Monday, February 29, 2016

OATH: A simple "oversight"...? NOT TRUE

VERY the Town Supervisor portrays the  oath debacle as a simple "oversight"[Per his FACEBOOK page....."...this has happened in Oneida & Oswego counties and is being treated as an OVERSIGHT"

NOT TRUE:   WHY did he purposely  NOT  mention that he and fellow  Madison County Supervisors used this very same "oversight" to throw theCounty Property Tax Director out of Office only last year! (or was that too an "oversight"?)  .... and the ONEIDA COUNTY "oversight":  he knows she also lost the position  to which she was RE-ELECTED (3 times!) and her party APPOINTED someone they liked. See article links below.

It is a much bigger deal than a simple "oversight": 

Since Mr. Salka indicates he will be briefed by the TOWN ATTORNEY this MONDAY morning, how long before we finally get a straight answer to:

Now that there are only 3 Board Members left: Salka, Mayne & Head......they might have a quorum but with Dewitt rumored to be in how will be obtain a quorum?

....and who is authorized to reinstate the Board and the Highway Superintendent? ...the Board? a special election??

....what are the implications for any benefits received during the vacancy period ?

....and while he said he reported it as soon as he was advised....just "who" advised him?

Under this administration, the status quo would be an improvement.  More time is spent running around the countryside furthering his own political ambitions...

It took YEARS to get a road agreement.... how long will it take to sort this out and get back to the VOTERS.... or, is this going to be another "sweep it under the rug" affair, just like the school vandalism?... how much will it cost the Town to clean this up?