Sunday, November 1, 2009
A very sad state of affairs for local voters!' Our LOCAL Congressional seat has been hijacked by the NATIONAL CONSERVATIVE party interests. This weekend our LOCALLY ENDORSED Republican candidate, DeDe Scazzofava was pushed out of the race for McHugh's seat, by NATIONAL CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS in favor of a right wing, third party candidate, Doug Hoffman. A number of NATIONAL Republicans, including Minnesota Gov. Pawlenty and Sarah Palin, had in recent weeks endorsed Mr. Hoffman, over Ms. Scozzafava, who had been selected by local party leaders. The Wall St. Journal reports that even LOCAL Republican party officials are stunned by the Conservative sabotage: "In upstate New York, the local party leaders are still feeling shaken. George Williams, the Oswego County Republican chairman, said the influx of conservative money and activism brought in a brand of politics not seen in the sleepy, sparsely populated district. "Up here, at least in Oswego County, negative is not the way you go out and present yourself. Our people are getting very, very tired of it," Mr. Williams said. "I'm seeing a part of the party I never knew existed." These are the same Conservative Republicans that complain about BIG GOVERNMENT.... and they reach from Washington into our district to steal our right to a fair LOCAL ELECTION? What hypocrisy...! A vote for HOFFMAN is a vote AGAINST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND OUR DEMOCRATIC PROCESS!