Monday, June 18, 2018
Isn't it IRONIC....Salka, the guy who is going to clean up the Albany "Swamp" when he becomes assemblyman can't even clean up "his own/Town's backyard"....a 15' x 20' piece of land...can't get the neighbor to vacate....YEARS...yes, YEARS and thousands of dollars in attorney and surveying fees...he still can't correct the situation and come up with a solution...NO...IT's NOT HIS JOB.... now it's the BOARD's problem....I hear he's scared to death of the neighbor. Like the Gorton Lake Rd. fiasco he accepts NO ACCOUNTABILITY for solving problems. Salka will slither right into that swamp...I ask ANYONE who considers a vote for SALKA to take a drive through our Town of Brookfield and see for yourself. Better yet, attend one of the Board meetings and see the DISRESPECT he shows his own constituents during the Public Q&A sessions and no one on the Town Board has the balls to call him on it. Mr. ALL-TALK and NO-WALK... I used to be a supporter...too many years of promises and no results and more BS.