Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A long overdue update….taxes and winter doldrums!

Catching up on the past Waterville Times article re: first Town Board meeting under Supervisor Loren Corbin….what a difference …and who thought??? overall positive in terms of information flow and a turnaround compliment from a public speaker and applaud her character for apologizing!

The meeting included an update on the Town budget and litigation…oh so much left hidden by Mr. Salka; and also heard that final/approved Board minutes would be put  ONLINE ….on the TOWN’s WEBSITE…within two weeks of meeting?!! Be still my beating heart!!!  ... is this a harbinger of OPEN GOVERNMENT?! MUCH NEEDED to rebuild trust!

On another note, sad to hear that the WEST WINFIELD Great American is scheduled to close Feb 28.  Here is a link to the new West Winfield website with updates and local news…a neat site! WEST WINFIELD LOCAL HAPPENINGS at