This week's Waterville Times posts the following PUBLIC NOTICES on behalf of the Town of Brookfield. The information is not on the Town Website, so you will have to contact Sherry Perretta at 899-3364 or stop at the Town Office during her regular hours. Bids must be submitted before NOON, Sat., APRIL 9.
"Proposal for REPLACEMENT OF HIGHWAY GARAGE FUEL SYSTEMS" as more fully described in the Waterville Times pg. 12 ... wonder if the school will participate in the "cost sharing" since the Town provides their fuel storage...just sayin'
"REPAIR BID" - for Town Hall Building replacing 3 entrance doors, one window; repair/replace landing to Town Court entrance;
"PARK BIDS" - for mowing trimming and grounds maintenance of the parks: 2 Brookfield, 1 N Brookfield, 1 Leonardsville parks. See Sherry for details.
"CEMETERY BIDS" - for mowing trimming and grounds maintenance of the "Town Cemeteries" (you have to pick up the list of cemeteries at the Town Office as well);
PLANNING BOARD VACANCY - ALTERNATE - The Planning Board is looking for an alternate. Please send a letter of interest to Sherry at the Town PO Box 83, Brookfield, NY 13314