Thursday, April 7, 2016
PIERSMA to take Unpaid Leave of Absence......SALKA wants MORE YEARS...
.....check out TOWN WEBSITE reporting the Agenda for the April 11 Town Board meeting...who will be Piersma's replacement? See Town Link at:
....some really NASTY rumors that Jeff Mayne would be a temporary replacement for Piersma instead of Deputy Mark Zediker (or was that Jeff's wishful $$$ thinking?)
.....still NO MINUTES posted...but hey, not the Supervisor's problem...he's POWERLESS -- by his own admission.
.....except when SALKA wants to add additional years to his SUPERVISORS term in case he loses to Magee; (he never did explain what happened last year when it was taken off the ballot by the Board of Elections!) much for his "transparent" government...
And do you think the Town Board might tell us something about the NEW CODES OFFICER...or want to keep that a surprise for everyone as well.