Ought to be an interesting Town Board meeting this evening...perhaps we will find out if the following RUMORS are or were true:
RUMOR #1 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Piersma is taking a leave of absence from the Hwy Supt so he can build Salka, the Town Supervisor's, new house. It was considered a conflict of interest for him to do both.
RUMOR #2 - JENNISON: Did Salka ask Rod Jennison to leave the last Board meeting?
FACT #1 - SALT SHED: Last month Salka signed the $25,000 contract for an engineering firm to help them spend $200,000 of the CHPS money on a salt shed. I personally worked on a DEC GRANT that would have covered 75% of the TOTAL COST, including the engineer, but he decided he would go and handle it himself and use the Town's money.
APOLOGY - to TOWN CLERK, Sherry Perretta - MINUTES ARE AVAILABLE - just not on the Town Website.