Tuesday, December 31, 2013
It's a Bird,...it's a Plane...no, it's "Drones testing at Griffiss" to bring about 500 jobs
Informative & interesting article from today's (12/30/13) UTICAOD....
Remember when Amazon President Jeff Bezos said he hopes to deliver packages with drones?
Some of the testing for that kind of private sector use for unmanned aircraft systems will now be done at Griffiss International Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration announced today that a group headquartered at Griffiss has been awarded one of six licenses nationwide for commercial drone testing.
Monday, December 30, 2013
RAY WHITFORD: A Tribute to a Native Son
Here is a wonderful tribute by Hobie Morris to RAY WHITFORD who passed away on Christmas Day.
The Musings of a Simple Country Man
Ray Whitford: A Tribute to a Native Son
Hobie Morris
On Christmas day one of this area’s most widely known and greatly admired native sons passed into the ranks of those of many earlier generations who were similarly distinguished in this community.
For many of us familiar with his decades of unselfish contributions, Ray Whitford will always be affectionately remembered as Mr. Brookfield. An honorary title that was deeply heartfelt by the legions of people who appreciated all that he meant.
Over the years the good people of this area generously recognized Ray’s importance in any number of ways, including at his beloved fairgrounds as well as a scenic park named in his honor at the edge of the village.
Ray’s voluntary activities and special interests would take a thick volume to completely enumerate. What follows is only a small sampling of the impact he made.
For decades, in fact virtually his whole life, he was deeply involved with the Madison County/Brookfield Fair in many different capacities. At fair time it seemed there were 10 Ray Whitfords all working simultaneously to make the fair a success. There were no jobs that this jack of all trades wouldn’t gladly tackle.
For over 40 years and counting he was the inspirational and guiding leader of the widely popular fall classic “Wheel Days.”
In fact, fair officials from all over the state knew Ray Whitford and often called on him for his assistance and advice.
Ray was also an important voice in the popular stock car races that were held at the fairground in the 1950’s. Many of the old time drivers who drove there still remember Whitford with great affection.
Whit, as he was called, and others of his generation spent countless thousands of hours keeping the fairgrounds “ship shape,” both before and after the main events. When the cheering stopped, these volunteers were there mowing grass, painting, repairing, fixing, cleaning up, etc. My lovely wife, Lois, and I remember many late summer evenings when Ray would work all alone putting together a wonderful exhibit of Americana and Wheel Day memorabilia in one of the fairgr0und’s exhibition buildings.
When special groups used the fairgrounds, Ray would become a cook, dishwasher and a rather famous drink impresario. On many occasions he loved popping popcorn (as he was passing away recently he was still mumbling about needing to get up to the fairgrounds to pop popcorn.)
Many of us believe that Ray Whitford must be given major credit for helping keep this great historic fair going in both good and bad times. Thankfully, good people like Jeff Mayne, Terry Larkin, Josh Walker have taken up the necessary reins of leadership responsibilities.
Ray Whitford was a genial and delightful man to know. Tall, thin and kindly looking he was low keyed in many ways, with a dry sense of humor. Over 30 years we sat down with him on many occasions. He seemed to know everybody, and everybody liked him. As far as we know he never had an enemy nor did he ever speak unkindly of others. We often enjoyed Ray reminiscing about his growing up years. He loved the past but wasn’t entrapped by it. He often spoke about going to school, joining the Army after WW II and many different jobs that he held at various times. For instance, he would help Wendell Morrow put in furnaces. He worked on Joe Piersma’s construction crew and later had a job in Utica at, I believe, Drop Forge. For many years he was a serviceman for Sears and Roebuck, first in the New Hartford Shopping Center and later the Sangertown Mall.
In those years Sears manufactured, sold and repaired their American made appliances. Fixing them was Ray’s job and he enjoyed it because he liked people. He was saddened when appliances began to be made elsewhere, couldn’t be fixed here, but if fixable had to be shipped long distances elsewhere. Ray would just shake his head at the changes in his lifetime.
During this time Ray would marry the love of his life, Judy, and was blessed with two loving children, Ronnie and Jill; and many grandchildren and now great grandchildren would follow.
From time to time Ray would reminisce about his early years in Brookfield. Many of these stories have been lost but fortunately not all of them. I gathered that in his younger years he was a rather dare devil man who liked and palled around with good friends, motor cycles, fast cars and maybe even a nip or two on occasion. He lived fast and enjoyed life to its fullest. After
WW II Ray saved up his pennies so he could fly in a single engine Piper Cub piloted by a veteran Army pilot. The plane flew in and out of the cow pasture just east of the Chester Dye farm. It was fair time and Ray had a somewhat nerve wracking experience as the small plane did all kinds of acrobatic tricks. Ray loved it. Many years later Ray was a bungee jumper up at the fair and a regular swimmer in the Colgate pool almost into his 80’s. Ray loved thrills and excitement.
Ray’s parents were descended from pre- and post-Civil War generations. His father William died unexpectedly when Ray was very young. William Whitford was, among other things, a jack of all trades as well as a skilled electrician. He was involved in running the first and only Brookfield electrical system in the first decade of the 20th Century.
When his father died, Ray, their only child, did many jobs to help his mother get through the difficult Depression years that followed.
From their large, two-family house at the corner of Dugway and Skaneateles Turnpike Ray would often push and later pull up the hill his reel lawn mower. He had several lawn mowing jobs in the village.
Ray recalled with a chuckle that, one winter day during the 1930’s, with the Dugway totally plugged with deep snow, he heard a lot of early morning noise and voices outside. It was several trucks containing WPA workers, each carrying a long handled, pointed shovel. They proceeded to shovel the Dugway open for traffic. It took many, many hours. Have you ever tried to shovel snow with a pointed shovel?
Ray was also the local newspaper boy. Picking the bundle of papers up at the General Store, he would fold them, put them in a canvas bag hung over his shoulder and off he’d go (on his bike, in season). At one time he delivered over 100 papers per day. For all his work, and if everybody paid their bill, he earned a whopping 64 cents a week, or two cents a paper for his effort.
Ray also did odd jobs at the General Store, from packing and delivering, to filling glass quart motor oil bottles. One of his main jobs was candling eggs br0ught in by farmers to either sell of barter. A candle was held up to each egg to see if it was fertilized, and thus less marketable. With times very tough and hard money extremely scarce, the bartering of farm produce was regularly used.
The store owner, Mr. Curtis, carried many local people “on the books” for years. People tried to heip each other as much as possible. Ray was sure Mr. Curtis and other people like him carried unpaid debts to their graves.
The General Store was, and still is, a very popular place in this community, selling not only food and hardware items, but also dry goods such as shirts, pants, hats, boots, gloves, etc. In those days people could easily do their Christmas shopping at the store.
The coming of WW II would irrevocably change small rural, semi-self contained rural communities like Brookfield. Men went off to war, others to work in industries in nearby cities; women began working outside the home and farming began to change dramatically. Countless changes came fast and furious in the post war years.
But Ray Whitford’s salad years were ahead. A long exciting life encompassing his family, an army of friends and an amazing legacy of contributions in many different venues in this community and area. He has eminently earned his eternal rest. May this simple country man and his lovely wife bid farewell to our good friend, a native son with a treasure trove of memories remaining to remember him by.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
TOWN BOARD - Lots of Wind & No Plans
Due to family commitments, I was unable to attend and report on the December TOWN BOARD MEETING. So many important issues continue to face the community. In my absence, I requested an update on TWO CRITICAL ISSUES which have been held up for far too long: Road use law and the Comprehensive Plan. Following is a review of the issues covered by Jackie Mineo who attended the regular BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD meeting held this past Monday, Dec. 7. Attendance low, but two very critical items for the Town continue to go unaddressed. Political cowardice?....Enough with the promises!.............
Windpower Welcomed in Brookfield:.....
At last Monday night’s Town Board meeting John Salka made comments indicating that the Town welcomes the development of wind turbines and hopes that there will be no opposition “like in Madison”.
It was pointed out by our Highway Superintendent that many of our roads currently would not be able to bear the weight or possibly accommodate the width of loads associated with wind turbine construction and that we still need a Road Use Law to protect the Town against the costs associated with the damage that would likely occur. That road use law was also discussed. The newest delay was attributed to wording in the proposed contract with Delta Engineering who we are told will be doing a road survey prior to the adoption of a Road Use Law. At this rate the question is, are we going to have a Road Use Law before construction on wind turbines begin?
On the topic of delays…the Board was asked why no vote has taken place to accept or reject the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Salka offered the excuse that it was used as a “political Football” before elections…but those elections are over ( and that would be a poor excuse in any case) so why all the political foot-dragging? This plan has been in the works for FIVE years. It has been finished for some time now and has been presented to and accepted by the County. It’s had its’ public hearings. The Comprehensive Planning Committee was recently the recipient of a Madison County Planning Department Award for its work at an awards dinner that Mr. Salka attended and proudly posed for pictures at …and yet still refuses to bring it to a vote before the Town Board. There is no excuse or acceptable reason for this. Make up your mind, Board members…take a vote, decide and be accountable. It’s what you’re there for.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
MADISON County supervisors pull fast one on public
This "LETTER TO EDITOR" re: MADISON COUNTY BUDGET certainly bares sharing.
Letter: County supervisors pull fast one on public
By Rick Kinsella
osted: 11/27/13, 5:08 PM EST |
People attending the Nov. 19 Madison County Board of Supervisors’ meeting and public hHearing on the 2014 budget participated in a classic “bait and switch” exercise organized by the board leadership. Approximately 100 members of the public attended, most of them prepared to support the restoration of approximately $200,000 cut from 13 not-for-profit (N-F-P) agencies and services.
Funding for these agencies has been flat for the past three years. Nevertheless, they were slated for a 35 percent reduction. Draft resolutions to restore the proposed cuts to these agencies were prepared, circulated to all supervisors, and appeared to have garnered enough support to be passed. Although there had been multiple committee meetings and discussions throughout the day, most of the supervisors had not seen or discussed the actual resolution introduced Tuesday evening by exiting Cazenovia Supervisor Monforte. It was placed on supervisors’ desks just before the scheduled public hearing.
Supervisor Degear immediately moved to call a vote which eliminated any discussion of the resolution. Under this stealth resolution, the board leadership also included more than $500,000 for the Sheriff and Highway Department in order to restore the popularly acclaimed N-F-P funding. The public got much more than they realized.
Mr. Becker was heard stating that they had cut the county departments to the bone, yet the N-F-Ps were not willing to go along. The truth is substantially different. In past years, much has been made of the impact of “unfunded state mandates,” especially Medicaid and state retirement benefits costs. This year, both of these major expenses were actually reduced by approximately $450,000. These potential budget savings were far exceeded by a 3 percent across-the- board salary increase for all county management/confidential employees, including the supervisors; a new executive secretary position at about $70,000 annually; a more than 20 percent increase in health insurance premiums; and almost $267,000 for new software for the treasurer.
N-F-Ps provide essential services, often much more efficiently and effectively than government can. This was a primary rationale for privatizing much of the Public Health and Drug and Alcohol services. The N-F-P organizations serving our county are also subject to inflationary costs and have to attract and retain qualified staff, pay increasing health insurance premiums and offer retirement benefits (albeit it less generously than we see in government).
They play a significant role in protecting and serving our most vulnerable citizens and make a strong contribution to the quality of life for all of our communities. What the leadership of the Board of Supervisors perpetrated on our citizens at the Nov. 19 meeting looked more like the work of carnival grifters, not public servants. People were distracted from the major costs driving the budget increases while working to preserve essential services constituting less than 1 percent of total appropriation. Madison County deserves better and so do those supervisors and county employees truly trying to serve their communities.
— Rick Kinsella, Oneida
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Supervisor John Salka got back to us with the answers to questions raised in today's RAT posting re: 1. county health benefits; and 2. possible property tax rate for Brookfield.
Thanks to John for the quick and informative reply. Salka voted AGAINST the proposed 2014 budget currently before the Madison County Board of Supervisors.
"1. The health insurance contributions will be 10% for a single plan and 20% for a family plan. It will apply to any management or elected official hired after 1/1/14.
"2. The tax rate for the Town of Brookfield will go from $6.61 per thousand to $6.99 per thousand. This is the rate increase as it stands now. Due to the fact that the property tax cap was overridden we are now seeing amendments to restore all the funding to the not for profits (including the Fair) and it is impossible to predict if there will be any more between now and the public hearing Tuesday night [Nov 19]. Theoretically you could see another 20 or 30 cent increase on top of the $.38. So much for fiscal responsibility. "
TAXES - Bend Over Madison County Taxpayers!
Caitlin Traynor of the ONEIDA DISPATCH does a great job of covering the MADISON COUNTY Board of SUPERVISORS.... following are links to the Supervisors' recent budget meeting, where they:
.....are proposing to override the tax cap, raising taxes to 5.8%.....due to differences in equalization rates, tax rates will range from $6.98 per thousand dollars of assessed value to $10.06 on the same valuation...and cutting the MADISON COUNTY FAIR budget by 50%.
Here are some highlights and please check out the links to both articles for more detail. This proposed budget will be passed onto the county’s finance, ways and means committee for review and will go before residents in a public hearing Nov. 19 at 7 p.m.
I am contacting John Salka (who voted AGAINST the tax hike) to clarify what the hit to Brookfield will be.
$101.8 million county budget includes a 5.58 percent increase in the property tax levy, significantly exceeding the state’s 2 percent property tax cap, and equates to a 4.62 percent increase in the tax rate;
The county’s property tax rate, as applied to each municipality, is based on equalization rates and sales tax apportionment. Taking into consideration those factors, county tax rates will range from $6.98 per thousand dollars of assessed value to $10.06 on the same valuation.
More than 35 percent of next year’s levy will be consumed by Medicaid expenses alone that total nearly $11.4 million. Another 15 percent of the levy will go towards paying retirement expenses for county employees, nearly $4.7 million.
Starting at the beginning of the year all newly-hired management and confidential employees and elected officials will be required to contribute to their health care insurance premiums or participate in a new high-deductible plan.
BUT NO DETAIL ON % CONTRIBUTION OR WHETHER THIS APPLIES TO ONLY "NEWLY-ELECTED" politicians. Seeking clarification from John on this as well...
LINKS: http://www.oneidadispatch.com/general-news/20131113/madison-county-supervisors-vote-to-raise-taxes-higher-than-cap-would-allow
POST ELECTION - Disappointing
Very disappointed that we did not get some new Town Board members. Only hope the results were sobering for Dewitt...only won by 10 votes and it wasn't in his "district" - North Brookfield. Voters continue to feel let down by the inability of the Board to look after the community's interests. Example: Would not even get us local Assessor hours from our assessor. If they can't look after us, then who the hell will?
Thursday, October 31, 2013
BROOKFIELD - Meet the Candidates
Do NOT MISS! MEET THE CANDIDATES at Leonardsville Fire House this SAT 10AM.... last night's well-attended (40+)candidate meeting at the North Brookfield Fire House was a great opportunity to question candidates (write in questions - anonymous). All candidates showed up:
COUNCIL - Marylou Rhodes; Larry Krauss; Chuck Blood; Dave Keith; Dewitt Head and Jeff Mayne; SUPERVISOR: John Salka and Joshua Haar. TOWN CLERK: Sherri Kabana and Kimberly Reed. MODERATOR: Virginia Keith did a great job(you can tell her mother was a teacher!!)orderly, well organized and informative!!!! TIME KEEPER: Perk Stalter was time keeper and COW BELL ringer! We should have her and that bell at the Town Board regular meetings!!!!
Each candidate was given 5 mins to give background. Followed by a Q&A session with written questions from the audience.
COUNCIL Q&A: Many questions aimed at Dewitt Head (Florida absence (confirmed 2-3 months in FL); "against" the Comprehensive Plan; "for" Fracking & Windmills). Chuck Blood was also heavily questioned re: Fracking & Windmills - had been "pro drilling" until personal, family experience; "for" the Comprehensive Plan. Mary Lou Rhodes & Larry Krauss both "pro" Comp Plan and "anti" drilling/windmills..and gave good background information, but not asked any audience questions (both are "pro" plan and "anti" drilling). Rhodes will hold office hours at the Town Hall to encourage community relations. No surprise from Jeff Mayne ("on the fence"...where else?)"pro & against" - Comprehensive Plan; "pro & against" - Gas drilling; and Dave Keith was a surprise - a new face to many; impressive with experience in windmills and gas drilling ("anti") and "pro" Comprehensive Plan; and addressed his issues with the former Town Attorney.
TOWN CLERK Q&A: A tough call. Both personable and well qualified...and friends. Kimberly Reed is a relatively new face (from Mass)and very interested in youth; business & finance background, and community involvement. Sherry Kabana did a good job - experienced, straight forward and upfront, as usual.
SUPERVISOR Q&A: The most adversarial contest between Joshua Haar and John Salka. Haar is a private rights/less government candidate. Currently attending Utica College; emphasized his accounting background and individual rights stance - "Pro" Gas & Windmill; "anti" Comprehensive Plan. Incumbent Salka stressed his experience and County relationships.
SUMMARY - Take the time out and attend the Leonardsville Fire Hall presentation on SAT - 10AM....
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
BROOKFIELD - Meet the Candidates Schedule
Don't forget MEET THE CANDIDATES schedule ...TONIGHT - October 30 at the North Brookfield FIRE HOUSE 6:30PM. 5 min presentation with Q&A - Virginia Keith Moderator & Perk Stalter - Time Keeper & Bell Ringer. NOV 2 (Saturday) - 9:30 AM at the LEONARDSVILLE FIRE HOUSE.
Friday, September 13, 2013
BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD: Special Meeting SEPT 25 (Wed) 7PM - Assessor & Moratorium
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this SPECIAL Board meeting to consider: Assessor and Extension of the Gas Drilling Moratorium. This is an important meeting... we need to have ON SITE Office Hours for the ASSESSOR...or get a NEW ASSESSOR... several qualified assessors have submitted their resumes...our current Assessor provides on-site hours for the other Towns she covers, but is "refusing" to do so for Brookfield according to Town Officials. The financial impact of the Assessor position is too important to allow this to go on. Add to that, the influx of Amish who aren't going to be able to "hitch up the horse" and head 40 miles to the Assessor; and Sherry Kabana, the Town Clerk, has been handling assessor related questions and paperwork. For what we pay and the financial impact, it is imperative that the TOWN BOARD make sure we receive this coverage.
Wednesday, SEPT 25 - 7PM - Brookfield Town Hall
* Assessor and
* Gas Drilling Moratorium Extension
Thursday, September 12, 2013
MADISON COUNTY TAX FORECLOSURE AUCTION - Saturday - Sept 21 - Oneida, NY...This year there are currently two Brookfield properties listed for sale. Go to the link below for more details, maps and auction terms. The properties listed are:
#1 34 Acres - 1995 Hibbard Rd., (land/building-bungalow) Deeded to: Chesebro and
#2 6.8 Acres - West of Giles Rd. (vacant/land locked)
For details go to the following link:
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
September 24 (Tuesday)-– Flu and Immunization Walk-In Clinic
The Madison County Health Department is hosting a Walk-In Immunization Clinic at the Brookfield Central School on Fairgrounds Rd in Brookfield from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. No appointment is necessary for this clinic. Some fees may apply. For more information call (315) 366-2848 or visit www.healthymadisoncounty.org
The Town Board has withheld reappointment of the current Assessor, Rhonda Weigand amid criticism that the Assessor has not and does not intend to have regular hours at the Town Hall, although other, smaller Town Accounts do receive this attention from her. While several residents did support her, a number complained about lack of hours, failure to return phone calls or adequately explain procedure. Given the financial impact of real property taxes, we deserve an Assessor with regular hours. The assessor term is SIX years.... Watch for upcoming "Special Meeting"....technically, we have until JAN 2014 to appoint an assessor. Time for the Board to do some HOMEWORK!!!!
Monday, September 9, 2013
BEAR SIGHTING - Nine Mile Swamp
Check out Ps. Brown's website "AT HOME IN THE HUDDLE 2013" (Link Below)...and see Charlotte Blanchard's photo of the Bear sighted last week on Wickwire Road, north of Hubbardsville on the West side of Nine Mile Swamp!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
CAREER TRAINING - Free Opportunity through JOB CORP Program - FRIDAY - SEPT 13 Oneida, NY
16-24 Yr Olds -CAREER TRAINING - Free Opportunity through JOB CORP Program - FRIDAY - SEPT 13 ....Application Interviews .....Job Corps, administered by the U.S. Dept. of Labor, offers free career technical training for 16 to 24 year olds in the following areas: auto mechanics, auto body repair, medical & business office, C.N.A., L.P.N, construction, culinary arts, security guard and more. The program includes up to two years education and training, campus housing, meals and other services. There is no cost to eligible students. Both high school graduates and non-graduates may apply. If needed, a student can also get a GED or high school diploma – at the same time they train for a career at Job Corps. Orientation and Application Interviews will be held on Friday Sept. 13 at 10 a.m. at Working Solutions, 1006 Oneida Plaza Drive, Oneida. Reserved seating only – all students must call (315) 478-5529 to see if they are eligible for the program and to reserve their seat.
Friday, August 30, 2013
TOWN BOARD - MORE "Secret" Meetings
What is going on with the Town Board and their "illegal" Special Meetings being held to decide controversial issues in private??....no posting...no minutes...no public attendance. The Board's UNWILLINGNESS to provide REQUIRED public notice of Town Meetings has been an on-going issue....How many times over the past YEARS has this been brought to the Board's attention?? ...Yet they consistently violate the State's OPEN MEETINGS Law...as well as their oathes of office -- to UPHOLD THE LAW! Are they telling us they believe they are ABOVE THE LAW ??!! - NOT!!! Just this past week, another "secret" meeting was held to decide upon an Assessor, among other issues.... once again: no REQUIRED public notice...no MINUTES...
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
EEE and WEST NILE VIRUS in Madison County!
WSYR reports that EEE and West Nile Virus have been found in mosquitos in the Madison Co. town of Sullivan. Health officials are reaching out to residents and equine owners asking them to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. Symptoms from EEE infections include sudden high fever, muscle pains, and a headache of increasing severity. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention. For more information on WNV or EEE, call the Madison County Health Department at 315-366-2361 or visit their website. See also...http://www.9wsyr.com/news/local/story/EEE-and-West-Nile-Virus-found-in-Madison-County/6obrFAvzXUiJNZVjy_hnnQ.cspx......The Health Department is consulting with the state to determine if steps such as aerial spraying will be necessary.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Folks, fill out that NORTH BROOKFIELD SURVEY to bring internet service to your area. Madison Co. is now renting out its cell tower to offset annual costs... and makes service more economically feasible because they can rent space on the tower rather than paying the high cost to build their own tower. North Brookfield has been identified as a underserved area that can take advantage of this opportunity
...see full article at UTICA OBSERVER DISPATCH http://www.uticaod.com/news/x1367233472/Madison-County-marketing-cell-tower-space#ixzz2dAbWslAn.........
So, it's no coincidence that the Central NY Regional Economic Development Council is currently doing a Broadband Survey to help bring high speed internet access to those areas that do not have it, including North Brookfield. See the Town Website at:http://www.brookfieldny.us/
Please be sure to complete the survey ....your cell phone & internet depend on it!
Back at the Keyboard ...!
Am having technical difficulties with this blogs website...thought a new computer might help but no....so, please bear with me...
Friday, July 26, 2013
Good to be Back....
Good to be back....I have been having problems posting.... have some follow up reports on Comp Plan meetings, etc.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
ALBANY - Public Defender not good enough for Elected Official !
Another screwing of the NYS taxpayers who will pay $700 per hour to represent NYS Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. [$500 lawyer + $200 paralegal PER HOUR]. And by Albany standards this is considered a "reasonable" rate...talk about legal "dream teams"..... I think pot has already been legalized in Albany!!! A public defender is good enough for the rest of us!....They should bid this work out like they require the rest of the state gov't to do!!!... Read the details in this article from PRESS & SUN http://www.pressconnects.com/article/20130701/NEWS10/307010063/State
Sunday, June 30, 2013
BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD - July 8 - Don't Miss this One!
DON'T MISS the JULY 8 TOWN BOARD MEETING --- Bound to be "Interesting".....a major upset with the Comprehensive Plan being "not recommended" by the Town Planning Board....and the shouting match that ensued....altered documents (forgery).... and don't miss the WATERVILLE TIMES that will be publishing some equally "interesting" Letters to the Editor. Should be a real eye-opener for some (but not for those who attend these meetings!)...Should sell tickets to this one! Here's a "trailer" for the upcoming meeting! [LETTER TO EDITOR]
To the Editor:
I was shocked and dismayed that at the June 26th Brookfield Planning Board meeting Marylou Rhodes and myself were repeatedly shouted at publicly by two fellow Planning Board members. We were called “liars” and accused of “lying to the Planning Board members and the people of this town” regarding the legal meaning of a Comprehensive Plan. One of them waved a supposed copy of the NYS Statute on Comprehensive Planning, Town Law § 272-a, while both of them shouted loudly at us that “the state says once adopted, a Comprehensive Plan becomes law”.
What these individuals had in reality was a document that had been altered. They did NOT have an exact printout of Town Law § 272-a. They had a document where said law had been copied and pasted into a new document, with the formatting changed and statements added to intentionally mislead both the Planning Board and the Community into believing the Plan becomes an actual "LAW".
Because of the anger and hostility created by the altered document described, I requested a legal opinion from our town attorney, based on the actual law, which follows:
“First. No Town is required to adopt a comprehensive plan. It is voluntary.
Second. If a Town adopts a comprehensive plan it does so by a Resolution, not by Ordinance or Local Law. Resolutions are the least formal kind of legislation; they are typically used by Town Boards to govern the day to day management of government (adopt a budget, set meeting dates, honor a citizen, etc.).
Third. A comprehensive plan does not require anyone to do anything, and there are no penalties for not following it. The plan is really just the ‘goals, objectives, principles, guidelines, policies, standards, devices and instruments’ of the Town to promote ‘protection, enhancement, growth and development’ of the Town, according to NY Town Law Section 272-a(2-a). By its very nature the plan is simply that, a plan, not a requirement. As with all plans it is meant to be advisory and informative, not to be mandatory. It is designed to give guidance, not to be mandatory or punitive.
Fourth. If a plan is adopted, then all ‘town land use regulations must be in accordance’ with the plan according to NY Town Law Section 272-a (11). So, if a plan is adopted, and the Town later wants to adopt land use laws, they must be in harmony with the plan.
Fifth. NY Town Law Section 272-a (12) says if a plan is adopted, it must be filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and the office of the county planning agency. Local Laws must also be filed with the Secretary of State, but that is not required for comprehensive plans.
So, can it be said that a comprehensive plan is a form of legislation? Yes, but it is legislation that is voluntary, adopted in the least formal manner, and it does not require anyone to do anything. It just serves as a guide.”
To the citizens of Brookfield, please do not be misled by this deliberate attempt to deceive. I urge you to either go to the Town Hall and request to see the actual Town Law or go to the NYS Laws website at: http://public.leginfo.state.ny.us/menugetf.cgi?COMMONQUERY=LAWS to download and print a copy of any law yourself.
Karen Nowak
Brookfield Planning Board
To the Editor:
I was shocked and dismayed that at the June 26th Brookfield Planning Board meeting Marylou Rhodes and myself were repeatedly shouted at publicly by two fellow Planning Board members. We were called “liars” and accused of “lying to the Planning Board members and the people of this town” regarding the legal meaning of a Comprehensive Plan. One of them waved a supposed copy of the NYS Statute on Comprehensive Planning, Town Law § 272-a, while both of them shouted loudly at us that “the state says once adopted, a Comprehensive Plan becomes law”.
What these individuals had in reality was a document that had been altered. They did NOT have an exact printout of Town Law § 272-a. They had a document where said law had been copied and pasted into a new document, with the formatting changed and statements added to intentionally mislead both the Planning Board and the Community into believing the Plan becomes an actual "LAW".
Because of the anger and hostility created by the altered document described, I requested a legal opinion from our town attorney, based on the actual law, which follows:
“First. No Town is required to adopt a comprehensive plan. It is voluntary.
Second. If a Town adopts a comprehensive plan it does so by a Resolution, not by Ordinance or Local Law. Resolutions are the least formal kind of legislation; they are typically used by Town Boards to govern the day to day management of government (adopt a budget, set meeting dates, honor a citizen, etc.).
Third. A comprehensive plan does not require anyone to do anything, and there are no penalties for not following it. The plan is really just the ‘goals, objectives, principles, guidelines, policies, standards, devices and instruments’ of the Town to promote ‘protection, enhancement, growth and development’ of the Town, according to NY Town Law Section 272-a(2-a). By its very nature the plan is simply that, a plan, not a requirement. As with all plans it is meant to be advisory and informative, not to be mandatory. It is designed to give guidance, not to be mandatory or punitive.
Fourth. If a plan is adopted, then all ‘town land use regulations must be in accordance’ with the plan according to NY Town Law Section 272-a (11). So, if a plan is adopted, and the Town later wants to adopt land use laws, they must be in harmony with the plan.
Fifth. NY Town Law Section 272-a (12) says if a plan is adopted, it must be filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and the office of the county planning agency. Local Laws must also be filed with the Secretary of State, but that is not required for comprehensive plans.
So, can it be said that a comprehensive plan is a form of legislation? Yes, but it is legislation that is voluntary, adopted in the least formal manner, and it does not require anyone to do anything. It just serves as a guide.”
To the citizens of Brookfield, please do not be misled by this deliberate attempt to deceive. I urge you to either go to the Town Hall and request to see the actual Town Law or go to the NYS Laws website at: http://public.leginfo.state.ny.us/menugetf.cgi?COMMONQUERY=LAWS to download and print a copy of any law yourself.
Karen Nowak
Brookfield Planning Board
Friday, June 21, 2013
BCS - "Imports" 9% of its Students
Interesting detail learned at the BCS Board meeting last week: 21 students (approximately 9%) of the BCS student population (approx 240 total) are from out of district and attend free.
BCS - Plows $130,000 salary
Catch this week's Waterville Times.... Plows got the job (surprise!) that they have been holding for him...$130,000 this year + benefits! The Board said this is the same salary as "last year"...do the math....$102,600 vs. $130,000 .... see below...this is what the SCHOOL reports to NYState... Hey, when garage and maintenance are making $50-60,000 at BCS -- it's right in the ball park....
Plows Jr, James H $81,689 2009
Plows Jr, James H $96,531 2010
Plows, James H Jr $102,881 2011
Plows,James H,Jr $101,595 2012
As for employees making $50-60,000 in Maintenance and Garage... Kupris,Mark E $52,007 2012
Owens,Paul T $63,372 2012
You'll find this and more at SEE THROUGH NY...
Plows Jr, James H $81,689 2009
Plows Jr, James H $96,531 2010
Plows, James H Jr $102,881 2011
Plows,James H,Jr $101,595 2012
As for employees making $50-60,000 in Maintenance and Garage... Kupris,Mark E $52,007 2012
Owens,Paul T $63,372 2012
You'll find this and more at SEE THROUGH NY...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Don't forget the BCS Board of Education Meeting this Wednesday, Jun 11 at 7PM. Jim Plows is expected to be appointed SUPERINTENDENT & BUSINESS MANAGER and his salary will be announced at this meeting.
MADISON COUNTY - Cassie Head 2013 Dariy Princess
Belated Congratulations to Cassie Head of Hubbardsville who was crowned the 2013 Madison County Dairy Princess . Eleven Dairy Ambassadors were also recognized in a special celebration for the 50th year of Dairy Promotion in Madison County. Cassie is the 15-year-old daughter of Tim and Colleen Head of Hubbardsville. See full story at: http://madisoncountycourier.com/?p=47112
BROOKFIELD - Yard Sales This Weekend JUNE 14-16
Don't forget the BROOKFIELD COMMUNITY YARD SALES this weekend, June 14-16. Last week, Leonardsville had a great sale and turnout. Hoping the rain holds off....maps available at the General Store.
LEONARDSVILLE - Fathers' Day Breakfast at the Leonardsville FD
Take Dad to the Leonardsville Fire Department Donation Pancake Breakfast... great food and hopitality. The menu is pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, applesauce, orange juice, coffee, tea, milk and hot chocolate.
So, mark your calendar for the 2013 Leonardsville Fire Department Donation Pancake Breakfasts the third Sunday of each month April through October: June 16, July 21, Aug. 18, Sept. 15 and Oct. 20 at the Fire Hall at 11306 Mill St., Leonardsville.Hours are 7 to 10:30 a.m.
Monday, June 10, 2013
MADISON CO. - June 11 Upcoming Supervisors Meeting
Oneida Dispatch's Catlin Traynor gives us a good summary for the Madison Co. Board of Supervisors' meeting, tomorrow, June 11.
**In the wake of their disestablishment of the county’s public transportation system, Madison County officials are appealing to the New York State Department of Health for transportation arrangements asking the Department of Health to expedite efforts to fill a gap in Medicaid-related transportation needs.
**The appointment of temporary Director of Community Mental Health Services Teisha Cook as the permanent director at the established 2013 salary of $75,120. Continued
**The county will use $12,500 of a $38,250 New York State Environmental Protection Fund grant to operate its aquatic mechanical vegetation harvester. Several lake associations within the county, including DeRuyter, Moraine, Eaton Brook, Gorton, Lebanon, Craine, Tuscarora and Leland’s Pond, are set to use the weed-pulling service, at a cost of $31 an hour.
•The abolishment of a full-time sheriff’s deputy position in exchange for a full-time sergeant’s position at a rate of $26.17 per hour.
•Accepting a $4.2 million Statewide Interoperable Communications grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.
The board is scheduled to meet Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the county office building.
Check out her article at:
**In the wake of their disestablishment of the county’s public transportation system, Madison County officials are appealing to the New York State Department of Health for transportation arrangements asking the Department of Health to expedite efforts to fill a gap in Medicaid-related transportation needs.
**The appointment of temporary Director of Community Mental Health Services Teisha Cook as the permanent director at the established 2013 salary of $75,120. Continued
**The county will use $12,500 of a $38,250 New York State Environmental Protection Fund grant to operate its aquatic mechanical vegetation harvester. Several lake associations within the county, including DeRuyter, Moraine, Eaton Brook, Gorton, Lebanon, Craine, Tuscarora and Leland’s Pond, are set to use the weed-pulling service, at a cost of $31 an hour.
•The abolishment of a full-time sheriff’s deputy position in exchange for a full-time sergeant’s position at a rate of $26.17 per hour.
•Accepting a $4.2 million Statewide Interoperable Communications grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.
The board is scheduled to meet Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the county office building.
Check out her article at:
Saturday, June 8, 2013
BROOKFIELD - Board Of Education JUNE 5 Meeting...What we learned....
"What we learned at the JUNE 5 BCS “Special Board of Education Meeting”.
It was a shame that this important BOE (Board of Education) meeting was simply posted as a Special Meeting to “discuss the Superintendent of Schools position”. That was clearly an understatement!
Unfortunately for the community, the “discussion” was over in 2009, when the Board began a Master Plan to reorganize the Management Positions at BCS and appoint Mr. Plows as Superintendent. This is what we learned last night:
1. Jim Plows, the current Business Manager & “Dean of Students”, will be appointed the SUPERINTENDENT and will remain as BUSINESS MANAGER.
2. He will receive compensation for each of the two positions. His new salary will be announced at the next Board meeting.
3. Mr. Plows did not know how much he now earns at BCS. (Despite the fact he was going into an executive session with the BOE to negotiate his new salary.) Board Member, Ryan Rogers volunteered that he knew Mr. Plows salary, but refused to disclose the salary amount. (This is public information.)
4. Mr. Plows’ appointment, as SUPERINTENDENT, has been in motion since 2009, as part of a “Master Plan” approved by the BOE. Jim’s appointment was PHASE 3 of the Plan.
5. Under the Plan, over the past four years, part-time, temporary Superintendents have been used so Mr. Plows could get the necessary degree to assume the Superintendent’s position.
6. While Plows will remain “Business Manager”, his “Treasury functions” will be transferred to another BCS employee for a “nickels and dimes” salary.
7. PHASE 4 of the Master Plan anticipates making the following four positions as FULL TIME positions: Principal (K -12); Guidance Counselor; Treasurer/Office Manager; and Office Clerk.
8. The “Master Plan” is now going to be posted on the BCS website…4 years later.
9. “Dean of Students” – is Disciplinary function. While we used to be sent to the “Principal’s Office”. BCS students go to “the Dean” for discipline….. And we pay extra for that position.
It was a shame that this important BOE (Board of Education) meeting was simply posted as a Special Meeting to “discuss the Superintendent of Schools position”. That was clearly an understatement!
Unfortunately for the community, the “discussion” was over in 2009, when the Board began a Master Plan to reorganize the Management Positions at BCS and appoint Mr. Plows as Superintendent. This is what we learned last night:
1. Jim Plows, the current Business Manager & “Dean of Students”, will be appointed the SUPERINTENDENT and will remain as BUSINESS MANAGER.
2. He will receive compensation for each of the two positions. His new salary will be announced at the next Board meeting.
3. Mr. Plows did not know how much he now earns at BCS. (Despite the fact he was going into an executive session with the BOE to negotiate his new salary.) Board Member, Ryan Rogers volunteered that he knew Mr. Plows salary, but refused to disclose the salary amount. (This is public information.)
4. Mr. Plows’ appointment, as SUPERINTENDENT, has been in motion since 2009, as part of a “Master Plan” approved by the BOE. Jim’s appointment was PHASE 3 of the Plan.
5. Under the Plan, over the past four years, part-time, temporary Superintendents have been used so Mr. Plows could get the necessary degree to assume the Superintendent’s position.
6. While Plows will remain “Business Manager”, his “Treasury functions” will be transferred to another BCS employee for a “nickels and dimes” salary.
7. PHASE 4 of the Master Plan anticipates making the following four positions as FULL TIME positions: Principal (K -12); Guidance Counselor; Treasurer/Office Manager; and Office Clerk.
8. The “Master Plan” is now going to be posted on the BCS website…4 years later.
9. “Dean of Students” – is Disciplinary function. While we used to be sent to the “Principal’s Office”. BCS students go to “the Dean” for discipline….. And we pay extra for that position.
Monday, June 3, 2013
BROOKFIELD - Special Board of Ed Meeting - JUNE 5
The Brookfield Board of Education will be holding a SPECIAL MEETING, this Wed., JUNE 5 at 7 p.m. in the school library/media room for "the purpose of position of superintendent of schools". Mr. Service provided the following information, clarifying the purpose of the meeting. There had been indications that a "decision" "might be" made at this meeting. I have made a written request that a final "decision" not be made at the June 5 meeting --without the traditional community input. School Board meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend. Following is Mr. Service's response:
"The Special Meeting on June 5th will have Mr. Howard Mettelman(Oneida BOCES District
Superintendent) making a presentation and having a discussion with the BOE about the position and vacancy of the Superintendent position effective July 1, 2013. It has recently been confirmed that the State Education Department will not allow me to continue as Superintendent of Schools beyond June 30th.
Mr. Mettelman has had numerous discussions with the BOE during the past 4 years about how to most effectively administer the District and follow all SED regulations."
"The Special Meeting on June 5th will have Mr. Howard Mettelman(Oneida BOCES District
Superintendent) making a presentation and having a discussion with the BOE about the position and vacancy of the Superintendent position effective July 1, 2013. It has recently been confirmed that the State Education Department will not allow me to continue as Superintendent of Schools beyond June 30th.
Mr. Mettelman has had numerous discussions with the BOE during the past 4 years about how to most effectively administer the District and follow all SED regulations."
Friday, May 17, 2013
FINALLY!!!.... an agreement to "agree" among: Madison Co., Oneida Co., NY State and the Oneida Nation !!!! Everybody is going to get a few bucks out of the deal.... check out this article from the ONEIDA DISPATCH by Nick Will & Jolene Cleaver who do a good job of summarizing the agreement...also, check out the videos that are also on the ONEIDA DISPATCH.... John Becker, Sullivan Supervisor and Chairman of the Madison Co. Board of Supervisors, sharing the news conference table with Cuomo, Picente (Oneida Co. Exec), and side by side with Halbritter...definitely worth seeing. Also gives you some background on factors that led to the agreement....no one was smiling so it must be a fair deal...everybody gave a pound of flesh. Good money for the county/state...this news group gives good, Madison Co. coverage........
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
CORRECTION: JUNK DAYS - May 10 & 11 Date Correction
CORRECTION: Junk Days will be FRIDAY & SATURDAY - May 10 & 11. (I incorrectly included it in this week's events).....
This service for Town of Brookfield residents.
Friday May 10th from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Saturday May 11th from 8:00 a.m. till 12 noon,
at the Town Highway Garage.
Town of Brookfield
JUNK DROP OFF DAYS – MAY 10 &11 (Fri & Sat)
This service for Town of Brookfield residents.
Friday May 10th from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Saturday May 11th from 8:00 a.m. till 12 noon,
at the Town Highway Garage.
TAXES - Tentative Assessment & Assessor Hours
Unless you managed to catch it in the fine print in the back of the newspaper you wouldn't know that the Tentative Tax Assessment Rolls and Assessor are be available at the Town Hall.....or, maybe they would prefer we didn't know....
Tentative Assessment Rolls available through Town Clerk, Sherri Kabana until 5/28.
Assessor, Rhonda Weigand will be in "attendance" at the Brookfield Town Hall::
May 1 Wednesay 4PM - 8PM
May 4 Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
May 6 Monday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
May 17 Friday 11 AM - 3 PM
Tentative Assessment Rolls available through Town Clerk, Sherri Kabana until 5/28.
Assessor, Rhonda Weigand will be in "attendance" at the Brookfield Town Hall::
May 1 Wednesay 4PM - 8PM
May 4 Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
May 6 Monday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
May 17 Friday 11 AM - 3 PM
TOWN - A Republican Primary on the Horizon??
Brookfield Republican Committee Chairman Gail I. Abrams announced last week the results of the Republican Committee meeting held April 15.
The following candidates have been endorsed:
SUPERVISOR - John Salka (incumbent)
TOWN CLERK - Kimberly Reed
JUSTICE OF PEACE - Donald Brown (incumbent)
TOWN BOARD - Dewitt Head (incumbent)
TOWN BOARD - Jeff Mayne (incumbent)
Charles Blood and two others showing interest.
Abrams said a primary for the office of council is possible this fall.
Endorsed for REPUBLICAN COMMITTE membership: District 1 (Leonardsville) - Claudia J. Haar
District 3 (North Brookfield) - Daniel E. Stetson.
The following candidates have been endorsed:
SUPERVISOR - John Salka (incumbent)
TOWN CLERK - Kimberly Reed
JUSTICE OF PEACE - Donald Brown (incumbent)
TOWN BOARD - Dewitt Head (incumbent)
TOWN BOARD - Jeff Mayne (incumbent)
Charles Blood and two others showing interest.
Abrams said a primary for the office of council is possible this fall.
Endorsed for REPUBLICAN COMMITTE membership: District 1 (Leonardsville) - Claudia J. Haar
District 3 (North Brookfield) - Daniel E. Stetson.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
TOWN PARKS - Contracts Awarded
Below is a list of BIDs AWARDED AT 04/08/2013 Brookfield Town Board meeting for maintaining the lawns at the Town's four Parks. (However, No cap noted on mower maintenance and repair of the equipment owned by the Acadmey St. Park ). Requirements listed below:
1. Brookfield Academy Road Park and Whitford Park awarded to members of Park Committee - cost of gas and mower maintenance/repair. (No cap on expense was noted)
2. North Brookfield Park awarded to William Bootie - $1,200 plus cost of gas.
3. Leonardsville Park awarded to Double B's Lawn Care - $750.
REQUIRMENTS: Mowing, trimming and grounds maintenance of North Brookfield Park, Leonardsville Park (around the basketball/tennis courts and including the embankment along Route 8), the Brookfield Parks (Academy Rd & S. Beaver Creek Rd). Equipment and fuel will be provided for the Brookfield Park on Academy Rd. Successful bidder(s) will provide equipment and fuel for North Brookfield, Leonardsville and the Brookfield park on S. Beaver Creek Rd. Successful bidder(s) will perform maintenance as needed to keep the parks in good condition.
1. Brookfield Academy Road Park and Whitford Park awarded to members of Park Committee - cost of gas and mower maintenance/repair. (No cap on expense was noted)
2. North Brookfield Park awarded to William Bootie - $1,200 plus cost of gas.
3. Leonardsville Park awarded to Double B's Lawn Care - $750.
REQUIRMENTS: Mowing, trimming and grounds maintenance of North Brookfield Park, Leonardsville Park (around the basketball/tennis courts and including the embankment along Route 8), the Brookfield Parks (Academy Rd & S. Beaver Creek Rd). Equipment and fuel will be provided for the Brookfield Park on Academy Rd. Successful bidder(s) will provide equipment and fuel for North Brookfield, Leonardsville and the Brookfield park on S. Beaver Creek Rd. Successful bidder(s) will perform maintenance as needed to keep the parks in good condition.
HEALTH - Immunization Clinic May 7 - BCS
May 7 -TUESDAY - The Madison County Health Department is hosting a walk-in immunization clinic at the Brookfield Central School in Brookfield from 10:30 a.m. to noon. No appointment is necessary for this clinic. Some fees may apply. For more information or to make an appointment, call 315.366.2848 or visit www.healthymadisoncounty.org.
Monday, April 29, 2013
EVENTS - This Week (April 29 - May 4)
Thursday, May 02 - PLANNING BOARD - Regular Meeting/ 7PM - Brookfield Town Hall
Saturday, May 04 - Presentation on Gas and Oil Leases: Impacts on Residential Mortgage Lending - NOON - Hamilton Public Library
Thursday, May 02 - PLANNING BOARD - Regular Meeting/ 7PM - Brookfield Town Hall
Saturday, May 04 - Presentation on Gas and Oil Leases: Impacts on Residential Mortgage Lending - NOON - Hamilton Public Library
COLGATE - Third Victim in Spring Party Weekend
Hamilton Police are now saying a third person -- a 22-year-old male Colgate student -- was stabbed during a brawl at the recent Spring Party Weekend. Two other men were also stabbed. The HPD is working with several other police agencies in the investigation. One of the two original victims is not cooperating with HPD's investigation. The man returned to his home in Florida after being released from St. E's -- declining to give a statement to police. One of the victims, an alumnus who has mixed martial arts training, punched his assailant. Officers have been calling hospitals in the area to check on anyone who may have been treated for a facial injury. Check out story at RADIO FREE HAMILTON
COUNTY: $2.5 million Grant for Madison County 'food hub'
The board of directors of New York's economic development arm approved $2.5 million in grants for a planned food processing and distribution hub in Madison County Friday. The grants from Empire State Development Corp. will help Growing Upstate Food Hub LLC, a consortium of farm businesses, build the $4.2 million shared-use facility in Canastota. The facility will contain food-processing space, refrigerated and frozen product warehousing, and office space. It also will have a farmers' market and a year-round retail store. For the rest of the story see: http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2013/04/state_approves_25_million_for.html
Paul pleads guilty in double dipping case
Makes you wonder why all the hoopla over two days: perp walk; search warrants.... for two days!....not defending him; but wondering who he "crossed".... sounds personal. See full article at: http://www.oneidadispatch.com/articles/2013/04/23/news/doc5177132090af7474056600.txt
EXCERPTS: ....., Paul admits that he signed and submitted a false time sheet to the Madison County Sheriff’s Department indicating he worked on: Oct. 13, 2012 from 8:31 a.m. to 9:03 p.m. as a deputy sheriff, and for the Chittenango Police Department on Sept. 10, 2012 from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. while conducting funeral services at the same time. Paul was sentenced to pay $15,000 restitution to the Madison County Sheriff’s Office. he filed . He paid $10,000 at the time of his plea and the remaining restitution will be paid at a later date. The village of Chittenango did not seek restitution,
GAS: Presentation on Gas and Oil Leases: Impacts on Residential Mortgage Lending
Citizens for Safe Energy (CSE) at NOON on Saturday May 4 in the Hamilton Public Library Community Room for an educational presentation on the impacts of gas and oil leases on residential mortgage lending. How do issues such as “compulsory integration” and sub-surface rights affect mortgages? This forum will focus on the potential conflicts between commonly accepted lending standards for residential properties and gas leases. The goal of this presentation is to facilitate education about and consideration of these issues. Speaker Greg May, Vice President of Residential Mortgages for Tompkins Trust Company, will address these concerns. May has over 40 years experience in the mortgage field and currently oversees a staff of mortgage specialists. More info at: http://csemadco.org
Thursday, April 25, 2013
North Brookfield - CEMETERY ASSOCIATION - FRI Apr 26 - 7PM
North Brookfield Cemetery Association
Friday/ Apr 26 - 7PM - NBF House
Lot owners and those who have family members buried in the North Brookfield cemetery are urged to attend the annual meeting of the Cemetery association. It will be held on Friday, April 26th, 2013 at the North Brookfield firehouse at 7:00 pm.
VETERANS' NIGHT!...coming to Brookfield!
Coming to BROOKFIELD......VETERANS' NIGHT: A special time for our Veterans to socialize and get to know each other better, while enjoying a cup of coffee, dessert, or dinner if they want. It is also an opportunity to speak with Legion members regarding services available to Veterans and their families. Any person who has served in the military is welcome to come, and anyone else who is interested in supporting our military is also welcome. Fred Larkin is the contact for Veterans' Nights and he can be reached at (315) 244-7017. VETERANS' NIGHTS are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month, starting at 6PM, at the Beaver Den. Next meeting: WEDNESDAY, May 15 - 6PM - Beaver Den.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
JUNK DROP OFF DAYS – MAY 10 & 11 (Fri & Sat)
Town of Brookfield
JUNK DROP OFF DAYS – MAY 10 &11 (Fri & Sat)
This service for Town of Brookfield residents.
Friday May 10th from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Saturday May 11th from 8:00 a.m. till 12 noon,
at the Town Highway Garage.
UPDATE: Computers, VCR's, fax/printers -
UPDATE: Computers, VCR's, fax/printers -
Items taken for no charge: scrap metal, appliances, metal furniture, and water tanks. Air conditioners, refrigerators, and freezers will be taken at no charge.
Fees will be charged for following items:
Tires off rims up to 16 inch $ 3.00 per tire,
Truck tires at $ 4.00 per tire
Heavy machinery tires at $ 8.00 to $ 12.00 per tire.
Sofas, stuffed chairs and mattresses will be taken at a charge of $ 8.00 to $ 12.00 and
Televisions at $ 3.00.
Brush maybe brought to the Highway Garage, but nothing over 6 inches in diameter.
Items not taken include building materials, garbage, household trash, toxic or hazardous waste of any kind, burn barrels or batteries or junk cars.
Any questions call 899-5878
Robert J. Piersma
Highway Superintendent
Town of Brookfield
Monday, April 22, 2013
MEMORIAL DAY PARADE - Volunteers Needed
Town Parade Committee Looking for New Members
The Town is looking for those that may want to serve on a parade committee that will be charged with helping out with planning and implementation of events on Memorial Day. We would like to have some new events on the holiday such as a town wide baseball game and possibly food served at the town park. In the past it was up to one or two people to coordinate the event and this has proven to be difficult. We realize that there is a short amount of time before Memorial Day and are looking for anyone who may want to speak at the ceremony and help with parade organizing. If interested please call John Salka @ 569-5842 or Fred Larkin @ 899-3089.
The Town is looking for those that may want to serve on a parade committee that will be charged with helping out with planning and implementation of events on Memorial Day. We would like to have some new events on the holiday such as a town wide baseball game and possibly food served at the town park. In the past it was up to one or two people to coordinate the event and this has proven to be difficult. We realize that there is a short amount of time before Memorial Day and are looking for anyone who may want to speak at the ceremony and help with parade organizing. If interested please call John Salka @ 569-5842 or Fred Larkin @ 899-3089.
EVENTS: April 22-27 and Upcoming Events
THIS WEEK....April 22-27
Monday, April 22, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BOARD - Deadline - to submit petition to run for
the one (1) seat available on the Brookfield School Board.Contact Judy Van Duren at the School.
Thursday, April 25, 2013 MADISON CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Special Hearing - Employee Discipline; Supervisors Chambers, on the second floor, County Office Building #4, in Wampsville
Saturday, April 27, 2013 ANTI-FRACKING FORUM - 10AM on; "Gasland" video to be shown; GUEST SPEAKER - 1PM CHERYL CAREY; Noller's Woodworm - 9647 Skaneatles Tpke.
Thursday, May 02, 2013 PLANNING BOARD - Regular Meeting/ 7PM - Brookfield Town Hall
Friday, May 03, 2013 JUNK DAY - Brookfield Town Barn (details TBA)
Saturday, May 04, 2013 JUNK DAY - Brookfield Town Barn (details TBA)
Tuesday, May 07, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - Tax payers' Portion available
Monday, April 22, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BOARD - Deadline - to submit petition to run for
the one (1) seat available on the Brookfield School Board.Contact Judy Van Duren at the School.
Thursday, April 25, 2013 MADISON CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Special Hearing - Employee Discipline; Supervisors Chambers, on the second floor, County Office Building #4, in Wampsville
Saturday, April 27, 2013 ANTI-FRACKING FORUM - 10AM on; "Gasland" video to be shown; GUEST SPEAKER - 1PM CHERYL CAREY; Noller's Woodworm - 9647 Skaneatles Tpke.
Thursday, May 02, 2013 PLANNING BOARD - Regular Meeting/ 7PM - Brookfield Town Hall
Friday, May 03, 2013 JUNK DAY - Brookfield Town Barn (details TBA)
Saturday, May 04, 2013 JUNK DAY - Brookfield Town Barn (details TBA)
Tuesday, May 07, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - Tax payers' Portion available
MADISON COUNTY - More "Government" Behind CLOSED DOORS
Thanks once again to Jolene Cleaver and the Oneida Dispatch for keeping on top of the CLOSED DOOR politics in Wampsville. This interesting little diddy showed up Friday (more behind closed door "discipline" being meated out to unruly employees? -- beginnng to sound like GITMO than a Board of Supervisors!!.... And even more interesting is the comment by "Food For Thought" who appears to have more of the story than "Swampville" will let out. Makes you wonder: Judge DeStefano/Cerio (the judge is barred from hearing criminal cases in Madison Co. for not sending defendants to Cerios' "get out of jail/free" program) ; and now this? Appears these all involve "special treatment".....for special people. We remain free to speculate, given the lack of credible information from the County. Check out the article and the comments at Madison County has set a meeting to review the disciplinary hearings of an un-named employee.
Stay tuned -- for this SPECIAL MEEING on Thursday, April 25 at 9 a.m. the Madison County Board of Supervisors will hold a special board meeting in the Supervisors Chambers, on the second floor, County Office Building #4, in Wampsville
Stay tuned -- for this SPECIAL MEEING on Thursday, April 25 at 9 a.m. the Madison County Board of Supervisors will hold a special board meeting in the Supervisors Chambers, on the second floor, County Office Building #4, in Wampsville
Sunday, April 21, 2013
WHERE: Noller's Woodworm (Marianne),
9647 Skaneateles Twp.
10:00 AM - and throughout the Day-
Screening of GASLAND
1:00 PM - CHERYL CAREY - Guest Speaker
For further information….
Contact Marianne Noller at crystallabyrinth2000@yahoo.com
WHERE: Noller's Woodworm (Marianne),
9647 Skaneateles Twp.
10:00 AM - and throughout the Day-
Screening of GASLAND
1:00 PM - CHERYL CAREY - Guest Speaker
For further information….
Contact Marianne Noller at crystallabyrinth2000@yahoo.com
COLGATE...Party turns to "A Massive Brawl" (and it was a non-alcohol party) !
OMG... what a brawl....check out COLGATE's Spring Weekend gone awry.... at RADIO FREE HAMILTON link.... ...."Gifford said HPD responded at about 3 a.m. to a report of fights at the apartments on College Street....there were upwards of 500 people inside and outside the Parker Commons, and male and female students were involved in numerous fights. He called the incident "a massive brawl." Gifford said "an all out call for assistance" brought officers from throughout Madison and Oneida counties to the scene....".. 2 stabbings.... 7 police depts....http://www.radiofreehamilton.com/viewarticle.aspx?smid=2178&aid=26789
...FOR A GREAT JOB CLEANING UP BROOKFIELD!..Saturday morning, during the dreary, wet cold morning... Optimist members and volunteers were working hard to clean up the roadside garbage...and I mean GARBAGE. The roadside is the first "welcoming" to our community... ...so sad to see that there remain individuals who are too ignorant to appreciate the beauty of our countryside and become a reflection of all of us.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
[Updated 4-14-13 3:20PM]
Monday, April 15, 2013 REPUBLICAN CAUCUS - 7:30PM - Brookfield Town Hall
Saturday, April 20, 2013 Optimists "SPRING CLEAN UP" - 9:30 AM - Meet at Academy St. Park
Sunday, April 21 - LEONARDSVILLE FIRE DEPT - Monthly DONATION BREAKFAST - Beginning SUNDAY, APRIL 21....7AM-10:30AM . Leonardsville Fire Hall - Menu includes made to order eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, coffee and juice. They will continue them every 3rd Sunday through October. Great opportunity to support our fire-fighting volunteers!
Monday, April 22, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BOARD - Deadline - to submit petition to run for
the one (1) seat available on the Brookfield School Board. Contact Judy Van Duren at the School.
Thursday, May 2 - BROOKFIELD PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting - 7PM Town Hall (See new Town Website for Agenda & Minutes at http://www.brookfieldny.us/calendar.html
Tuesday, May 07, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - Tax payers' Portion available
Saturday, May 11 - OPEN HORSE SHOW Madison County Fairgrounds. ALSO ON PREMISES 10 -2:30 PM FREE! Rural Health Fair Cancer Screening for uninsured - over 40 or have a history. Mammography, pelvic - includes blood pressure checks & referral. Sponsored by the BASSETT MOBILE MAMMOGRAPHY COACH & CANCER SERVICES PROGRAM. Mobile unit on premises. Please sign up now - need minimum of 10 ...call (315) 798-5248. More details at the Brookfield Riding & Driving website at: http://brda.us/Shows_Events.html
Sunday, May 12 - FUNDRAISER TRAIL RIDE for Root Farm Therapeutic Riding Program. See Brookfield Riding & Driving website for details at: http://brda.us/Shows_Events.html
Monday, May 13 - BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD Regular Monthly Meeting - 7PM -Brookfield Town Hall (See Town Website for Agenda & Minutes at http://www.brookfieldny.us/calendar.html
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - HEARING - 7PM OT/OP [??] Room
Thursday, May 16 - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - Regular Committe Meeting - 7PM Town Hall (See new Town Website for Agenda & Minutes at http://www.brookfieldny.us/calendar.html
Sat - Sun, May 18-19 - ACTHA COMPETITIVE TRAIL RIDE - Madison County Fairgrounds. See Brookfield Riding & Driving website for details at: http://brda.us/Shows_Events.html
Sunday, May 19 - LEONARDSVILLE FIRE DEPT - Monthly DONATION BREAKFAST - 7AM-10:30AM . Leonardsville Fire Hall - Menu includes made to order eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, coffee and juice. They will continue them every 3rd Sunday through October. Great opportunity to support our fire-fighting volunteers!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - Vote ! Noon - 9PM
[Updated 4-14-13 3:20PM]
Monday, April 15, 2013 REPUBLICAN CAUCUS - 7:30PM - Brookfield Town Hall
Saturday, April 20, 2013 Optimists "SPRING CLEAN UP" - 9:30 AM - Meet at Academy St. Park
Sunday, April 21 - LEONARDSVILLE FIRE DEPT - Monthly DONATION BREAKFAST - Beginning SUNDAY, APRIL 21....7AM-10:30AM . Leonardsville Fire Hall - Menu includes made to order eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, coffee and juice. They will continue them every 3rd Sunday through October. Great opportunity to support our fire-fighting volunteers!
Monday, April 22, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BOARD - Deadline - to submit petition to run for
the one (1) seat available on the Brookfield School Board. Contact Judy Van Duren at the School.
Thursday, May 2 - BROOKFIELD PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting - 7PM Town Hall (See new Town Website for Agenda & Minutes at http://www.brookfieldny.us/calendar.html
Tuesday, May 07, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - Tax payers' Portion available
Saturday, May 11 - OPEN HORSE SHOW Madison County Fairgrounds. ALSO ON PREMISES 10 -2:30 PM FREE! Rural Health Fair Cancer Screening for uninsured - over 40 or have a history. Mammography, pelvic - includes blood pressure checks & referral. Sponsored by the BASSETT MOBILE MAMMOGRAPHY COACH & CANCER SERVICES PROGRAM. Mobile unit on premises. Please sign up now - need minimum of 10 ...call (315) 798-5248. More details at the Brookfield Riding & Driving website at: http://brda.us/Shows_Events.html
Sunday, May 12 - FUNDRAISER TRAIL RIDE for Root Farm Therapeutic Riding Program. See Brookfield Riding & Driving website for details at: http://brda.us/Shows_Events.html
Monday, May 13 - BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD Regular Monthly Meeting - 7PM -Brookfield Town Hall (See Town Website for Agenda & Minutes at http://www.brookfieldny.us/calendar.html
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - HEARING - 7PM OT/OP [??] Room
Thursday, May 16 - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - Regular Committe Meeting - 7PM Town Hall (See new Town Website for Agenda & Minutes at http://www.brookfieldny.us/calendar.html
Sat - Sun, May 18-19 - ACTHA COMPETITIVE TRAIL RIDE - Madison County Fairgrounds. See Brookfield Riding & Driving website for details at: http://brda.us/Shows_Events.html
Sunday, May 19 - LEONARDSVILLE FIRE DEPT - Monthly DONATION BREAKFAST - 7AM-10:30AM . Leonardsville Fire Hall - Menu includes made to order eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, coffee and juice. They will continue them every 3rd Sunday through October. Great opportunity to support our fire-fighting volunteers!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - Vote ! Noon - 9PM
Friday, April 5, 2013
The Madison County Fair has a new website, offering information on Fairground events and a photo gallery at www.madisoncountyfairny.com
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Brookfield Town Board: SPECIAL MEETING – March 30, 2013
There was a good turnout for the meeting, considering a holiday weekend. Approximately 30 people attended the meeting, moderated by Supervisor John Salka. The only other Town Board member in attendance was Joel Walker.
Although several topics covered, the most important/controversial was whether or not the Town should put up a referendum whether or not to ban hydrofracking/fracking/gas development (not clear just “WHAT” type of activity would be banned). While it was a very informal show of hands, the “majority present” supported putting a referendum on the November ballot to decide whether gas drilling should be banned from the Town of Brookfield.
Clearly, much to be learned: what would the ban include/exclude; pros/cons of ban; ban vs existing moratorium; existing wells; procedural requirements; timing to put on Nov. ballot, etc. My perception of the vote: pro-Gas drilling participants generally opposed putting the issue on the November ballot; while pro-Environment participants favored a public vote on the issue (referendum).
The opposing political philosophies (democrat v. republican)...pro-Gas tended to support a “republican” decision (delegating the decision to our elected officials, i.e. the Town Board to make that decision) -- as opposed to “democratic” vote (referendum), fearing emotion would sway the general population, rather than making “educated/informed” vote which they assume would be made by elected (and assumed to be more informed, representatives --a quantum leap of faith!)....but a legitimate concern.
While there were arguments to support both sides, the bottom line is we need INFORMED decisions at ALL LEVELS. There is discussion re: getting representatives/interested parties, from both sides, together to work on referendum and “information/education”.
Also being considered for referendum on the November ballot is the proposed COMPREHENSIVE PLAN that is not expected to be completed before June. Public hearings must be held, to review the Plan before the Board can vote to accept/reject. Much hard work put in by the committee. There was discussion supporting the inclusion of the “draft” Plan on the Town’s new website, brookfieldny.us, when it becomes available.
Highway Superintendent Bob Piersma presented an update on the Truck Replacement program. Piersma is now looking at financing two, rather than three trucks. More details to be learned, but appears to be a good move toward upgrading the equipment while keeping control of expenses. Essentially, it is becoming too costly (and unpredictable) to continue repairing two of the current trucks vs the cost to finance newer trucks with warranties and guaranteed minimum buy-backs. A lot more information is to be learned, but looks like a step in the right direction. Much informative discussion and input from the audience.
Also discussed: an update on the “Road Use Agreement”. Considering joining a group of local towns to hire an engineering firm to provide road survey/inventory; agreements (template); and other advisory services. Looking at anywhere from $7,500 - $9,500 for Brookfield, depending on how many more Towns sign up with Delta Engineering, the advisory firm with extensive background and “good references” in this area.
The next regular Town Board Meeting: MONDAY, April 8 at the North Brookfield Fire Hall.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
BROOKFIELD "Town Hall" Meeting - SATURDAY - March 30
BROOKFIELD "Town Hall" Meeting - SATURDAY - March 30 at the Brookfield Town Hall at 9:30AM. Some of the issues that will be discussed will be gas drilling in the town and a possible ban, the proposal for purchase of new highway equipment, the road use law to be considered for the town and any other concerns that residents may have. Further details at the Town Website or http://madisoncountycourier.com/?p=43926
MADISON CO. COURT JUDGE Ordered Not to Hear Cases...Hmmm?!
Interesting article in today's Oneida Dispatch ... Long standing County Judge DeStefano has been ordered not to hear criminal cases in Madison County...and nobody's talking...not the Judge, the DA, or the tribunal that issued the order......should be interesting...http://www.oneidadispatch.com/articles/2013/03/27/news/doc5150e451de5c6465192140.txt?
Monday, March 18, 2013
MON- March 18 - Brookfield Republicans Seek Candidates
MON- March 18 - Brookfield Republicans Seek Candidates
(Brookfield, NY- March 2013) Any resident interested in being a candidate for town clerk, town justice, town supervisor or town council (two positions) in the 2013 town elections should attend the Brookfield Republican Committee meeting at town hall at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 18.
Those interested in serving on the Brookfield Republican Committee also should attend; there is one vacancy in District 1 (Leonardsville) and one vacancy in District 3 (North Brookfield).
For more information or for anyone unable to attend, contact Gail Abrams at 315.899.6266 or 315.939.0643 or Jeff Mayne at 315.899.6215 or 315.899.8206
(Brookfield, NY- March 2013) Any resident interested in being a candidate for town clerk, town justice, town supervisor or town council (two positions) in the 2013 town elections should attend the Brookfield Republican Committee meeting at town hall at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 18.
Those interested in serving on the Brookfield Republican Committee also should attend; there is one vacancy in District 1 (Leonardsville) and one vacancy in District 3 (North Brookfield).
For more information or for anyone unable to attend, contact Gail Abrams at 315.899.6266 or 315.939.0643 or Jeff Mayne at 315.899.6215 or 315.899.8206
Sunday, March 17, 2013
NYS- Cuomo to strapped Towns & Schools: "Merge".... BCS - time to consider?
Informative article from the Binghamton PRESS & SUN..... BCS - time to consider?.... Keep Pre-K through 6th Grade here and 7-12th to existing, adjacent districts: Waterville, Mt. Markham, Hamilton, etc....
ALBANY - March 16, 2013. Gov. Andrew Cuomo had tough words Friday for local officials facing fiscal crises and seeking more help from Albany, telling them they should consolidate services, school districts or whole governments rather than looking for relief from Albany. Cuomo said he believes local politics is standing in the way of mergers and consolidations that would save taxpayers money and improve efficiency of services. Hundreds of schools and districts now share sports teams to cut costs. Others share academic program costs, or even the business officer or superintendent, often the highest-paid school employees.
Check out the complete article at: http://www.pressconnects.com/viewart/20130315/NEWS10/303150092/Cuomo-strapped-towns-schools-Merge
ALBANY - March 16, 2013. Gov. Andrew Cuomo had tough words Friday for local officials facing fiscal crises and seeking more help from Albany, telling them they should consolidate services, school districts or whole governments rather than looking for relief from Albany. Cuomo said he believes local politics is standing in the way of mergers and consolidations that would save taxpayers money and improve efficiency of services. Hundreds of schools and districts now share sports teams to cut costs. Others share academic program costs, or even the business officer or superintendent, often the highest-paid school employees.
Check out the complete article at: http://www.pressconnects.com/viewart/20130315/NEWS10/303150092/Cuomo-strapped-towns-schools-Merge
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Brookfield ARTISANS - March 19 Meeting
Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 7:00PM
North Brookfield Fire House
9199 Main St.
North Brookfield, NY
Talented, fun & industrious group looking to share and capitalize on their arts! Check out their website link -- attend a meeting! SEE: http://www.brookfieldartisans.com/meetings.html
Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 7:00PM
North Brookfield Fire House
9199 Main St.
North Brookfield, NY
Talented, fun & industrious group looking to share and capitalize on their arts! Check out their website link -- attend a meeting! SEE: http://www.brookfieldartisans.com/meetings.html
TOWN WEBSITE - Meetings & Official Notices
WOW! Check out the Town's NEW WEBSITE - this link takes you to a list of Town Meetings...and Official Notices!!! See BROOKFIELDNY.US
ROAD USE AGREEMENTS - Delta Engineering/Lebanon
Brookfield is considering using DELTA Engineering to handle road use issues. The Town of Lebanon is also considering DELTA . The following link provides details of the Delta presentation to the Lebanon Town officials and residents -- proposal from Delta to outsource the setting up of its local road use law to their firm. See - ONEIDA DISPATCH
CIVIL SERVICE EXAM - Highway positions
Civil Service Examinations DEADLINE: March 22
(Wampsville, NY – March 2013) The Madison County Personnel Department announced upcoming Civil Service examinations. The eligible lists established as a result of these examinations will be used to fill present and future vacancies as they occur in the applicable departments. Applications will be accepted until March 22 for the May 11 examination : highway crew supervisor; senior highway crew supervisor; highway operations manager; public safety communicator . See MADISON CO COURIER:
(Wampsville, NY – March 2013) The Madison County Personnel Department announced upcoming Civil Service examinations. The eligible lists established as a result of these examinations will be used to fill present and future vacancies as they occur in the applicable departments. Applications will be accepted until March 22 for the May 11 examination : highway crew supervisor; senior highway crew supervisor; highway operations manager; public safety communicator . See MADISON CO COURIER:
BCS: Board of Education REGULAR Meeting - TONIGHT! March 14
Thursday, March 14, 2013
7:00 p.m. – Library/Media Classroom
SEE: http://madisoncountycourier.com/?p=43431
Thursday, March 14, 2013
7:00 p.m. – Library/Media Classroom
SEE: http://madisoncountycourier.com/?p=43431
BCS - PreKindergarten Registration DEADLINE: March 20, 2013
Brookfield, NY – March 2013) Pre-Kindergarten: Eligible if 4 years old on or before Dec. 1, 2013 Kindergarten: Eligible if 5 years old on or before Dec. 1, 2013. Please call main office at 315-899-3323 by March 20 for more information. SEE:
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
MADISON CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Summary - MARCH 12, 2013 Regular Meeting
MADISON CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Summary - MARCH 12, 2013 Regular Meeting - New County Administrator appointed ($105,000) and Assistant Administrator ($43,213) position created; SAFE Act; but no word on the "Confidential Settlement Agreement"....hmm.....see full article at: Oneida Dispatch http://www.oneidadispatch.com/articles/2013/03/13/news/doc513fac16ef60e551660954.txt?viewmode=fullstory
CORRECTION: (Brookfield, NY- March 2013) Any resident interested in being a candidate for town clerk, town justice, town supervisor or town council (two positions) in the 2013 town elections should attend the Brookfield Republican Committee meeting at town hall at 7:30 p.m. MONDAY, March 18. (corrected 2:30PM 3-13-13)
Those interested in serving on the Brookfield Republican Committee also should attend; there is one vacancy in District 1 (Leonardsville) and one vacancy in District 3 (North Brookfield). For more information or for anyone unable to attend, contact Gail Abrams at 315.899.6266 or 315.939.0643 or Jeff Mayne at 315.899.6215 or 315.899.8206. http://madisoncountycourier.com/?p=43420
Those interested in serving on the Brookfield Republican Committee also should attend; there is one vacancy in District 1 (Leonardsville) and one vacancy in District 3 (North Brookfield). For more information or for anyone unable to attend, contact Gail Abrams at 315.899.6266 or 315.939.0643 or Jeff Mayne at 315.899.6215 or 315.899.8206. http://madisoncountycourier.com/?p=43420
HIGHLIGHTS – March 11, 2013 Brookfield Town Board – Regular Meeting
Following are what I consider some of the "Highlights" of last night's Regular Town Board Meeting.
These are NOT minutes. Check out TOWN INFORMATION at the new website: http://www.brookfieldny.us/index.html
*** Attendance: approximately 20 public; absent - DeWitt Head; present - Salka, Mayne, Abrams, Walker
*** Highway Department – Bob Piersma EQUIPMENT “Rollover” Presentation – “Equipment Rollover” program and possible local law to rollover/renew equipment on a scheduled basis. The annual cost to maintain older equipment is outweighing the cost to finance and “rollover” new equipment on a regular basis. Piersma credited former Hwy Super Rod Jennison with starting this program. Piersma did extensive research, speaking with 4-5 other highway supervisors. Several have a rollover program and were happy they did – substantial savings (up to 50%). Piersma’s report included preliminary figures and will do further research and provide more exact numbers on the costs. Three of the trucks have serious safety issues that will cost approximately $120-150,000 to bring them up to DOT standards and we would still be old vehicles, requiring increasing maintenance costs. The rollover program would set up regular equipment replacement – “rolling over” the financing each year. Basically boils down to: Annual, predictable, financing payments vs. high, uncertain maintenance costs on old equipment. Members of the Highway Dept. and their families as well as public commented favorably on this plan. The Board authorized Piersma to move ahead and get more solid numbers and information.
*** Special Town Meeting – 3/30/13 - for public comment & discussion on whether or not we need a ban on gas development & drilling in the Town of Brookfield. See the Town Website at:
*** Comprehensive Plan – Draft has been presented to the Board; final expected by June.
*** Town Website – on line! Brookfieldny.us The Town now has a new, “informational” website thanks to Karen Nowak for her hard work in putting it together …. check it out! http://www.brookfieldny.us/index.html
*** Pistol Owners – Forms at the Town Hall to remove names from public record. File by 5/15/13.
*** North Brookfield Church - The Town closed on the purchase - $12 for the church…. $1,200-1,500 closing costs (legal & fees).
*** Fuel Bids Awarded – Broedel Fuel won three of the five bids; with Buell picking up the other two awards.
*** Un-appropriated Fund Balance: $298,971 (General $73,397 + Highway $225,574)
*** Ritz Road – Abandonment – there will be a public hearing at the next board meeting to hear comments on the Town's abandonment of care of Ritz Rd. (near Snow’s Pond). Adjoining property owners have signed letters supporting the move.
*** Road Use Agreement – is still pending; Brookfield is looking at hiring DELTA ENGINEERING to provide the necessary road survey information and filings for approximately $7,500. The Town is working with Hamilton, Lebanon to retain their services. No final decision has been made.
*** Next Meeting – 7:00 PM Mon. APRIL 8 - NORTH BROOKFIELD Fire Hall & Public Hearing (7:30) – Ritz Rd.
Following are what I consider some of the "Highlights" of last night's Regular Town Board Meeting.
These are NOT minutes. Check out TOWN INFORMATION at the new website: http://www.brookfieldny.us/index.html
*** Attendance: approximately 20 public; absent - DeWitt Head; present - Salka, Mayne, Abrams, Walker
*** Highway Department – Bob Piersma EQUIPMENT “Rollover” Presentation – “Equipment Rollover” program and possible local law to rollover/renew equipment on a scheduled basis. The annual cost to maintain older equipment is outweighing the cost to finance and “rollover” new equipment on a regular basis. Piersma credited former Hwy Super Rod Jennison with starting this program. Piersma did extensive research, speaking with 4-5 other highway supervisors. Several have a rollover program and were happy they did – substantial savings (up to 50%). Piersma’s report included preliminary figures and will do further research and provide more exact numbers on the costs. Three of the trucks have serious safety issues that will cost approximately $120-150,000 to bring them up to DOT standards and we would still be old vehicles, requiring increasing maintenance costs. The rollover program would set up regular equipment replacement – “rolling over” the financing each year. Basically boils down to: Annual, predictable, financing payments vs. high, uncertain maintenance costs on old equipment. Members of the Highway Dept. and their families as well as public commented favorably on this plan. The Board authorized Piersma to move ahead and get more solid numbers and information.
*** Special Town Meeting – 3/30/13 - for public comment & discussion on whether or not we need a ban on gas development & drilling in the Town of Brookfield. See the Town Website at:
*** Comprehensive Plan – Draft has been presented to the Board; final expected by June.
*** Town Website – on line! Brookfieldny.us The Town now has a new, “informational” website thanks to Karen Nowak for her hard work in putting it together …. check it out! http://www.brookfieldny.us/index.html
*** Pistol Owners – Forms at the Town Hall to remove names from public record. File by 5/15/13.
*** North Brookfield Church - The Town closed on the purchase - $12 for the church…. $1,200-1,500 closing costs (legal & fees).
*** Fuel Bids Awarded – Broedel Fuel won three of the five bids; with Buell picking up the other two awards.
*** Un-appropriated Fund Balance: $298,971 (General $73,397 + Highway $225,574)
*** Ritz Road – Abandonment – there will be a public hearing at the next board meeting to hear comments on the Town's abandonment of care of Ritz Rd. (near Snow’s Pond). Adjoining property owners have signed letters supporting the move.
*** Road Use Agreement – is still pending; Brookfield is looking at hiring DELTA ENGINEERING to provide the necessary road survey information and filings for approximately $7,500. The Town is working with Hamilton, Lebanon to retain their services. No final decision has been made.
*** Next Meeting – 7:00 PM Mon. APRIL 8 - NORTH BROOKFIELD Fire Hall & Public Hearing (7:30) – Ritz Rd.
Monday, March 11, 2013
A new informational format for my Blog… will provide links to updates on area events and issues. Please, check out the Town of Brookfield's new website…many thanks to KAREN NOWAK!
NEW!! Brookfield Website
3/11/2012 MARCH - Regular Meeting - Monday
Cut & Paste to your browser:
MADISON COUNTY - Board of Supervisors
3/12/2013 Regular Meeting - Tues. March 12, 2013
Brookfield Board of Education
Special Meeting
5:30 p.m. – School Library/Media Room
Chittenango Police Chief, Jeff Paul, Under Investigation
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