Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Rumor's response to SALKA

Rumor's response to SALKA:
Dear Mr. SALKA,

While you spend the next months dedicating yourself to the campaign and furthering your  political aspirations in Albany:  running around the counties, telling them all the things you are going to do for "your constituents"......take a look in your own back yard and how "well" that's been tended.... you'll fit right in!  

You asked for a response and I will GLADLY comply:

*      * SALKA:   Mr. Piersma had every intention of requesting a leave of absence BEFORE ever intending on building our home which, obviously no matter to you, is none of your business. After our daughter passed away we decided we could no longer live were we are and are building a new home. Bob gave us a fair quote and will be getting the job.  RUMOR:  Then you're saying  you appointed Piersma  HIGHWAY SUPT on MARCH 8,  knowing full well that he was taking a LEAVE OF ABSENCE  -- only 30 days later to build your house?  And you see NO CONFLICT of INTEREST....?
·         SALKA:   I never asked Mr. Jennison to leave a board meeting. If you would show up at meetings instead of criticizing without being somewhere that is your prerogative.  RUMOR:  No point in showing up under the  RULES of DECORUM... no questions/no answers...the "sit down and shut up" rules of decorum.  But, I did hear you called the Plainfield Hwy Supt. asking that Rod NOT attend the Town Board meeting? that true?  

·        SALKA:  You failed to mention in your cheap shot blog that you never received the grant and had little chance of it. I have been in consultation with the engineers and we have a very good chance of getting a grant from the new round of CFA moneys available.   RUMOR:  The Town  had every chance of getting  the DEC Salt Shed GRANT to cover 75% of the SHED's Total cost........ the grant just needed  YOU to sign off to get the drawings;  you never followed up or responded in a timely manner to make the deadlines.  You went out of your way to make sure it didn't happen.  Don't you DARE say we had little chance of getting the grant. That is an outright LIE!  AND YOU, BOB and all of the COMMITTEE know it....after all the work done on this project without your participation...don't you DARE!!!  The engineers the Town is paying $25,000 for  would have been included in the GRANT along with 75% of the COST.   The Committee - me, Clint Abrams and Marylou Rhodes --  was preparing this .. as VOLUNTEERS.....who, together, we have the background and experience: we did the due diligence on the options, worked with the Mad Co.Soil & Water people,  attended the state funding  meetings and workshops, provided the Board with updates; and put you in touch with the engineer for a drawing to support the application.....I'll go toe-to-toe with you or anybody else ...ANY DAY ..on this one!  You wasted time, money and trust.
·          SALKA:   *    The minutes have always?? been available from the town clerk and you know it. You simply find it more satisfying to lay blame where it does not belong and  you continue to incite counterproductive and mean spirited sentiment in our town.  RUMOR:  Then WHY aren't they on the Website? and the 2015 minutes?  ......when I asked you about it before your response was:  "not my job" and don't email me.... That says a lot about the problems in this Town. Again, that's why this BLOG was born. 
            SALKA:   I will be contacting an attorney to  make sure that you do not cross the line between criticism and slander.  If you do I will take appropriate actions.  RUMOR:  As you know I did send this to the Town Attorney for you to be sure......and, as you know,  the Town Attorney  said it's your personal problem...not the Town's.