Friday, November 13, 2009

GAS Drilling: DEC hears impassioned debate

Hearings continue throughout the region on the DEC's proposed gas drilling regulations. The public has until Dec. 30 to comment on the draft of the regulations, called the supplementary Generic Environmental Impact Statement. The 800-page regulatory draft, released Sept 30, has been the focal point of a caustic debate over the merits and dangers of natural gas production. On the extremes of the debate are those who believe the Marcellus Shale will become either the engine that will power the Southern Tier's economy into lasting prosperity, or an environmental disaster that will devalue land, degrade water and ruin the landscape. A study, commissioned by the Broome County Economic Development office concludes drilling could generate up to $15 billion in direct economic activity over 10 years with 4,000 Marcellus wells.