Sunday, July 20, 2014

BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD - Gas Moratorium & Judges' Audit

Below is a LETTER TO THE Waterville Times EDITOR, from Brookfield resident, Jackie Mineo, regarding the Gas Moratorium and Judges' Audit ...and lack thereof!

 To the Editor:

   At the Town of Brookfield’s last Board  meeting, as well as in letters to this paper, it has become apparent that there are some very unhappy people with our Town Boards decision to not extend the Moratorium on Gas Drilling…and with good reason. There was concern expressed about our Town Attorney voicing a legal opinion to the Board on the night of that vote that may have influenced the Board…an opinion he reversed at the following meeting. The recent Middlefield –Dryden appeal decision proved his initial opinion to be incorrect.   It’s clear to most people that this issue HAS to be re-voted on . Not just because of the shadow of possible misinformation but because no notification was given to the public that any vote on the Moratorium was to have taken place at that meeting.  One very upset member of the public  who pointed this out to our Supervisor, John Salka,  was told by him that people could have known because the agenda is a public document…except the agenda never became “public” until the night of the meeting!

     Another troubling  issue is the reluctance of our Town Board to perform a Judges audit for 2013…We’ve gotten nothing but excuses and delays.. A annual Judges audit is REQUIRED  by The Unified Court Act and Town Law 123. It is especially relevant to our Town this year with the death of  one of our  Judges.  The Board, by law, must do the audit itself or cause it to be done by a Certified Public Accountant or a Public Accountant within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year.  At our June meeting I asked when this audit (already late) would be done, as they had already discussed it at a meeting earlier this year. Incredulously, I was told by Mr. Head that it had already been done by our accountant. I had to remind them that our accountant had done the 2012 audit not the 2013 one. I was told again by Mr. Head “ all I know is that it’s already been done”. I asked when the other audits for Clerk and Supervisor would be done ( no Town Clerk or Town Supervisor internal audits have been done in years), I was told “ no idea”.  The Board came a bit more “up to speed” at our meeting this month and are now saying they are planning on doing audits, they have spoken to someone to do them, or help them, but they don’t know what it will cost yet. …and would still not say when it will be started.  The last Judges audit was done a full year late, let’s see how long this one takes.

Jackie Mineo