Saturday, June 30, 2018

Brookfield - 2018 RABIES CLINICS JULY 10 / 5-7 PM - Tuesday

Brookfield - 2018 RABIES CLINICS
JULY 10 / 5-7 PM - Tuesday
Brookfield Madison County Fairgrounds 1968 Fairground Rd, Brookfield

2018 RABIES CLINICS Available free of charge to Madison County residents.
A voluntary $5.00 donation per pet is requested to help defray clinic costs.
• All pets must be at least 3 months of age. Pets receiving their first rabies shot must get a booster within 1 year.
• All pets must be restrained on a leash or in a pet carrier.
• Proof of previous vaccination is required to qualify for a three-year certificate. Accepted forms of proof: (a) “Certificate of Vaccination” obtained from veterinarian or Madison County Department of Health or (b) “Dog license” showing rabies expiration date

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

SPECTRUM - False Advertising Misrepresentations

When the state approved Spectrum’s acquisition of Time Warner Cable, it did so based on the fulfillment of certain obligations. Those obligations included providing broadband access to underserved parts of the state and preserving a qualified workforce.  Their merger with Time Warner runs the risk of revocation due to misleading advertising and fudging the numbers on their commitments under the merger agreement :...Because of this claim and the misrepresentation to customers and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, there is a possibility that the approval of Spectrum’s acquisition of Time Warner Cable may be revoked, the department said.
      The situation regarding Charter/Spectrum is getting more serious with each passing day,” Department CEO John Rhodes said in a news release about the letter. “Not only has the company failed to meet its obligations to build out its cable system as required, it is now making patently false and misleading claims to consumers that it has met those obligations without in any way acknowledging the findings of the Public Service Commission to the contrary. Access to broadband is essential for economic development and social equity. Charter/Spectrum’s intentional deception of New Yorkers must end now.”


Spectrum scrutinized

• According to a New York State Department of Public Service investigation and a Public Service Commission order, Spectrum missed its required Dec. 16, 2017, build-out commitment to extend its broadband network to pass additional residences and businesses by 12,245 passings.

• For these two failures, Spectrum was ordered by the Public Service Commission to forfeit $2 million.

• Spectrum has not met a single build-out deadline since the approval of its acquisition of Time Warner Cable in 2016.

• The department of Public Service (PSC) stated that, instead of working to meet its commitment to New York, Spectrum has ignored the state’s interests and knowingly continued to advertise and publish knowingly false claims that the company is exceeding its mid-December 2017 commitment made to New York by more than 6,000 locations and is on track to extend the reach of advanced broadband network to 145,000 unserved or underserved locations by May 2020.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


This is a great website ...activities & news in the Waterville area...worth putting in your BOOKMARKS... Great Library events, historical talks, etc. Check out:  HUB OF THE HUDDLE

Magee puts spotlight on New York dairy producers at Agriculture Day

Assemblyman Bill Magee (D-Nelson) once again hosted Agriculture Day at the Legislative Office Building in Albany in conjunction with state Senator Patty Ritchie. The event, which took place on June 6, highlights the hard work of New York dairy producers and the critical role the industry plays in the state economy. 
     As chair of the Assembly’s Committee on Agriculture, Magee has been a tireless advocate for the state’s dairy farmers. This year’s budget provides $1.2 million for Cornell University’s PRO-DAIRY program, which connects dairy farmers with agribusiness professionals and offers education programs to strengthen the industry. The budget also includes $1.9 million for the New York Farm Viability Institute, with $370,000 earmarked for the Dairy Profit Team to help farmers increase profits. And to prevent disease in cattle and protect public health, the state budget invests $200,000 in Salmonella Dublin Research at Cornell University. 


ECONOMY Local - $450,000 to Griffiss Drone Program

State legislators have secured $3 million in the 2018-19 budget — $1 million of which will go to the entities in Rome.  Griffiss Local Development Corp. is receiving $500,000 to help with the construction of a new headquarters location for NYSTEC; Oneida County will get $450,000 to help support the unmanned aerial systems test facility; and Central New York Defense Alliance is getting $50,000 to help with daily operations.  FULL STORY AT UTICA OD:

Community Memorial Hospital offers Drug Take Back program

Local residents can dispose of unwanted pharmaceuticals at the 24 hour, seven day a week kiosk located in Community Memorial Hospital. This kiosk location does not accept aerosols, medical sharps, mercury thermometers, batteries, medical equipment, supplies or devices or hazardous chemicals. For disposal of these, items contact local household hazardous control waste officials.
     The Drug Take Back Pilot Program sponsored by the New York State Department of Conservation (DEC) offers residents convenient locations to dispose of leftover and expired medications -- just one part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the impact from unwanted drugs on public health and the environment.


Friday, June 22, 2018

West Winfield YARD SALES this Weekend

Fairly quiet weekend ahead...don't forget the WEST WINFIELD COMMUNITY YARD SALES...Friday & Saturday/ June 22 & 23

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Corbin "ON THIN ICE" After Digging Her Skates Into Supervisor Salka Over Flick's Tavern

Wow!! We missed a good Brookfield Town Board meeting this month!  Pick up a copy of this week's WATERVILLE TIMES for details!  Apparently, resident Doreen Corbin was asking the wrong questions about the Town vs Flicks. property dispute that continues to drag on $$.   According to Salka, Corbin is "on thin ice" and warned her that she could be banished from future Board meetings.  Wow!  Just more evidence that Open Government and Free speech went out the window in the Town of Brookfield!! ..and Salka thinks he should represent us in the state Assembly.    You don't treat taxpayers and residents like THAT!!!  Don't put critters like this in the Albany SWAMP!  PS I was once a whole-hearted Salka supporter.

Monday, June 18, 2018


Isn't it IRONIC....Salka, the guy who is going to clean up the Albany "Swamp" when he becomes assemblyman can't even clean up "his own/Town's backyard"....a 15' x 20' piece of land...can't get the neighbor to vacate....YEARS...yes, YEARS and thousands of dollars in attorney and surveying fees...he still can't correct the situation and come up with a solution...NO...IT's NOT HIS JOB.... now it's the BOARD's problem....I hear he's scared to death of the neighbor.  Like the Gorton Lake Rd. fiasco he accepts NO ACCOUNTABILITY for solving problems.  Salka will slither right into that swamp...I ask ANYONE who considers a vote for SALKA to take a drive through our Town of Brookfield and see for yourself.  Better yet, attend one of the Board meetings and see the DISRESPECT he shows his own constituents during the Public Q&A sessions and no one on the Town Board has the balls to call him on it.    Mr. ALL-TALK and NO-WALK... I used to be a supporter...too many years of promises and no results and more BS.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Ellie Abrams - Waterville Times "Baby of the Year"

How could I forget the Waterville Times cover story..."Kids All Day..."...Ellie Abrams, daughter of Sarah & Andrew Abrams, Brookfield, along with Althea Larkin (Waterville) were named Babies of the Year.  Nice story... teachers having babies during the school year and managing it all!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

LEONARDSVILLE School ... Sold! ?

According to this week's WEST WINFIELD STAR, the Leonardsville School is being sold to the Unadilla Forks Baptist Church.  The $100,000 purchase price [previously reported price] consists of $20,000 in local donations and a "substantial" ($80,000 ?) donation from an anonymous donor.  The Church group will be looking to lease space....maybe the Town Board should consider leasing a COURT ROOM  or OFFICES down there rather than a new building?...could be a win/win.  Mt. Markham School District is selling the property.  Hope this group can keep up the operating expenses, utilities, insurance and maintenance...wishing them Good luck ...would be nice addition to the Community. Front page of this week's June 6 - West Winfield Star.


Back at the keyboard and going to try something new: An EVENTS CALENDAR...based on what I find or hear about in the local papers (Waterville Times, West Winfield Star, etc.).  Will start with this coming weekend:  Friday/ June 8 through Sunday/ June 17.   So much going on....

NEWS: This week's West Winfield Star reported that the Unadilla Forks Baptist Chuch has purchased the Leonardsville School.  They raised $20,000 in donations and a separate, anonymous donor is picking up the tab on the other $80,000.  They are  looking for TENANTS....maybe the TOWN OF BROOKFIELD should consider leasing space for offices and court room in lieu of a NEW BUILDING....could be a win/win.

Per West Winfield Star - Lincoln Davies  Summit Rd., Paris Station, now has a museum!! Open JUNE 10 / 1-5PM first opening.

THIS WEEKEND: Thu/ June 7 to Sunday/ June 10
"Huge" Moving Sale - Unadilla Forks/W.Winfield - Thurs -Sat /Jun 7 -9 at 11271 Forks Rd.
HUGE BARN SALE [update] - Unadilla Forks / 156 Pritchard Rd./ Sat & Sun/ June 9 & 10
Community Garage Sales - Leonardsville - Saturday / June 9 / 9AM to 3PM (WWF Star)
Community Garage Sales - West Edmeston  ? Still confirming
CNY Fibre Fair  - Bouckville - Sat & Sun - June 9 & 10 / 10AM - 4PM
Lincoln Davies Museum - Sunday / June 10 / 1-5 PM - Summit Rd., Paris Station

NEXT WEEK: Monday - Thursday / June 11 - 14
BCS - Last Day of School - Monday/ June 11 -Grades 7-12
BCS - Regents Week - Tues-Fri / June 12-15
Brookfield Republicans -  Tuesday/ June 12 at 7:30PM Town Hall
TOWN BOARD MEETING CHANGED TO:  Thursday / June 14 / Leonardsville/ 7 PM
Comprehensive Plan "Community Chat" - Thursday / June 14 / Brookfield Town Hall / 6-8 PM

NEXT WEEKEND: June 14 -17
Brookfield Community Sales- Friday-Sunday / June 15-17
Leonardsville Fire Dept - Breakfasts  Sunday/June 17 - Fire Hall /7-10:30AM - Donations
FATHER's DAY - Sunday / June 17

Garage Sales - West Winfield - Saturday/ June 23