Tuesday, June 15, 2010


At last night's June 14 TOWN BOARD MEETING we learned that ALCOHOL IS ALLOWED in the Brookfield Town Parks…. and certificates of insurance are NOT required for ANY private parties hosted in Town Parks. DeWitt Head defended the policy, stating that underage are not served alcohol and the North Brookfield Park sign clearly states that people use the park "at their own risk". It had been my understanding that there were rules put in place by each of the Town Park committees governing use of the parks for both public, school & community events; and "assumed" alcohol was prohibited and find it highly unusual that certificates of insurance are not required. Perhaps there are park committee members or party givers that could give us some pros/cons…. Particularly with respect to the Town's liability issues. Maybe the Fair should move the Beer Tent to the Town Park and have a shuttle service…? Would be interested in hearing input from all sides …please use SPEAK IT FREE "Forum" Link on the Town website to post your input.