There is a 6% increase, even after $100,000 is being used from the School's "Fund Balance (Savings Account).
On a PER STUDENT BASIS, the cost to educate a BCS student will increase approximately $410 per student at a cost of $26,044 PER STUDENT for 2016-27 school year (240 Students).
As an interesting "frame of reference",
according to the 2010 CENSUS,
the average income in the
Town of Brookfield was
$13,719 PER PERSON.
As an interesting "frame of reference",
according to the 2010 CENSUS,
the average income in the
Town of Brookfield was
$13,719 PER PERSON.
2015-16 school budget: $6,152,195.
2016-17 proposed school budget: $6,250,660.
Proposed tax levy change: 6% increase.
Major cuts: Eliminates a social worker position that results in $46,000 in savings. These responsibilities will be assumed by other district personnel.
Fund balance used: $100,000.
Propositions: None.
School board elections: One five-year seat. Valerie Nolan.
When: Noon to 9 p.m. at Brookfield Central School District, 1910 Fairground Road.