* Hydrofracking Straw Poll - taken in the Town of Brookfield, voting against Hydrofracking by a margin of almost 3:1 ; Waterville Times includes a "Letter" from Larry Krause, Brookfield.
* Annual budgets and proposed 2015 Elected Town Salaries are up for approval. Salaries are for: Supervisors, Highway Supt, Councilpersons, Judges, Clerk. I will post a comparison later.
* Waterville Times does a good analysis to the Magee v Salka run for our local State Assembly; Magee squeezed by in view of the number of voters leaving blanks -- not voting for either candidate.
* Unadilla Forks voted down the proposition that would have made the Highway Superintendent's position an appointed position. It will remain an elected position.
* Obituaries - Evelyn Adkinson's husband, Roger, passed away unexpectedly. Services Nov 16. Very sorry.
* Safety Tips - found out you should never use an Extension Cord with electric heaters; they need to be plugged into the wall...no extensions!
* Several local fire departments elections for Fire Commissioners for the Brookfield, Leonardsville, Unadilla Fork Fire Districts.
* "Brookfield Artisans" CRAFT SHOW - Sunday, NOV 16 - Noon to 4PM ... at the NORTH BROOKFIELD Fire House! Great chance to do some LOCAL shopping and support area crafters.. some great items....
* Rabid Skunk Attack in North Brookfield - reported in the Waterville Times...ran right up the man's pant leg and bite him ! ...details in Opinion / Waterville Times.