Friday, December 14, 2018

12-26-18 Update - WEAVER "hat" remains in the "Ring"..SUPERVISOR

UPDATE! 12-26-18

Good news!  Diana Weaver WILL keep her "hat" in the ring for the Supervisor position which will be filled WED - Jan 2....Diane is a regular attendant and contributor at board meetings and and a wealth of knowledge regarding equipment !  So, it looks like we will still have FIVE QUALIFIED candidates for the SUPERVISOR position:  Diana Weaver, Kate Peerman, Loren Corbin, Chuck Blood and Jeff Mayne.

Should Mayne get the position, there will be an immediate opening for a TOWN BOARD member to fill Jeff's seat....ANYONE WITH AN INTEREST, INCLUDING SUPERVISOR CANDIDATES must submit a SEPARATE letter of interest for the Town Board seat.

Hoping that the retiring Supervisor, Salka, has done his homework and has checked with the TOWN ATTORNEY re: voting requirements:
....does MAYNE have to recuse himself from all votes?
...and just HOW will the voting process be conducted?....OPEN ITEMS from the last go-round...

12/14/18 - 

Sources have it that our Highway Superintendent, Paul Owens, WOULD WORK with CORBIN...!!

12/11/18 Rumor has it that Diana Weaver is withdrawing her letter of interest for the Supervisor position ....and that the Highway Superintendent will quit if Loren Corbin is appointed....

If Jeff Mayne moves to Interim Supervisor, a TOWN BOARD seat will open;

....BUT separate letters of interest for the BOARD position must be sent to Sherri prior to the JAN 2 meeting.

UPDATED:  For those who could not find the earlier post, I have cut and pasted below...previous postings can be found on the right-hand side of your computer...just click on a any event, there is the PREVIOUS POST: 12/10/18


Just a quick follow-up for those of you who were unable to attend last night’s (12/10/18) Brookfield Town Board meeting.  It was packed house due to the scheduled appoint of an interim TOWN SUPERVISOR to serve out Salka’s term through the next general election – Nov 2019. 

Supervisor Salka presided.  All Board members were present: Joe Walker, DeWitt Head, Jeff Mayne and Clint Abrams.  Also in attendance our Highway Superintendent Paul Owens. 

The meeting was a combination of “who would have thought”…and “here we go AGAIN”. 

From the “Who would have thought” column:  there were actually FIVE QUALIFIED candidates who submitted letters of interest and bravely threw their hats in the ring.  Unfortunately, Salka would not allow their letters of interest to be read aloud and grudgingly “revealed” the names of the 5 candidates…as though they wanted to keep it a secret: Kate Peerman, Diana Weaver, Loren Corbin, Chuck Blood and Jeff Mayne.  

From the “Here we go again” column:  Salka didn’t do his homework and once again, at the 11th hour, the Board was unable to move forward – to the Board’s OBVIOUS relief!!  Problem: under the law, the Board could not appointment an interim supervisor UNTIL SALKA VACATED HIS SEAT  and he would not do it at the meeting because he wanted to serve out his term until DECEMBER 31, 2018.   So the appointment cannot be made until the JAN 2. 

[No doubt the relief was due to the fact there was: a) packed house; b) five candidates; c) no idea how to proceed with a vote; and d) the usual back-room politics.]

The vote confusion stems from the rules of appointment as reported by Salka:  the appointment requires a “super majority” (at least 2/3 vote approval)…among 4 board members…one of whom has to recuse himself from the voting because he is a candidate. 

It was really unfortunate that Salka would not allow the letters of interest to be read aloud to the packed house.   Wouldn’t it have been good to KNOW the candidate’s interest and their qualifications?  Who would have known of Kate Peerman’s professional and military background?  That Chuck Blood was retiring from farming and could devote full time to the position?  That Diana Weaver has a great equipment background and is regular at Town Board meetings? That Loren Corbin was the former Town Supervisor?.. and Jeff Mayne’s tenure on the County Fair and Highway experience?  

It was evident that the Board was scrambling as they met privately in John’s office right after the meeting was adjourned……technically, a BOARD MEETING. 

Stay tuned….there will be an extension of the time to write a letter of interest for the SUPERVISOR position…HOWEVER, a separate letter of interest will be required to fill the open TOWN BOARD position in the event current Board Member, Jeff Mayne, is appointed to the Supervisor position. 

Check the Town Board website for “special meetings/notifications”.  The TOWN WEBSITE

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

TOWN SUPERVISOR - Rumor Updates and Additions...

12/14/18 - 

Sources have it that our Highway Superintendent, Paul Owens, WOULD WORK with CORBIN...!!

Rumor has it that Diana Weaver is withdrawing her letter of interest for the Supervisor position ....and that the Highway Superintendent will quit if Loren Corbin is appointed....

If Jeff Mayne moves to Interim Supervisor, a TOWN BOARD seat will open;

....BUT separate letters of interest for the BOARD position must be sent to Sherri prior to the JAN 2 meeting.

UPDATED:  For those who could not find the earlier post, I have cut and pasted below...previous postings can be found on the right-hand side of your computer...just click on a any event, there is the PREVIOUS POST:


Just a quick follow-up for those of you who were unable to attend last night’s (12/10/18) Brookfield Town Board meeting.  It was packed house due to the scheduled appoint of an interim TOWN SUPERVISOR to serve out Salka’s term through the next general election – Nov 2019. 

Supervisor Salka presided.  All Board members were present: Joe Walker, DeWitt Head, Jeff Mayne and Clint Abrams.  Also in attendance our Highway Superintendent Paul Owens. 

The meeting was a combination of “who would have thought”…and “here we go AGAIN”. 

From the “Who would have thought” column:  there were actually FIVE QUALIFIED candidates who submitted letters of interest and bravely threw their hats in the ring.  Unfortunately, Salka would not allow their letters of interest to be read aloud and grudgingly “revealed” the names of the 5 candidates…as though they wanted to keep it a secret: Kate Peerman, Diana Weaver, Loren Corbin, Chuck Blood and Jeff Mayne.  

From the “Here we go again” column:  Salka didn’t do his homework and once again, at the 11th hour, the Board was unable to move forward – to the Board’s OBVIOUS relief!!  Problem: under the law, the Board could not appointment an interim supervisor UNTIL SALKA VACATED HIS SEAT  and he would not do it at the meeting because he wanted to serve out his term until DECEMBER 31, 2018.   So the appointment cannot be made until the JAN 2. 

[No doubt the relief was due to the fact there was: a) packed house; b) five candidates; c) no idea how to proceed with a vote; and d) the usual back-room politics.]

The vote confusion stems from the rules of appointment as reported by Salka:  the appointment requires a “super majority” (at least 2/3 vote approval)…among 4 board members…one of whom has to recuse himself from the voting because he is a candidate. 

It was really unfortunate that Salka would not allow the letters of interest to be read aloud to the packed house.   Wouldn’t it have been good to KNOW the candidate’s interest and their qualifications?  Who would have known of Kate Peerman’s professional and military background?  That Chuck Blood was retiring from farming and could devote full time to the position?  That Diana Weaver has a great equipment background and is regular at Town Board meetings? That Loren Corbin was the former Town Supervisor?.. and Jeff Mayne’s tenure on the County Fair and Highway experience?  

It was evident that the Board was scrambling as they met privately in John’s office right after the meeting was adjourned……technically, a BOARD MEETING. 

Stay tuned….there will be an extension of the time to write a letter of interest for the SUPERVISOR position…HOWEVER, a separate letter of interest will be required to fill the open TOWN BOARD position in the event current Board Member, Jeff Mayne, is appointed to the Supervisor position. 

Check the Town Board website for “special meetings/notifications”.  The TOWN WEBSITE


Just a quick follow-up for those of you who were unable to attend last night’s (12/10/18) Brookfield Town Board meeting.  It was packed house due to the scheduled appoint of an interim TOWN SUPERVISOR to serve out Salka’s term through the next general election – Nov 2019. 

Supervisor Salka presided.  All Board members were present: Joe Walker, DeWitt Head, Jeff Mayne and Clint Abrams.  Also in attendance our Highway Superintendent Paul Owens. 

The meeting was a combination of “who would have thought”…and “here we go AGAIN”. 

From the “Who would have thought” column:  there were actually FIVE QUALIFIED candidates who submitted letters of interest and bravely threw their hats in the ring.  Unfortunately, Salka would not allow their letters of interest to be read aloud and grudgingly “revealed” the names of the 5 candidates…as though they wanted to keep it a secret: Kate Peerman, Diana Weaver, Loren Corbin, Chuck Blood and Jeff Mayne.  

From the “Here we go again” column:  Salka didn’t do his homework and once again, at the 11th hour, the Board was unable to move forward – to the Board’s OBVIOUS relief!!  Problem: under the law, the Board could not appointment an interim supervisor UNTIL SALKA VACATED HIS SEAT  and he would not do it at the meeting because he wanted to serve out his term until DECEMBER 31, 2018.   So the appointment cannot be made until the JAN 2. 

[No doubt the relief was due to the fact there was: a) packed house; b) five candidates; c) no idea how to proceed with a vote; and d) the usual back-room politics.]

The vote confusion stems from the rules of appointment as reported by Salka:  the appointment requires a “super majority” (at least 2/3 vote approval)…among 4 board members…one of whom has to recuse himself from the voting because he is a candidate. 

It was really unfortunate that Salka would not allow the letters of interest to be read aloud to the packed house.   Wouldn’t it have been good to KNOW the candidate’s interest and their qualifications?  Who would have known of Kate Peerman’s professional and military background?  That Chuck Blood was retiring from farming and could devote full time to the position?  That Diana Weaver has a great equipment background and is regular at Town Board meetings? That Loren Corbin was the former Town Supervisor?.. and Jeff Mayne’s tenure on the County Fair and Highway experience?  

It was evident that the Board was scrambling as they met privately in John’s office right after the meeting was adjourned……technically, a BOARD MEETING. 

Stay tuned….there will be an extension of the time to write a letter of interest for the SUPERVISOR position…HOWEVER, a separate letter of interest will be required to fill the open TOWN BOARD position in the event current Board Member, Jeff Mayne, is appointed to the Supervisor position. 

Check the Town Board website for “special meetings/notifications”.  The TOWN WEBSITE

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Support PEERMAN - For Supervisor - DEC 10 7PM

 FOR Emails to Support KATE....The TOWN website has EMAIL LINKS to TOWN CLERK Sheri Kabana is the TOWN WEBSITE CONTACT

As some of you may not be aware, the Town of BROOKFIELD has advertised for a new TOWN SUPERVISOR to replace Salka. It doesn't appear that any of the current Town Board Members want the job.....
SO....PRESENTING A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR BROOKFIELD ....and let you know that KATE PEERMAN... has graciously tossed her "hat" in the ring for the BROOKFIELD TOWN SUPERVISOR position recently posted in the local newspaper.

Kate ran last year and ran because she believed the council could use a fresh perspective. Her campaign motto was:
Respect for the past.
Hope for the future.
Positive action for now.
NOW is the time to get behind KATE at the next TOWN BOARD MEETING - this MONDAY - DECEMBER 10
Letters/emails will be accepted through December 10, 2018 at 6:30 pm. Letters will be presented to the Town Board at the regular Town Board meeting to be held Monday, December 10, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Brookfield Town Hall. [See TOWN Website/Special Meetings] for full add.
And for those of you who are not familiar with Kate's professional background, here is a bit of info....
Kate's Navy and corporate experience have afforded her the opportunity to lead and develop people, manage large operating budgets and solve complex problems.
Kate proudly served in the US Navy for 22.5 years and reached the rank of Master Chief. Kate held several leadership positions throughout the Navy Recruiting Command.
After retiring from the Navy, Kate worked for a large defense contractor (Northrop Grumman) for 14 years and retired as a Director of Talent Acquisition.
Kate, resides at Gorton Lake, president of the Lake Association for over three years and has been a member of the Brookfield community for over 10 years and a full time resident for over six years.
PLEASE PASS ON and hope to see you MONDAY -DEC 10 7:00 PM - Town Hall - Brookfield !

Monday, November 12, 2018

MAGEE-SALKA - Count still pending..

According to the ONEIDA DISPATCH  article 3,000 absentee ballots still outstanding... If Salka wins, as expected , Jeff Mayne to become Supervisor. WHO WILL FILL THE SEAT left by Jeff?  Let's start a push for KATE BEERMAN.... we need new blood!!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

SALKA - Conflicts of Interest EXPOSED


Letter: Madison County Courthouse rental space raises ethical questions for Salka
By Al Szablak Lincoln Oct 31, 2018 Comments

New York state leads the nation in government corruption second only to Illinois. Thirty-five officials have been jailed, removed, or resigned since 2000. That's why it's important to consider how candidates discharged their duties in the past with respect to ethics.

In the 121st Assembly race, John Salka is one of the candidates. Salka is a member of the Madison County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) and a Madison County Supervisor. In 2017 the county needed temporary office space while the courthouse was remodeled. Salka voted to ignore the IDA's ethics laws that state "(e) No member or employee of the Agency should engage in any transaction as representative or agent of the Agency with any business entity in which he/she has a direct or indirect financial interest." First at the IDA, Salka voted to ignore conflicts of interest and award his friend and fellow IDA member with a no bid nearly $2 million taxpayer funded county contract. Salka then doubled down by casting another vote for his colleague in his role as a county supervisor.

At the end of the contract, the county will walk away with only a paper receipt marked paid. One local businessman told me he would have sold the county a comparable building for $500,000 that would have cost another $500,000 to rehab. Besides costing $1 million less, the building could have been sold for $1 million once the county was done with it. Total cost to taxpayers would have been $0. New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli needs to make a determination on this matter. Until then, Salka's ethical qualification for office faces serious questions.

Monday, September 24, 2018


Summer over and back at the keyboard..... FIRST....would like to acknowledge the recent passing of CAROLINE amazing lady who we shared the privilege of knowing.

On the TOWN BOARD front:   SALKA vs. FLICK'S TAVERN ....continues!!!  At the Sept board meeting Salka refused to give an update due to "Pending Litigation"....well they better let the TOWN ATTORNEY know!! ...RUMOR SOURCE:  No litigation pending....and the BOARD was told by their attorney what they needed to do but but they won't do it!!!....Can't someone from the Board sit down with Kabana to work something out!??  What was recommended?  Why no action?

CEMETERIES - Understand that a $1 million insurance policy is required in order to mow the local cemeteries ??? While there are individuals out there who have offered to mow for nominal amounts but are required to have $1 million insurance .....$500 insurance for $200 job! Couldn't we get some kind of waiver from the insurance company???

BCS - NO BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES SINCE LAST YEAR  - It has been over one year (August 2017) since we have seen the BOARD MINUTES on the BCS website... couldn't even pick up a copy!  I have repeatedly emailed Superintendent JIM PLOWS and Board Clerk KRISTA CASE....and have been advised that they have " OTHER PRIORITIES"  ....where is the BOARD? Just who is running the place??


 Save BROOKFIELD.....LOSE Salka 
Send him to ALBANY 
where he can do less HARM !!! 
Sponsored by:

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

NYS Healthcare - Rural & Essentials Plan

 A recent news article brought to mind the NYS "ESSENTIALS" Healthcare Insurance...low, affordable insurance premiums for individuals ABOVE THE POVERTY LEVEL... a seriously good program for low income... and definitely affordable.  The AFFORDABLE CARE  may explain why so many people can now become SELF-EMPLOYED...the insurance "chains" of corporate America are unleased!!! ....NOW THEY WANT TO TAKE IT BACK ...due to LOW one wants to flip the burgers for pocket change anymore!!!!THAT's WHY the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is being destroyed by the Corporate owned Congress.  Not rocket science.

NEW YORK, is a Medicaid EXPANSION state.  "Expanding" healthcare to low income individuals allowing them to afford healthcare insurance at reduced premium rates, depending on your level of income.  2018 Federal Poverty Level (FPL) for a Couple is APPROXIMATELY $16,500 per year income and $24,000 for a family of 4.  For example, if you are a family of 4  and ABOVE the POVERTY LEVEL for example: make $30,000 ...your family is still eligible for a reduced monthly premium through NYS Essentials Program.  Some premiums qualify for as little as $25 per month (individual).  Here is a good site on the ESSENTIALS Plan at BC/BS  it is AFFORDABLE!!  Worth checking out online to see if you qualify...!   

WEBSITE  (Copy & Paste - takes you to Blue Cross/ Blue Shield Site with details):

NY Times re: Impact of Medicaid Expansion of Healthcare Coverage:  "...Community health centers in urban areas where Medicaid expanded saw no significant changes in quality compared with those in urban areas in non-expansion states. But rural health centers in states that expanded  experienced significant gains..." 

Town of Hamilton passes right-to-farm law

At its June town council meeting, after having held a public hearing, the Hamilton Town Council  unanimously passed a right-to-farm law. The law was drafted by the Zoning Update Committee and was originally prompted by requests from the community and as suggested in the town comprehensive plan.  Check out full article at MADISON COURIER:

Website! WATERVILLE YARD SALES...check them out!

CHECK IT OUT!....great website for local sale items and yard sales...some familiar Brookfield names; here is the link...and it's free!


BCS: Education -New law mandating mental health education to take effect

ALBANY, N.Y. >> A new state law is taking effect that will require schools to teach mental health to students in elementary, middle and high school.  The measure was passed and signed into law in 2016. It requires schools to include teaching about mental health in traditional physical education and health classes. It takes effect on Sunday.  See full article at ONEIDA DISPATCH:

Monday, July 2, 2018


This is the SNOTTY little response when I asked about the BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES that have not been done since AUGUST 2017 according to the website.  When I asked for an update this is the response..who the hell runs the school anyway?

I'm sorry, but I am working on other demands of higher priority. I will work on your request as soon as I can.
Thank you,
Christa Case
Office Assistant
Brookfield Central School
P.O. Box 60
Brookfield, NY 13314

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Updated 7-1-18

**The Town Clerk's Office will be CLOSED for vacation from June 29th, 2018
 through July 7th, 2018.  Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, July 10th.**

Brookfield - TOWN BOARD - Regular Meeting
Monday, July 09, 2018
7-9 PM
Town Hall - Brookfield

Madison County - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
2:00 PM
Wampsville, NY 13163

Brookfield - Madison Co. RABIES CLINIC - Fairgrounds!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
7-9 PM

Brookfield - PLANNING BOARD - Regular Meeting
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
7-9 PM
Town Hall - Brookfield

Madison County - FAIR   (Thursday to Sunday)
Thursday, July 12, 2018
10:00 AM

Harmful algae blooms found in Madison, Oneida counties

One algal bloom was reported and confirmed in Craine Lake in Madison County and another in Oneida County on the eastern shore of Oneida Lake at Verona Beach State Park. With the recent rains and forecast of hot, sunny weather, additional reports of harmful algal-blooms (HABs) in the near future are expected. Residents should avoid swimming, boating, or even just cooling off in waters with any algae.

“These harmful algal blooms are a health hazard and can cause problems for recreation, and potentially for the quality of our drinking water,” says Madison County’s Environmental Health Director Geoffrey Snyder. “Harmful algal blooms may have toxin-producing microscopic organisms harmful to humans and animals if swallowed. At high levels, swallowing water with toxin-producing algae may cause nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, along with irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract.”

In warm, shallow, undisturbed surface water that gets a lot of sunlight, the toxic bacteria in algae can grow quickly and easily


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Brookfield - 2018 RABIES CLINICS JULY 10 / 5-7 PM - Tuesday

Brookfield - 2018 RABIES CLINICS
JULY 10 / 5-7 PM - Tuesday
Brookfield Madison County Fairgrounds 1968 Fairground Rd, Brookfield

2018 RABIES CLINICS Available free of charge to Madison County residents.
A voluntary $5.00 donation per pet is requested to help defray clinic costs.
• All pets must be at least 3 months of age. Pets receiving their first rabies shot must get a booster within 1 year.
• All pets must be restrained on a leash or in a pet carrier.
• Proof of previous vaccination is required to qualify for a three-year certificate. Accepted forms of proof: (a) “Certificate of Vaccination” obtained from veterinarian or Madison County Department of Health or (b) “Dog license” showing rabies expiration date

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

SPECTRUM - False Advertising Misrepresentations

When the state approved Spectrum’s acquisition of Time Warner Cable, it did so based on the fulfillment of certain obligations. Those obligations included providing broadband access to underserved parts of the state and preserving a qualified workforce.  Their merger with Time Warner runs the risk of revocation due to misleading advertising and fudging the numbers on their commitments under the merger agreement :...Because of this claim and the misrepresentation to customers and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, there is a possibility that the approval of Spectrum’s acquisition of Time Warner Cable may be revoked, the department said.
      The situation regarding Charter/Spectrum is getting more serious with each passing day,” Department CEO John Rhodes said in a news release about the letter. “Not only has the company failed to meet its obligations to build out its cable system as required, it is now making patently false and misleading claims to consumers that it has met those obligations without in any way acknowledging the findings of the Public Service Commission to the contrary. Access to broadband is essential for economic development and social equity. Charter/Spectrum’s intentional deception of New Yorkers must end now.”


Spectrum scrutinized

• According to a New York State Department of Public Service investigation and a Public Service Commission order, Spectrum missed its required Dec. 16, 2017, build-out commitment to extend its broadband network to pass additional residences and businesses by 12,245 passings.

• For these two failures, Spectrum was ordered by the Public Service Commission to forfeit $2 million.

• Spectrum has not met a single build-out deadline since the approval of its acquisition of Time Warner Cable in 2016.

• The department of Public Service (PSC) stated that, instead of working to meet its commitment to New York, Spectrum has ignored the state’s interests and knowingly continued to advertise and publish knowingly false claims that the company is exceeding its mid-December 2017 commitment made to New York by more than 6,000 locations and is on track to extend the reach of advanced broadband network to 145,000 unserved or underserved locations by May 2020.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


This is a great website ...activities & news in the Waterville area...worth putting in your BOOKMARKS... Great Library events, historical talks, etc. Check out:  HUB OF THE HUDDLE

Magee puts spotlight on New York dairy producers at Agriculture Day

Assemblyman Bill Magee (D-Nelson) once again hosted Agriculture Day at the Legislative Office Building in Albany in conjunction with state Senator Patty Ritchie. The event, which took place on June 6, highlights the hard work of New York dairy producers and the critical role the industry plays in the state economy. 
     As chair of the Assembly’s Committee on Agriculture, Magee has been a tireless advocate for the state’s dairy farmers. This year’s budget provides $1.2 million for Cornell University’s PRO-DAIRY program, which connects dairy farmers with agribusiness professionals and offers education programs to strengthen the industry. The budget also includes $1.9 million for the New York Farm Viability Institute, with $370,000 earmarked for the Dairy Profit Team to help farmers increase profits. And to prevent disease in cattle and protect public health, the state budget invests $200,000 in Salmonella Dublin Research at Cornell University. 


ECONOMY Local - $450,000 to Griffiss Drone Program

State legislators have secured $3 million in the 2018-19 budget — $1 million of which will go to the entities in Rome.  Griffiss Local Development Corp. is receiving $500,000 to help with the construction of a new headquarters location for NYSTEC; Oneida County will get $450,000 to help support the unmanned aerial systems test facility; and Central New York Defense Alliance is getting $50,000 to help with daily operations.  FULL STORY AT UTICA OD:

Community Memorial Hospital offers Drug Take Back program

Local residents can dispose of unwanted pharmaceuticals at the 24 hour, seven day a week kiosk located in Community Memorial Hospital. This kiosk location does not accept aerosols, medical sharps, mercury thermometers, batteries, medical equipment, supplies or devices or hazardous chemicals. For disposal of these, items contact local household hazardous control waste officials.
     The Drug Take Back Pilot Program sponsored by the New York State Department of Conservation (DEC) offers residents convenient locations to dispose of leftover and expired medications -- just one part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the impact from unwanted drugs on public health and the environment.


Friday, June 22, 2018

West Winfield YARD SALES this Weekend

Fairly quiet weekend ahead...don't forget the WEST WINFIELD COMMUNITY YARD SALES...Friday & Saturday/ June 22 & 23

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Corbin "ON THIN ICE" After Digging Her Skates Into Supervisor Salka Over Flick's Tavern

Wow!! We missed a good Brookfield Town Board meeting this month!  Pick up a copy of this week's WATERVILLE TIMES for details!  Apparently, resident Doreen Corbin was asking the wrong questions about the Town vs Flicks. property dispute that continues to drag on $$.   According to Salka, Corbin is "on thin ice" and warned her that she could be banished from future Board meetings.  Wow!  Just more evidence that Open Government and Free speech went out the window in the Town of Brookfield!! ..and Salka thinks he should represent us in the state Assembly.    You don't treat taxpayers and residents like THAT!!!  Don't put critters like this in the Albany SWAMP!  PS I was once a whole-hearted Salka supporter.

Monday, June 18, 2018


Isn't it IRONIC....Salka, the guy who is going to clean up the Albany "Swamp" when he becomes assemblyman can't even clean up "his own/Town's backyard"....a 15' x 20' piece of land...can't get the neighbor to vacate....YEARS...yes, YEARS and thousands of dollars in attorney and surveying fees...he still can't correct the situation and come up with a solution...NO...IT's NOT HIS JOB.... now it's the BOARD's problem....I hear he's scared to death of the neighbor.  Like the Gorton Lake Rd. fiasco he accepts NO ACCOUNTABILITY for solving problems.  Salka will slither right into that swamp...I ask ANYONE who considers a vote for SALKA to take a drive through our Town of Brookfield and see for yourself.  Better yet, attend one of the Board meetings and see the DISRESPECT he shows his own constituents during the Public Q&A sessions and no one on the Town Board has the balls to call him on it.    Mr. ALL-TALK and NO-WALK... I used to be a supporter...too many years of promises and no results and more BS.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Ellie Abrams - Waterville Times "Baby of the Year"

How could I forget the Waterville Times cover story..."Kids All Day..."...Ellie Abrams, daughter of Sarah & Andrew Abrams, Brookfield, along with Althea Larkin (Waterville) were named Babies of the Year.  Nice story... teachers having babies during the school year and managing it all!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

LEONARDSVILLE School ... Sold! ?

According to this week's WEST WINFIELD STAR, the Leonardsville School is being sold to the Unadilla Forks Baptist Church.  The $100,000 purchase price [previously reported price] consists of $20,000 in local donations and a "substantial" ($80,000 ?) donation from an anonymous donor.  The Church group will be looking to lease space....maybe the Town Board should consider leasing a COURT ROOM  or OFFICES down there rather than a new building?...could be a win/win.  Mt. Markham School District is selling the property.  Hope this group can keep up the operating expenses, utilities, insurance and maintenance...wishing them Good luck ...would be nice addition to the Community. Front page of this week's June 6 - West Winfield Star.


Back at the keyboard and going to try something new: An EVENTS CALENDAR...based on what I find or hear about in the local papers (Waterville Times, West Winfield Star, etc.).  Will start with this coming weekend:  Friday/ June 8 through Sunday/ June 17.   So much going on....

NEWS: This week's West Winfield Star reported that the Unadilla Forks Baptist Chuch has purchased the Leonardsville School.  They raised $20,000 in donations and a separate, anonymous donor is picking up the tab on the other $80,000.  They are  looking for TENANTS....maybe the TOWN OF BROOKFIELD should consider leasing space for offices and court room in lieu of a NEW BUILDING....could be a win/win.

Per West Winfield Star - Lincoln Davies  Summit Rd., Paris Station, now has a museum!! Open JUNE 10 / 1-5PM first opening.

THIS WEEKEND: Thu/ June 7 to Sunday/ June 10
"Huge" Moving Sale - Unadilla Forks/W.Winfield - Thurs -Sat /Jun 7 -9 at 11271 Forks Rd.
HUGE BARN SALE [update] - Unadilla Forks / 156 Pritchard Rd./ Sat & Sun/ June 9 & 10
Community Garage Sales - Leonardsville - Saturday / June 9 / 9AM to 3PM (WWF Star)
Community Garage Sales - West Edmeston  ? Still confirming
CNY Fibre Fair  - Bouckville - Sat & Sun - June 9 & 10 / 10AM - 4PM
Lincoln Davies Museum - Sunday / June 10 / 1-5 PM - Summit Rd., Paris Station

NEXT WEEK: Monday - Thursday / June 11 - 14
BCS - Last Day of School - Monday/ June 11 -Grades 7-12
BCS - Regents Week - Tues-Fri / June 12-15
Brookfield Republicans -  Tuesday/ June 12 at 7:30PM Town Hall
TOWN BOARD MEETING CHANGED TO:  Thursday / June 14 / Leonardsville/ 7 PM
Comprehensive Plan "Community Chat" - Thursday / June 14 / Brookfield Town Hall / 6-8 PM

NEXT WEEKEND: June 14 -17
Brookfield Community Sales- Friday-Sunday / June 15-17
Leonardsville Fire Dept - Breakfasts  Sunday/June 17 - Fire Hall /7-10:30AM - Donations
FATHER's DAY - Sunday / June 17

Garage Sales - West Winfield - Saturday/ June 23

Thursday, April 19, 2018

TOWN: Court Security....PART 2- Town Board Meeting

Another astounding exchange at this month's Board meeting over the Town Court Judge's request to:

 1- Have a safety inspection of the Town Court Offices:  
TURNED DOWN - because "the state inspection will show a number of problems..and whenever the State comes in it gets more complicated"...."we don't know what the state is looking for"...

2 - SECURITY:  a deputy sheriff to attend six sessions PER YEAR at a COST OF $1,600....
TURNED DOWN:   according to Salka we already spend too much on the Court... " the Court already costs the Town about $5,000" !  What kind of ANSWER is that for the safety of the residents?...have any of these BOARD members ever bothered to haul their asses to one of the DA nights where people are lined up to the door? 

Pick up the Waterville Times and see if your yourself.....attend a meeting.  See you in May!

TOWN SUPERVISOR: PART 1 - "Not My Job"...unless you are CAMPAIGNING!

Please, do grab a copy of the Waterville Times this week.  Great coverage of the April BROOKFIELD Town Board meeting.

The primary topic was the Gorton Lake Rd. disaster.... dug up and left in September until Spring.... when it could be "fixed".

When residents showed up to complain the answers varied from:  "take another road"...."prove the road damaged your car"...and "not my job"...all from the guy who wants to change things in Albany...change to what...the hell hole this town has become. 

Just listen to Salka's campaign radio interview where he boldly takes credit for the Highway Dept's "50% drop in maintenance" and "no trucks older than 4 yrs old"...and hypocritically claims to residents at their Town meeting, that he has nothing to do with the Highway Dept other than the Budget...while he and the Board cry:"NOT MY JOB"...then what the hell is you job??? Other than collecting: salary - benefits - and using a community for your benefit?  Sure, let's take his "road show" to Albany...."swamp-qualified"......share the grief  with the rest of the State.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Flick's - Supervisor Speaks Out !! Go Johnny!

John Salka wants us all to know the following...glad to see you read my blog, John-Boy:

Sent to me, personally from Brookfield Town Supervisor, John Salka -- a guy that's ALBANY-READY....

In your obsession to finding something that I do wrong, you, in fact, got it wrong again. I did not put the posted signs up on the property next to the town hall, Mr.Kabanna did. Of course you will not correct this inaccuracy to the very small number of people that read your "blog". Please check your facts next time,again....

John-Boy - that was a helluva' lot cheaper that all that money spent you spent on attorney letters $$$$.....use your head and not the taxpayer money!! Again, glad to see you among my followers !!!

Monday, April 9, 2018


Just took another look at the WWF Star article re: Leonardsville School sale...the contract, to purchase the building for $100,000 is with MARSH CONSTRUCTION or UNADILLA VALLEY BAPTIST it all cash?  or a cheap down pay and low terms just to unload...I would feel better about it if the School Board hadn't included a totally misleading article on the background and other details that those that have followed this district know are hardly the full picture.  They just want to unload the building and throw it in Brookfield's backyard with the rest of the trash that's has piled up. 

Flick Tavern vs. Salka: ROUND 8? ...

If expensive attorney letters won't work...put up a POSTED SIGN...why didn't I think of that??? Go John Boy! Make Brookfield ....? Again???!   That's the kind of back bone we need in Albany...


The West Winfield Star carries a lot of good, local info...this week they also mentioned the SALE of the Leonardsville School to the "Unadilla Forks Baptist Church" is "PENDING" and looking for a JUNE 30 CLOSING?  Yet, it appears they are still looking for financial partners.  It would be nice, however I hope they have a firm understanding of the costs to operate and maintain that facility on a monthly basis.  Of course the Mt.Markham school board jumped at the chance to UNLOAD this building and its expenses.  What assurances are there that Mt. Markham's problems won't become Brookfield's problems??...LIKE THE SUTTON PLACE ON Rte 8......and take a look at what happened to the BRIDGEWATER School that Mt. Markham dumped!!! Then again, Brookfield has never been too "house proud" .... Sutton's place is considered "historical preservation" in this Town.  Sure, Salka's gonna "fix the swamp" in Albany...and leave a GARBAGE DUMP of a community behind.  JUST LOOK AROUND....

EMMALYN SMITH: Naval Academy Appointment !!!

Congratulations to EMMALYN SMITH, BCS student appointed to the US NAVAL ACADEMY!! The  April 4 West Winfield Star has a nice, front page article on Emmalyn ...Impressive young lady...!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

HOBIE MORRIS COLUMN - "I Guess I'm Old Fashioned"

You can see this week's 4/2/18 column "I guess I’m old-fashioned"..... re: Tools.....See this week's column on ONEIDA DISPATCH at,

ALBANY - Democrats end Feud

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- Democrats resolved a longstanding internal rupture in the New York state Senate Wednesday that had empowered Republicans and prevented votes on liberal priorities including gun control, abortion rights and help for immigrants.

The agreement ends a seven-year feud between the IDC and mainline Democrats that allowed Republicans to hold on to the Senate, their last bastion in New York state government. It also relieves a big headache for Cuomo, who has been accused by liberals of exploiting the schism for political leverage.

Democrats already have a big majority in the state Assembly and hold the offices of governor, comptroller and attorney general. Control of the Senate, too, would ease the way for Democratic bills currently blocked by the GOP, including ones to increase firearm restrictions, allow early voting, authorize state financial aid to students who entered the country illegally as children, and extend the statute of limitations on child molestation to allow victims to sue for decades-old abuse.

See the full article at:

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

RIP: Morrie Sturdevant, Jr. - Deansboro

Sorry to report the passing of Morris 'Morrie" Sturdevant Jr., 75, of Deansboro, NY, a loving husband, father and grandfather, passed away Sunday April 1, 2018 in Oneida, NY. His heart was as big as he was.  Great guy.  His obit is here at:

CRIME: North Brookfield resident charged with reckless endangerment after discharging weapon toward person

Check out article and Picture at the MADISON COURIER:

North Brookfield resident charged with reckless endangerment after discharging weapon toward person

On April 3, 2018, Madison County Sheriff’s Office investigators arrested Russell S. Bellair, 42, of 9247 Main St., North Brookfield, and charged him with first-degree reckless endangerment (a class D felony), second-degree menacing (a class A misdemeanor) and fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon (a class A misdemeanor).

It is alleged that Bellair and another man engaged in a physical dispute at Bellair’s residence. At one point during the dispute, Bellair grabbed his shotgun and pointed the weapon at the man’s head. The man pushed the barrel of the gun away when Bellair fired the gun and ran from the residence; as he was running, Bellair shot at him a second time.

The man was not struck by either of the two shots and was not injured.

Bellair was arraigned in Hamilton Town Court and remanded to the Madison County Jail in lieu of $2,500 cash bail or $5,000 bond.

He is scheduled to return to Hamilton Town Court at court at a later date to answer the charges.

HEALTH ALERT ! Colgate University student is hospitalized with a confirmed case of bacterial meningitis,

HAMILTON, NY - A Colgate University student is hospitalized with a confirmed case of bacterial meningitis, college officials said today.....Colgate also is taking steps to notify those who may have had close contact with the student, officials said.

Colgate issued a health alert Tuesday night after university officals learned the student was taken to Faxton St. Luke's Hospital in Utica with symptoms consistent with meningitis. The university said it is communicating with the New York State Department of Public Health and the Madison County Department of Public Health for additional guidance.

No additional patients have been identified at this time, the university said.

The bacteria don't live well outside the human body, and the infection isn't spread by casual contact or breathing air in the same room as the patient. Bacterial meningitis is spread through close contact, which is defined as kissing, sharing food and beverages, or being coughed on.

See the full story at the SYRACUSE POST STANDARD...

MAGEE - Madison Co. to receive $2.25 million in State Budget

Wampsville, N.Y. >> Madison County will once again receive $2.25 million in gaming revenue from the Yellow Brick Road Casino in Chittenango....As part of the recently-adopted New York state budget, Madison County --as host county -- will receive a cut of slot machine revenue from the Oneida Indian Nation’s first casino in the county....“This measure will help ensure Madison County gets its fair share of revenue to offset the municipal costs of casino expansion and provide much-needed support for vital community services,” Magee said, D-121.  THANK YOU, BILL MAGEE!  See full article at ONEIDA DISPATCH...good, local coverage...

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


The owner of a barn that caught fire in Plainfield says they lost about 30 animals, including cows and pigs, in that fire Monday.

Posted: Mar. 26, 2018 4:57 PM
Updated: Mar. 27, 2018 12:00 AM
Posted By: WKTV

PLAINFIELD, N.Y. (UPDATE) - The owner of a barn that caught fire in Plainfield says they lost about 30 animals, including cows and pigs, in that fire Monday.

Jane Stetson tells NEWSChannel 2 they had put the animals in the barn shortly before the fire started, around 4:00 p.m.
The fire on Armstrong Road destroyed the barn.
NEWSChannel 2 had reported in our TV broadcasts that all the animals had been rescued. 
NEWSChannel 2 received that information from Lorraine Chapman, president of the Unadilla Forks Fire Department. Stetson told WKTV that information is not accurate.
Officials are looking into the cause of the fire.
--original article--
PLAINFIELD – Several fire crews are responding to a barn fire in Otsego County.
The barn fire on Armstrong Road in the town of Plainfield was reported just before 4 p.m. Monday. Smoke and flames were visible when crews arrived on scene.
NEWSChannel 2 crews on scene say the barn is leveled, and there's no word yet on a cause or whether or not there were any animals in the barn. We will provide more information as it becomes available.

Sunday, March 25, 2018




Oneida County Sheriff's officials and Deansboro Fire Officials say a woman lost her life inside her home in a house fire in the Town of Marshall early Sunday morning.

Posted: Mar. 25, 2018 1:10 PM
Updated: Mar. 25, 2018 1:12 PM
Posted By: Gary Liberatore
Marshall, N.Y. - Deansboro Fire Chief Chris Steinmann says a 911 call came in at 6:48 a.m. Sunday morning for the report of a barn fire on Brothertown Rd. in Marshall, but it turned out to be a house fire, and when he arrived three minutes later, he says a husband and son were in the doorway of the burning home, but couldn't get inside to save their wife and mother inside.

Steinmann says that woman, whose name is not yet being released, died inside the home. "Upon arrival I seen two of the occupants trying to get their mother and wife out of the house with the first story fully involved at that time. They were just trying to gain access, they were just in the doorway hanging in the window trying to get in there."

Steinmann says firefighters couldn't get inside because the structure was fully engulfed in flames, "We could only get in about 3 to 4 feet until the water got here. It was the best we could do. The husband is being treated for burns and smoke and elation and the wife did not make it."

Being such a rural area, water had to be pumped in from a creek about 4 miles away.

Steinmann says the turnout from other neighboring fire departments, including Vernon Center, Oriskany Falls and Waterville was amazing, "There was such a turnout of firefighters here, it’s a brotherhood that really showed itself today."

Steinmann says counselors were being made available for any firefighters that may need to talk to someone, as is always the case after fighting a fatal fire.

The Red Cross was also on scene to assist the family.

Steinmann says the only thing known right now about the fire itself is that it started somewhere on the first floor.

The Oneida County Sheriff's Department is assisting in the investigation.

Gofundme Page:

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Disruption at Oriskany Falls COURT...

Upstate NY judge clears courtroom for 'everyone's safety,' man taken to hospital

ORISKANY FALLS, N.Y. -- A man became so disorderly in a local Oneida County criminal courtroom Monday night that others became fearful, Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol said in a news release.
Augusta Town Court Judge Jackie Warcup and Court Clerk Valerie Lockwood had to clear everyone from the courtroom "for their safety" after the man disrupted the court while in session around 5:30 p.m., the sheriff said in the release.
Sheriff's deputies arrived at the court, at 185 N. Main St. in the village of Oriskany Falls, after the courtroom had already been cleared.
Deputies briefly interviewed the "disorderly elderly white male," who was then taken into custody and transported to St. Elizabeth Medical Center for evaluation. The sheriff's office did not explain how the man was disorderly in court or why others were in fear.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

UPDATE - Leonardsville School

Rumor has it the Dog Rescue group has dropped plans for the Leonardsville Building.

Oneontan Runs Against Magee

Oneontan RunsAgainst Magee

Buttermann Seeks Assembly Seat

Dan Buttermann
ONEONTA – An Otsego County candidate today announced he will run against veteran Assemblyman Bill Magee, D-Nelson.
Dan Buttermann, the Oneonta City school board member and former candidate for county board, declared his candidacy for the 121st District, challenging fellow Democrat Magee in a June primary.  If he wins, he will face John Salka, the former Brookfield town supervisor and Madison County board chair, in November.
“As your representative,” said the candidate, who is an NYCM claims manager, “I will use my knowledge and experiences in business and community service to lead on the issues of education, economic development, infrastructure, environmental protection and sustainability.”
The 121st Assembly District includes all of Madison, as well as portions of Otsego and Oneida counties.
In addition to serving on the city school board, Buttermann is on the boards of Opportunities for Otsego and the Oneonta Concert Association.  Last fall, he was lead organizer of the first TEDxOneonta and TEDxOneontaWomen talks locally.  He was a member of Hometown Oneonta & The Freeman’s Journal’s first “20 Under 40” class.
A protege of former county Rep. Rich Murphy, D-Town of Oneonta, Buttermann ran for the county board in 2013.
Now living in the city with wife Ana Laura Gonzalez, a Hartwick College professor, and their three daughters, he previously served on the Oneonta Town Planning Board.  He is an Oneonta Rotarian, performs with the Oneonta Community Concert Band, and teaches courses on negotiation and organizational behavior at Hartwick.
He graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in clarinet performance, and hold an MBA from Southern Methodist University.  While at SMU, Dan was recognized as a Dean’s Circle student for his commitment to leadership development and community service through Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Collin County, Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children Consulting Program.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

KIDS - WEEKEND IDEAS..."Hub of the Huddle" blog

KIDS - WEEKEND IDEAS..."Hub of the Huddle" blog from Waterville with local entertainment events for kids...most are FREE and take place at the Waterville Library....check out the blog... a very nice Village...great people!!!

Leonardsville School Building - Interested Party

With reference to the second "interested" party, LEONARDSVILLE COMMUNITY & MINISTRY CENTER .....below is a link to their site and plans.

The big open question for any party: cost to maintain and lack of public water system.  Just don't want to see the Town of Brookfield end up with keeping/maintaining, if the Mt. Markham school system sells it "cheap" to someone who can not afford the costs, just to get it off the School District's  books...[look at Bridgewater School].

The Village of Waterville ended up footing the bill for hundreds of thousands of dollars when the Mill Buildings were abandoned.  We have enough residential dump sites in this Town... look around... and the Sutton place/Rt 8 appears abandoned ...will that added to the taxpayers' backs?


BIDDING WAR? Leonardsville School Building

RUMOR has it that there are two parties now interested in the Leonardsville School Building:  "Lainey's  Pitbull Rescue" operated by Kim Strong and the Leonardsville Community and Ministry Center.  

We hear that Strong appeared at the February 12 Regular Town Board meeting regarding her organizations plans.

Please refer to Utica TOPIX....this is just a sample of the postings re: Kim Strong's operation....apparently there is history... just sayin'.... Topix link below.

Ok I'll back it up, open your eyes to the facts!!
Public records- 2011 kim strong had her foster kids and animals taken away from her for the fifth and deplorable living conditions . Therer are 27 violations , papers are signed by Anthony Picente. Go to Oneida County building, public records. 
Another fact!
There is no more Utica food bank because all the money she stole from them. When they were onto her she up and left one day with the books. They kept losing all their major funding because of it. 
I've heard a lot about her doing same at Abraham house but I dont have the facts on that. 
Now she is playing on people's love of dogs. 
She is livng off of cash donations. 
Scam artist. 
You can keep a blind eye all you want but you can't change the facts.

Mueller Is Gaining Steam. Should Trump Worry?

WASHINGTON — "....With each passing day, Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, seems to add another brick to the case he is building — one more indictment, one more interview, one more guilty plea. Mr. Trump and his advisers insist they are not worried because so far none of the charges implicate the president. Yet no one outside Mr. Mueller’s office knows for sure where he is heading and the flurry of recent action seems to be inexorably leading to a larger target...." Continued at: NYTimes 2/24/18

Sunday, February 4, 2018

PROOF: House Speaker is so out of touch with the rest of us.

PROOF:   House Speaker is so out of touch with the rest of us....the STUPIDITY TO BRAG that the new tax bill put AN EXTRA $1.50 IN A SECRETARY's PAYCHECK...while HE PICKS up $500,000 from the KOCH BROTHERS....:

WASHINGTON — Speaker Paul D. Ryan faced a backlash on Saturday after he pointed to a secretary’s $1.50 weekly increase in take-home pay as a sign of the Republican tax plan’s success.

“A secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week ... she said [that] will more than cover her Costco membership for the year,” Mr. Ryan posted on Twitter, sharing an Associated Press report about paycheck increases under the $1.5 trillion tax overhaul.

The article describes a high school secretary, Julia Ketchum, as “pleasantly surprised” that her pay went up $1.50 a week, or $78 a year, more than enough to cover an annual Costco membership. Mr. Ryan deleted the Twitter post in hours, however, after lawmakers and social media users criticized him for appearing out of touch.

“That tweet about the $1.50 a week is not a PR mistake,” Senator Brian Schatz, Democrat of Hawaii, wrote on Twitter. “It is really what they think.”

....Critics also pointed to the $500,000 in campaign donations that the conservative billionaire Koch family gave to Mr. Ryan shortly after the House passed a version of the tax overhaul in November.  NYTimes 2/4/18

Friday, January 19, 2018

RIP - Mary Blackman - With our Sincere Sympathy

It is with great sorrow to report the sudden and unexpected passing of Mary Blackman.  Many of you know her from the General Store ... she was a loving mother and selfless friend.  Our sincere sympathy to Scott, Tabby, Chey, Katie and their families.  We understand there will not be calling hours.  A memorial service will be scheduled for a later date.  Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

TOWN - Jan 8 - Organizational Meeting & Regular Meeting 6:30 PM

of the Brookfield Town Board
Monday, January 8th, 2018
 Brookfield Town Hall
 6:30 PM

Congratulations! Town Atty Wayland-Smith Appointed COUNTY ATTORNEY

In its first organizational meeting of the year, Madison Co board appointed Tina Wayland-Smith as county attorney. Wayland-Smith is the first female to earn the position.

She has worked for the county for 28 years, having started in 1988 as an intern and later served as assistant county attorney under John Campanie since 1990. She has been acting county attorney since Campanie retired in 2016.

Becker also noted that Wayland-Smith is related to the first female county supervisor, Eleanor Herrick, who represented Oneida from 1923 to 1948.

See the ONEIDA DISPATCH article for remaining appointments at:

MAD CO. Becker praises Madison County progress in State of the County

Worth reading the entire article....Becker made some interesting comments/ criticisms of several "Committees".... ONEIDA DISPATCH ...great source of local information!!!

1/3/18 WAMPSVILLE >> After being the sole nomination, Sullivan Supervisor John Becker was named again as chairman of the board of supervisors at Tuesday’s organizational meeting. In his eleventh year in that role, Becker gave his state of the county address, overviewing the board’s progress last year and his charge for this year.

Becker said the highways, buildings and grounds committee will have a big job ahead of it this year with the oversight of the county court house renovations. The $15 million overhaul to make it handicapped accessible and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act should’ve been done in 1990 when ADA requirements were first enacted. The project “could have been completed for a fraction of today’s costs,” he said.  SEE REST OF ARTICLE AT:

POLICE BLOTTER - Madison Co Sheriff - Jan 3, 2018

From the ONEIDA DISPATCH "Police Blotter" - January are some events which have occurred in Brookfield.  Other arrests can be seen at the OD link:

Monday, Jan. 1: Jesse C. Hafelin, 34, of Brookfield, was charged with operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content level of .08 of 1%, driving while intoxicated, and drinking alcohol in a motor vehicle on the highway.

Sunday, Dec. 31: Jesse L. James, 19, of Brookfield, was charged with second-degree menacing, fourth-degree criminal mischief, criminal mischief, and criminal possession of a weapon with the intention to use.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

DANGER IN LOCAL MALLS - Warning to Women & Children

As if parents don't have enough to worry about, there are now reports of teen girls being followed by adult men at a local mall.

Heidi Dooley, of New Hartford, was shopping at Sangertown Mall during the holiday when another mother alerted her to something frightening: two men were watching her teen daughter in one of the stores. Heidi posted the following on Facebook:

BE ALERT WHEN SHOPPING! Today, my daughter and I went out to finish our shopping. We were in Dick’s when a woman approached me. She told me there were 2 men that were watching my daughter. She was so concerned about it, as was her husband, who followed them out of the store to keep an eye on them. My daughter told me that she saw them staring at her and hid behind a shelf. That’s when I reached her and the woman came up to us. I was uneasy the rest of our time in the mall. Thank you to that woman and her husband for looking out for us. Please tell your daughters not to go to the mall alone.

That's scary. Heidi and her daughter are not alone. Another young lady (who wished to remain nameless) posted a warning on her Twitter account:

PSA girls in CNY area, do not go to the mall alone!! Today I was followed through a parking lot into the mall by a man in a grey hooded jacket until I got in the front door and a mall cop was visible, he immediately turned the other way and walked away from the mall!!

She confirmed in the replies that this was also at Sangertown Square Mall. Among the replies were other young women suggesting something similar had happened to them. In fact, my own teenage daughter says she was followed by an older man through Macy's.
Heidi reported the incident to the New Hartford Police Department.

Parents, be certain to keep an eye on your child, and caution older children to be aware of their surroundings at all times and especially when in the parking lot. If you're ever in the mall and feel unsafe, don't hesitate to talk to mall security or even a store employee, who can call for security for you. 


Monday, January 1, 2018

Legal Services opens drop-in clinic in Oneida

Need a lawyer or legal advice...but can't afford one?  Great news from LEGAL SERVICES OF CENTRAL NY.....

Oneida, N.Y. >> Legal Services of Central New York has opened a weekly drop-in clinic to provide free civil legal services to income eligible clients.

The clinic will be held on Thursdays from 1-3 p.m. at the Gorman Foundation Community Center, 1081 Northside Shopping Center, Oneida. Attorneys will be available to provide free advice, information, and referrals regarding civil legal issues.

Help is available in cases involving matters such as landlord-tenant problems, education and school discipline, public benefits, consumer problems, wage theft and unemployment insurance, access to health care, access to assigned counsel, access to public services, language access, and foreclosure.

Legal Services does not offer services in criminal or personal injury cases.

Legal Services of Central New York also offers free assistance with a variety of civil legal issues, including family law, by telephone. The HelpLine may be accessed Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. by calling 1-877-777-6152.

For more information, contact Legal Services of Central New York at 315-703-6500 or see