Sorry to have missed the FEBRUARY Town Board meeting but was able to obtain a copy of Supervisor Corbin’s monthly report. WOW….what a difference!...INFORMATION…! There was more information in the Corbin report than we got out of Salka in the past 4 years while he prepped for the Assembly seat the Town’s business withered on the vine!
[I never thought I would be saying this!!] Got to give Corbin the credit. Here is a summary:
1. Corbin obtained a verbal commitment to include $25,000 in the 2019 budget for the Madison County Fair.
2. Town vs Kabana – court date set for March 8, but trying to move up to Feb.
3. Richter v Town – attorneys to meet in March [this must be the “mystery” lawsuit we never heard about];
4. Working with Town Justice on funding for various security issues [NOTE: we need a SHERIFF in attendance on DA NIGHT!!!]
5. The last four years 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 of CAP [property tax levy] reports had not been filed. Corbin worked with the Town Accountant to complete these and the 2019 report.
6. Budget line items were corrected for recording property tax penalties and interest.
7. Annual Audit of the Town Clerk and Town Justice to be conducted on February 18th. These annual audits are required and performed by the Town Board’s “Finance” Committee.
8. The Governor’s 2019 budget was a “hit” to Highway budget revenues: $17,744 (2% of Town Budget) AIM program cancelled; no CHIPS increases and no “Extreme Winter Recovery” funding.
9. This APRIL, Colgate University professor plans to start a free “Library BOX” exchange. Location ideas needed.
ON a go-forward basis, the Supervisor’s goals for the upcoming year include:
LAW SUITS: Kabana and now Richter – resolution. [FINALLY].
SALT SHED. Several issues to address – “notorious” bookkeeping; limited capacity and style issues.
CODES ENFORCEMENT: Long overdue. “non-existent for the past 11 years” […AGREE!] A new house was built in 2017 – without a permit! And just take a ride around!
DOG ENUMERATION: to start again and complete this time.
POINT OF INTEREST – The food stamp program is now called SNAP. Corbin’s report also noted that Madison County paid – One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) to cover 4,000 households for ONE MONTH. [NOTE: while it sounds like a lot, according to my calculator that is only $250 per family per month.]
In summary, sounds like things are moving ahead and information is being shared with the community….it is now worth going to a Town Board Meeting. We can learn something other than EXCUSES….!