Please, do grab a copy of the Waterville Times this week. Great coverage of the April BROOKFIELD Town Board meeting.
The primary topic was the Gorton Lake Rd. disaster.... dug up and left in September until Spring.... when it could be "fixed".
When residents showed up to complain the answers varied from: "take another road"...."prove the road damaged your car"...and "not my job"...all from the guy who wants to change things in Albany...change to what...the hell hole this town has become.
Just listen to Salka's campaign radio interview where he boldly takes credit for the Highway Dept's "50% drop in maintenance" and "no trucks older than 4 yrs old"...and hypocritically claims to residents at their Town meeting, that he has nothing to do with the Highway Dept other than the Budget...while he and the Board cry:"NOT MY JOB"...then what the hell is you job??? Other than collecting: salary - benefits - and using a community for your benefit? Sure, let's take his "road show" to Albany...."swamp-qualified"......share the grief with the rest of the State.