Friday, November 14, 2014

Local "PAPER ROUTE" - Nov 12 - Local Papers - Waterville Times & West Winfield Star

From the local "PAPER ROUTE".... Waterville Times & West Winfield Star....are full of information this week.  While it may be the "digital age", these local papers are full of the information that will most affect you and local columnists who keep us up to date on our "communities".  This is NOT a paid plug.  Where else would we get this information if not for our LOCAL PAPERS? .... here is what you're missing if you haven't picked up a copy.....NOVEMBER 12 issues now on newsstands:

Hydrofracking Straw Poll  - taken in the Town of Brookfield, voting against Hydrofracking by a margin of  almost 3:1 ; Waterville Times includes a "Letter" from Larry Krause, Brookfield.

* Annual budgets and proposed 2015 Elected Town Salaries are up for approval.  Salaries are for: Supervisors, Highway Supt, Councilpersons, Judges, Clerk.  I will post a comparison later.

* Waterville Times does a good analysis to the Magee v Salka run  for our local State Assembly; Magee squeezed by in view of the number of voters leaving blanks -- not voting for either candidate.

* Unadilla Forks voted down the proposition that would have made the Highway Superintendent's position an appointed position.  It will remain an elected position.

* Obituaries - Evelyn Adkinson's husband, Roger, passed away unexpectedly. Services Nov 16.  Very sorry.

* Safety Tips - found out you should never use an Extension Cord with electric heaters; they need to be plugged into the extensions!

* Several local fire departments elections for Fire Commissioners for the Brookfield, Leonardsville, Unadilla Fork Fire Districts.  

* "Brookfield Artisans"  CRAFT SHOW - Sunday, NOV 16 - Noon to 4PM ... at the NORTH BROOKFIELD Fire House!  Great chance to do some LOCAL shopping and support area crafters.. some great items....

* Rabid Skunk Attack in North Brookfield - reported in the Waterville Times...ran right up the man's pant leg and bite him ! ...details in Opinion / Waterville Times.