Sunday, March 31, 2013

Brookfield Town Board: SPECIAL MEETING – March 30, 2013

There was a good turnout for the meeting, considering a holiday weekend. Approximately 30 people attended the meeting, moderated by Supervisor John Salka. The only other Town Board member in attendance was Joel Walker.

Although several topics covered, the most important/controversial was whether or not the Town should put up a referendum whether or not to ban hydrofracking/fracking/gas development (not clear just “WHAT” type of activity would be banned). While it was a very informal show of hands, the “majority present” supported putting a referendum on the November ballot to decide whether gas drilling should be banned from the Town of Brookfield.

Clearly, much to be learned: what would the ban include/exclude; pros/cons of ban; ban vs existing moratorium; existing wells; procedural requirements; timing to put on Nov. ballot, etc. My perception of the vote: pro-Gas drilling participants generally opposed putting the issue on the November ballot; while pro-Environment participants favored a public vote on the issue (referendum).

The opposing political philosophies (democrat v. republican) tended to support a “republican” decision (delegating the decision to our elected officials, i.e. the Town Board to make that decision) -- as opposed to “democratic” vote (referendum), fearing emotion would sway the general population, rather than making “educated/informed” vote which they assume would be made by elected (and assumed to be more informed, representatives --a quantum leap of faith!)....but a legitimate concern.

While there were arguments to support both sides, the bottom line is we need INFORMED decisions at ALL LEVELS. There is discussion re: getting representatives/interested parties, from both sides, together to work on referendum and “information/education”.

Also being considered for referendum on the November ballot is the proposed COMPREHENSIVE PLAN that is not expected to be completed before June. Public hearings must be held, to review the Plan before the Board can vote to accept/reject. Much hard work put in by the committee. There was discussion supporting the inclusion of the “draft” Plan on the Town’s new website,, when it becomes available.

Highway Superintendent Bob Piersma presented an update on the Truck Replacement program. Piersma is now looking at financing two, rather than three trucks. More details to be learned, but appears to be a good move toward upgrading the equipment while keeping control of expenses. Essentially, it is becoming too costly (and unpredictable) to continue repairing two of the current trucks vs the cost to finance newer trucks with warranties and guaranteed minimum buy-backs. A lot more information is to be learned, but looks like a step in the right direction. Much informative discussion and input from the audience.

Also discussed: an update on the “Road Use Agreement”. Considering joining a group of local towns to hire an engineering firm to provide road survey/inventory; agreements (template); and other advisory services. Looking at anywhere from $7,500 - $9,500 for Brookfield, depending on how many more Towns sign up with Delta Engineering, the advisory firm with extensive background and “good references” in this area.

The next regular Town Board Meeting:  MONDAY, April 8 at the North Brookfield Fire Hall.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

BROOKFIELD "Town Hall" Meeting - SATURDAY - March 30

BROOKFIELD "Town Hall" Meeting - SATURDAY - March 30 at the Brookfield Town Hall at 9:30AM. Some of the issues that will be discussed will be gas drilling in the town and a possible ban, the proposal for purchase of new highway equipment, the road use law to be considered for the town and any other concerns that residents may have. Further details at the Town Website or

MADISON CO. COURT JUDGE Ordered Not to Hear Cases...Hmmm?!

Interesting article in today's Oneida Dispatch ... Long standing County Judge DeStefano has been ordered not to hear criminal cases in Madison County...and nobody's talking...not the Judge, the DA, or the tribunal that issued the order......should be interesting...

Monday, March 18, 2013

MON- March 18 - Brookfield Republicans Seek Candidates

MON- March 18 - Brookfield Republicans Seek Candidates

(Brookfield, NY- March 2013) Any resident interested in being a candidate for town clerk, town justice, town supervisor or town council (two positions) in the 2013 town elections should attend the Brookfield Republican Committee meeting at town hall at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 18.
Those interested in serving on the Brookfield Republican Committee also should attend; there is one vacancy in District 1 (Leonardsville) and one vacancy in District 3 (North Brookfield).

For more information or for anyone unable to attend, contact Gail Abrams at 315.899.6266 or 315.939.0643 or Jeff Mayne at 315.899.6215 or 315.899.8206

Sunday, March 17, 2013

NYS- Cuomo to strapped Towns & Schools: "Merge".... BCS - time to consider?

Informative article from the Binghamton PRESS & SUN..... BCS - time to consider?.... Keep Pre-K through 6th Grade here and 7-12th to existing, adjacent districts: Waterville, Mt. Markham, Hamilton, etc....

ALBANY - March 16, 2013. Gov. Andrew Cuomo had tough words Friday for local officials facing fiscal crises and seeking more help from Albany, telling them they should consolidate services, school districts or whole governments rather than looking for relief from Albany. Cuomo said he believes local politics is standing in the way of mergers and consolidations that would save taxpayers money and improve efficiency of services. Hundreds of schools and districts now share sports teams to cut costs. Others share academic program costs, or even the business officer or superintendent, often the highest-paid school employees.

Check out the complete article at:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Brookfield ARTISANS - March 19 Meeting

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 7:00PM
North Brookfield Fire House
9199 Main St.
North Brookfield, NY

Talented, fun & industrious group looking to share and capitalize on their arts! Check out their website link -- attend a meeting!   SEE:

TOWN WEBSITE - Meetings & Official Notices

WOW! Check out the Town's NEW WEBSITE - this link takes you to  a list of Town Meetings...and Official Notices!!! See BROOKFIELDNY.US

ROAD USE AGREEMENTS - Delta Engineering/Lebanon

Brookfield is considering using DELTA Engineering to handle road use issues.  The Town of Lebanon is also considering DELTA .  The following link provides details of the Delta presentation to the Lebanon Town officials and residents -- proposal from Delta to outsource the setting up of its local road use law to their firm.  See - ONEIDA DISPATCH

CIVIL SERVICE EXAM - Highway positions

Civil Service Examinations DEADLINE: March 22

(Wampsville, NY – March 2013) The Madison County Personnel Department announced upcoming Civil Service examinations. The eligible lists established as a result of these examinations will be used to fill present and future vacancies as they occur in the applicable departments. Applications will be accepted until March 22 for the May 11 examination :  highway crew supervisor; senior highway crew supervisor; highway operations manager; public safety communicator .  See MADISON CO COURIER:

BCS: Board of Education REGULAR Meeting - TONIGHT! March 14

Thursday, March 14, 2013
7:00 p.m. – Library/Media Classroom


BCS - PreKindergarten Registration DEADLINE: March 20, 2013

Brookfield, NY – March 2013) Pre-Kindergarten: Eligible if 4 years old on or before Dec. 1, 2013 Kindergarten: Eligible if 5 years old on or before Dec. 1, 2013. Please call main office at 315-899-3323 by March 20 for more information. SEE:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

MADISON CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Summary - MARCH 12, 2013 Regular Meeting

MADISON CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Summary - MARCH 12, 2013 Regular Meeting - New County Administrator appointed ($105,000) and Assistant Administrator ($43,213) position created; SAFE Act; but no word on the "Confidential Settlement Agreement"....hmm.....see full article at: Oneida Dispatch


CORRECTION: (Brookfield, NY- March 2013) Any resident interested in being a candidate for town clerk, town justice, town supervisor or town council (two positions) in the 2013 town elections should attend the Brookfield Republican Committee meeting at town hall at 7:30 p.m. MONDAY, March 18. (corrected 2:30PM 3-13-13)

Those interested in serving on the Brookfield Republican Committee also should attend; there is one vacancy in District 1 (Leonardsville) and one vacancy in District 3 (North Brookfield). For more information or for anyone unable to attend, contact Gail Abrams at 315.899.6266 or 315.939.0643 or Jeff Mayne at 315.899.6215 or 315.899.8206
HIGHLIGHTS – March 11, 2013 Brookfield Town Board – Regular Meeting

Following are what I consider some of the "Highlights" of last night's Regular Town Board Meeting.

These are NOT minutes. Check out TOWN INFORMATION at the new website:

*** Attendance: approximately 20 public; absent - DeWitt Head; present - Salka, Mayne, Abrams, Walker

*** Highway Department – Bob Piersma EQUIPMENT “Rollover” Presentation – “Equipment Rollover” program and possible local law to rollover/renew equipment on a scheduled basis. The annual cost to maintain older equipment is outweighing the cost to finance and “rollover” new equipment on a regular basis. Piersma credited former Hwy Super Rod Jennison with starting this program. Piersma did extensive research, speaking with 4-5 other highway supervisors. Several have a rollover program and were happy they did – substantial savings (up to 50%). Piersma’s report included preliminary figures and will do further research and provide more exact numbers on the costs. Three of the trucks have serious safety issues that will cost approximately $120-150,000 to bring them up to DOT standards and we would still be old vehicles, requiring increasing maintenance costs. The rollover program would set up regular equipment replacement – “rolling over” the financing each year. Basically boils down to: Annual, predictable, financing payments vs. high, uncertain maintenance costs on old equipment. Members of the Highway Dept. and their families as well as public commented favorably on this plan. The Board authorized Piersma to move ahead and get more solid numbers and information.

*** Special Town Meeting – 3/30/13 - for public comment & discussion on whether or not we need a ban on gas development & drilling in the Town of Brookfield. See the Town Website at:

*** Comprehensive Plan – Draft has been presented to the Board; final expected by June.

*** Town Website – on line! The Town now has a new, “informational” website thanks to Karen Nowak for her hard work in putting it together …. check it out!

*** Pistol Owners – Forms at the Town Hall to remove names from public record. File by 5/15/13.

*** North Brookfield Church - The Town closed on the purchase - $12 for the church…. $1,200-1,500 closing costs (legal & fees).

*** Fuel Bids Awarded – Broedel Fuel won three of the five bids; with Buell picking up the other two awards.

*** Un-appropriated Fund Balance: $298,971 (General $73,397 + Highway $225,574)

*** Ritz Road – Abandonment – there will be a public hearing at the next board meeting to hear comments on the Town's abandonment of care of Ritz Rd. (near Snow’s Pond). Adjoining property owners have signed letters supporting the move.

*** Road Use Agreement – is still pending; Brookfield is looking at hiring DELTA ENGINEERING to provide the necessary road survey information and filings for approximately $7,500. The Town is working with Hamilton, Lebanon to retain their services. No final decision has been made.

*** Next Meeting – 7:00 PM Mon. APRIL 8 - NORTH BROOKFIELD Fire Hall & Public Hearing (7:30) – Ritz Rd.

Monday, March 11, 2013


A new informational format for my Blog… will provide links to updates on area events and issues. Please, check out the Town of Brookfield's new website…many thanks to KAREN NOWAK!


NEW!! Brookfield Website

3/11/2012 MARCH - Regular Meeting - Monday
Cut & Paste to your browser:

MADISON COUNTY - Board of Supervisors
3/12/2013 Regular Meeting - Tues. March 12, 2013

Brookfield Board of Education
Special Meeting
5:30 p.m. – School Library/Media Room


Chittenango Police Chief, Jeff Paul,  Under Investigation