Saturday, February 27, 2016


After repeated pressures from the public, in DECEMBER the BCS board was finally embarrassed into offering a $1,000 reward for information they ALREADY HAVE!

Given that the Board REFUSED to acknowledge access by using an employee access card, only further supports the local contention that everyone knows who was involved, but like so many other things in this community, it is a matter of WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOUR DADDY is!

If it was their property you can be damn sure they would have at the VERY LEAST picked up the phone to follow up...but that is NOT how it works in this Town. They are waiting for the County Sheriff and State Troopers to report to them???!!

So much for PROTECTING THE TAXPAYERS' PROPERTY.... for $144,000 per year salary, would expect a bit more "administration"...and a little more "care and accountability" from the School Board. I hope the taxpayers remember this when we pass yet another budget increase for a sub-standard education (reference: the state  test result reports that are never reported or discussed).

To quote one of our illustrious Board Members...We should just shut your CAKE HOLE! They certainly have...and God knows, they have much BIGGER cake holes to cover!