Friday, November 17, 2017

RUMOR is asking ......

RUMOR is asking.....

1.  Is Salka pulling a HILLARY CLINTON ??.... using his personal email account for TOWN BUSINESS... Sound familiar?????  Government business on personal email systems ...also uses his  his personal FACEBOOK page to address TOWN BUSINESS.  We have a TOWN WEBSITE for government business!!!  TOWN BUSINESS belongs in the PUBLIC FORUM... not a "Friends & Family" FACEBOOK account!

2.  Why all of a sudden WATER PROBLEMS at Town Hall?  We didn't hear this before.  Where are the warning signs?  Has the water been TESTED? ...or is this another "reason" for wasting taxpayer money on a NEW TOWN HALL?  Keeping up with Hamilton??? Does that mean a new Town Garage as well? Understand you can't drink that water either.  Speaking of which....

3.  Who is on this TOWN HALL COMMITTEE?  WHEN do they meet? WHAT is their authority....or is this another one of Salka's  "Friends & Family"  Committees?

4.  FLICK's TAVERN... ??  Understand a sign has been put up to warn off trespassers....