high-powered commission created by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo to root out corruption
in New York politics was hobbled almost from the outset by demands from the
governor’s office, which sought to shield his allies from scrutiny, according to
an examination by The New York Times. |
three-month review of the panel’s short life and sudden death found that the
governor’s office deeply compromised the commission’s work, objecting whenever
its investigators focused on groups with ties to Mr. Cuomo or on issues that
might reflect poorly on him. |
Mr. Cuomo abruptly disbanded the commission halfway through what he had
indicated would be an 18-month life. And now, as the Democratic governor seeks a
second term in November, federal prosecutors are investigating the roles of Mr.
Cuomo and his aides in the panel’s shutdown and are pursuing its unfinished
business. |
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/23/nyregion/governor-andrew-cuomo-and-the-short-life-of-the-moreland-commission.html?emc=edit_na_20140723 |