Tuesday, May 10, 2016

SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING:  4 Year Supervisor Term
You can't make this stuff up.  Here are several of the reasons 
SALKA thinks the Supervisor Term should be changed 
from 2 to 4 yrs.  Yet,  only THREE TOWNS in Madison Co. 
have a 4-yr Supervisor term:
1/ "It's a politician's NUMBER ONE JOB to be re-elected" 
... KID YOU NOT!!!  Salka explained that  it takes 18 months 
of a 24 month Supervisor term to campaign for re-election ;
 .....now that admission explains a lot.
2/ Sometimes you have to make "political" decisions 
which are unpopular. ...So the Supervisor needs more time 
for the voters to FORGET? 
3.  "All of the other [Brookfield] Town positions have four year terms"
.. he calls it "Continuity"......try  ACCOUNTABILITY ...that's what's needed. 
Not one of these "reasons" has ANYTHING to do with the Town's welfare. 
And frankly, what makes extending a supervisor's term to four year 
more important than so many other issues now facing this Town?  
Salka's Board unanimously approved the resolution
to put the change up for a public vote (referendum) in November. 
Dewitt and Walker forgot about the Special Meeting but 
eventually showed up but there was no posting on the website, 
nor was the agenda posted.  

According to Salka, he "doesn't have to use the website:
...."it is not a legal requirement"...WRONG, again.  
Maybe Mr. Salka should spend some time with the 
Town Attorney brushing up on the OPEN MEETINGS law!