Thursday, June 21, 2018
Corbin "ON THIN ICE" After Digging Her Skates Into Supervisor Salka Over Flick's Tavern
Wow!! We missed a good Brookfield Town Board meeting this month! Pick up a copy of this week's WATERVILLE TIMES for details! Apparently, resident Doreen Corbin was asking the wrong questions about the Town vs Flicks. property dispute that continues to drag on $$. According to Salka, Corbin is "on thin ice" and warned her that she could be banished from future Board meetings. Wow! Just more evidence that Open Government and Free speech went out the window in the Town of Brookfield!! ..and Salka thinks he should represent us in the state Assembly. You don't treat taxpayers and residents like THAT!!! Don't put critters like this in the Albany SWAMP! PS I was once a whole-hearted Salka supporter.