Piersma and Walker had forgotten to file their Oath of Office Cards required under NYS law even though they were re-elected to the same positions. While this sounds like a small technicality it has had severe consequences for other elected officials who failed to sign the cards including loss of their job, salary and required to run for re-election this November.
Fortunately, Walker and Piersma had better fates: both were reinstated; and they were to be reimbursed for forfeited wages (under state law - approximately a month's worth of salary would have been lost); BUT...they do have to run for their offices again this November. Well...2 out of three ain't bad!
The meeting was lightly attended --approx 10 public (all the cars out front were for Court Night)....Dewitt was absent but a quorum was present.
There had been some controversy over whether Salka was required to file in both the COUNTY and TOWN Clerks....not so, according to legal research by our Town Attorney who also provided the court decision. While she was not present, legal research provided.
Lastly, as a point of controversy....contrary to the Supervisor's March 4 letter, the Town Clerk is NOT the only one able to administer the oath of office. The Supervisor and councilmen are also authorized under state law.
Meeting was over by about 8PM... At the "Big Table": Salka, Mayne, Walker, Abrams, Kabana/Perretti & Piersma. Audience: +/- 10.....