Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Windfall for Chobani Employees: Stakes in the Company

CHOBANI - Shares the Wealth !!! 

NEW BERLIN, N.Y. — The 2,000 full-time employees of Chobani were handed quite the surprise on Tuesday: an ownership stake in the yogurt company that could make some of them millionaires.

Hamdi Ulukaya, the Turkish immigrant who founded Chobani in 2005, told workers at the company’s plant here in upstate New York that he would be giving them shares worth up to 10 percent of the company when it goes public or is sold. 

The goal, he said, is to pass along the wealth they have helped build in the decade since the company started. Chobani is now widely considered to be worth several billion dollars.

Read the Rest of the Article on the NY TIMES:
