Another astounding exchange at this month's Board meeting over the Town Court Judge's request to:
1- Have a safety inspection of the Town Court Offices:
TURNED DOWN - because "the state inspection will show a number of problems..and whenever the State comes in it gets more complicated"...."we don't know what the state is looking for"...
2 - SECURITY: a deputy sheriff to attend six sessions PER YEAR at a COST OF $1,600....
TURNED DOWN: according to Salka we already spend too much on the Court... " the Court already costs the Town about $5,000" ! What kind of ANSWER is that for the safety of the residents?...have any of these BOARD members ever bothered to haul their asses to one of the DA nights where people are lined up to the door?
Pick up the Waterville Times and see if your yourself.....attend a meeting. See you in May!