Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Following is a summary of what I believe are the highlights of the NOV 10, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Brookfield Town Board.  

PRESENT: Supervisor Salka; Councilmen: Clint Abrams, Jeff Mayne, Dewitt Head, Joe Walker;  Highway Superintendent/Codes:  Bob Piersma; CLERK:  Sherri Perretta. 
Attendance:   12-15 residents / Brookfield Town Hall

At the NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Regular Meeting  we learned:
HERE WE GO….a whopping 8% TAX INCREASE expected in the MADISON COUNTY Budget….go figure:  $13 million from the Oneida Deal…. And we get an 8% increase….MADISON COUNTY SUPERVISORS and MANAGEMENT  receive FREE HEALTH INSURANCE…. No contribution.  Nice.  FULL TIME Benefits for  part time jobs as Town Supervisors  !!!!  … and the Supervisors  & the County complain about STATE MANDATES!? So far:  BCS taxes+12%; County Taxes +8% !!!
FINANCES – Salka reported the Town’s finances are in good shape going into 2015; including payments pending from: CHPS,  FEMA, Fenner Truck sale; and fund balances looking at  $700,000 after all funds received.  So, should we expect an increase from the Town as well?  
BUILD  A HOUSE and we TAXPAYERS will BUILD YOU A ROAD!!!  Another  wake up call.  Came away with the understanding if you build a house on a dirt or seasonal road it is the TOWN’s  RESPONSIBILITY – financial and otherwise – to UPGRADE THE ROAD at costs of $10’s of thousands of TAX PAYER dollars in materials alone.  Apparently this is a State requirement.  The TOWN BOARD needs to review the policy for IDENTIFYING & ABANDONING old unused roads and put a policy in place.  Otherwise, we TAXPAYERS are going to end up paying for roads for private developers!!!   Right now there is no cap on these costs or requirements…just move on in!
FINALLY – A TIME LINE re: “HYDRO-FRACKING” BAN Straw Poll  - Following the straw poll (3 to 1 against “hydrofracking” in the Town of Brookfield, the Board was pushed  to bring a “TIME LINE” and resolution to the NEXT – DECEMBER Board Meeting re: banning the practice of hydrofracking in the Town of  Brookfield.  Supervisor SALKA has promised to speak with DeRuyter’s attorney who is reviewing a similar ban in their Town and will also report at the next meeting. .  (See letter from DeRuyter resident request to ban in their Township.)
           Salka also promised for the next regular meeting that the Board will set a date for the PUBLIC HEARING regarding a BAN.  A public hearing is needed prior to any ban.    “HOME RULE” – allowing the TOWN to make the decision whether or not to allow “hydrofracking” within its borders -- has been upheld in the highest NYS courts.  It is my understanding that the ban would not allow the practice of hydrofracking;  the practice of conventional drilling would still  be allowed on gas leased properties, but clarification needed. 
PLANNING BOARD – appears to be moving ahead and better organized; obtaining clarifications, etc.  A legal case researched by Clerk Perretta, determined there is no conflict of interest in Marylou Rhodes serving on the Town Planning Board and acting as Justice of the Peace. 
CODES – DeWitt Head & Bob Piersma to make the rounds of junk yard inspections this coming week.  Piersma explained that he was simply filling in for Hamilton Codes and no longer holds that position.  He also recommended the Board adopt a policy for safety check of rental properties and will provide some samples which other towns use.  This is a SAFETY issue.  Some sub-standard rentals out there!
SALT SHED Clint Abrams reported on activities to date; plans are underway to improve the salt shed, runoff and  drainage until a more permanent salt shed can be constructed.  Hoop fabric buildings which the committee has viewed were in the $300,000 range.  Additional work and consideration of options/cost continue.  
HIGHWAY – Truck rotation policy working well.  Fenner is buying one of our trucks for $100,000. 
DOG CONTROL -  Gordon Chafee has agreed to fill in temporarily, replacing Ed Dineen who resigned last month. So far, only one person, from Erieville, has applied for the position.  Sherri agreed to make follow up calls.  It is a heartbreaking and thankless job making it difficult to fill – people seem to be more of the problem than the dogs.  Let’s also hope the Board will take the time to “introduce” the new DCO to the community !!!! And use clear communications with the Community.  Would also help to have the DCO be required to show up at least a couple of town board meetings .
BUDGET 2015 – Failure to file the legal notice for the public comment hearing  on the budget, as required by law, will delay the budget by approximately 4 days past the deadline.     The public hearing on the 2015 Budget is now scheduled for 11/24….but CHECK the Board first…or the Door.
DELTA – Agreement & Road Use Law :  Finally ??? A copy was provided to the Board for review. The Law will eventually require a public meeting. 
Mytillda Miner – dedication reviewed by Perk Stalter….and special dedication banner donated to the Town.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – they are tallying responses to second survey.

NEXT “REGULAR” MONTHLY BOARD MEETING:  Monday/Dec 8 but check the website at: