STATE GOV'T: 4% PROPERTY TAX CAP PROPOSAL 2010-11 BUDGET....will it survive the teachers' unions and the state "education" bureaucracy???
ALBANY -- Gov. Paterson has recommended a 4 percent property tax cap (for school and county taxes) in his recent 2010-11 budget plan. The idea has been around for several years and been implemented with success in other states, but it has been fiercely opposed by teachers unions as well as the schools in New York.
Also included in the $136 billion plan: a two-year sales tax on clothing and shoes; allowing wine to be sold in grocery stores; and $250 million in cuts to state government costs. Not included in the plan was a sugared beverage tax.
Although roughly 70% of the budget has already been approved by the piece-meal "extender" bills, passed weekly by the legislature, to keep the state operating. Lawmakers and the governor have been stuck on closing the $9.2 billion deficit. Paterson is still to work out details so changes could emerge on Monday. See ALBANY TIMES UNION Article: