State residents should accept very quickly,” says Sheehan.
A "NO" vote would send the project on a lengthy detour through Old Growth Forest -- and the habitat of an endangered bird.
PROPOSITION #2 - Should the State Allow PRISONERS to Perform Work for Local Non-Profit Organizations ...?
A "YES" vote - would allow prisoners of State and Local correctional facilities to perform work for non-profit organizations (like churches, libraries, historical society, Fair grounds, etc.). It would certainly help defray the costs of maintaining these properties. Especially during these difficult economic times.
A "NO" vote would leave them lounging in their cell... sucking up the tax dollar.