Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TOWN PARKS - Contracts Awarded

Below is a list of BIDs AWARDED AT 04/08/2013  Brookfield Town Board meeting for maintaining the lawns at the Town's four  Parks. (However, No cap noted on mower maintenance and repair of the equipment owned by the Acadmey St. Park ). Requirements listed below:
1. Brookfield Academy Road Park and Whitford Park awarded to members of Park Committee - cost of gas and mower maintenance/repair. (No cap on expense was noted)

2.  North Brookfield Park awarded to William Bootie - $1,200 plus cost of gas.

3.  Leonardsville Park awarded to Double B's Lawn Care - $750.

REQUIRMENTS:  Mowing, trimming and grounds maintenance of North Brookfield Park, Leonardsville Park (around the basketball/tennis courts and including the embankment along Route 8), the Brookfield Parks (Academy Rd & S. Beaver Creek Rd). Equipment and fuel will be provided for the Brookfield Park on Academy Rd. Successful bidder(s) will provide equipment and fuel for North Brookfield, Leonardsville and the Brookfield park on S. Beaver Creek Rd. Successful bidder(s) will perform maintenance as needed to keep the parks in good condition.

HEALTH - Immunization Clinic May 7 - BCS

May 7 -TUESDAY - The Madison County Health Department is hosting a walk-in immunization clinic at the Brookfield Central School in Brookfield from 10:30 a.m. to noon. No appointment is necessary for this clinic. Some fees may apply. For more information or to make an appointment, call 315.366.2848 or visit www.healthymadisoncounty.org.

Monday, April 29, 2013

EVENTS - This Week (April 29 - May 4)


Thursday, May 02 - PLANNING BOARD - Regular Meeting/ 7PM - Brookfield Town Hall

Saturday, May 04 - Presentation on Gas and Oil Leases: Impacts on Residential Mortgage Lending - NOON - Hamilton Public Library

COLGATE - Third Victim in Spring Party Weekend

Hamilton Police are now saying a third person -- a 22-year-old male Colgate student -- was stabbed during a brawl at the recent Spring Party Weekend. Two other men were also stabbed. The HPD is working with several other police agencies in the investigation. One of the two original victims is not cooperating with HPD's investigation. The man returned to his home in Florida after being released from St. E's -- declining to give a statement to police. One of the victims, an alumnus who has mixed martial arts training, punched his assailant. Officers have been calling hospitals in the area to check on anyone who may have been treated for a facial injury. Check out story at RADIO FREE HAMILTON

COUNTY: $2.5 million Grant for Madison County 'food hub'

The board of directors of New York's economic development arm approved $2.5 million in grants for a planned food processing and distribution hub in Madison County Friday. The grants from Empire State Development Corp. will help Growing Upstate Food Hub LLC, a consortium of farm businesses, build the $4.2 million shared-use facility in Canastota. The facility will contain food-processing space, refrigerated and frozen product warehousing, and office space. It also will have a farmers' market and a year-round retail store. For the rest of the story see: http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2013/04/state_approves_25_million_for.html

Paul pleads guilty in double dipping case

Makes you wonder why all the hoopla over two days: perp walk; search warrants.... for two days!....not defending him; but wondering who he "crossed".... sounds personal. See full article at: http://www.oneidadispatch.com/articles/2013/04/23/news/doc5177132090af7474056600.txt

EXCERPTS: ....., Paul admits that he signed and submitted a false time sheet to the Madison County Sheriff’s Department indicating he worked on: Oct. 13, 2012 from 8:31 a.m. to 9:03 p.m. as a deputy sheriff, and for the Chittenango Police Department on Sept. 10, 2012 from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. while conducting funeral services at the same time. Paul was sentenced to pay $15,000 restitution to the Madison County Sheriff’s Office. he filed . He paid $10,000 at the time of his plea and the remaining restitution will be paid at a later date. The village of Chittenango did not seek restitution,

GAS: Presentation on Gas and Oil Leases: Impacts on Residential Mortgage Lending

Citizens for Safe Energy (CSE) at NOON on Saturday May 4 in the Hamilton Public Library Community Room for an educational presentation on the impacts of gas and oil leases on residential mortgage lending. How do issues such as “compulsory integration” and sub-surface rights affect mortgages? This forum will focus on the potential conflicts between commonly accepted lending standards for residential properties and gas leases. The goal of this presentation is to facilitate education about and consideration of these issues. Speaker Greg May, Vice President of Residential Mortgages for Tompkins Trust Company, will address these concerns. May has over 40 years experience in the mortgage field and currently oversees a staff of mortgage specialists.  More info at:  http://csemadco.org

Thursday, April 25, 2013

North Brookfield - CEMETERY ASSOCIATION - FRI Apr 26 - 7PM

North Brookfield Cemetery Association
Friday/ Apr 26 - 7PM - NBF House

Lot owners and those who have family members buried in the North Brookfield cemetery are urged to attend the annual meeting of the Cemetery association. It will be held on Friday, April 26th, 2013 at the North Brookfield firehouse at 7:00 pm.

VETERANS' NIGHT!...coming to Brookfield!

Coming to BROOKFIELD......VETERANS' NIGHT: A special time for our Veterans to socialize and get to know each other better, while enjoying a cup of coffee, dessert, or dinner if they want. It is also an opportunity to speak with Legion members regarding services available to Veterans and their families. Any person who has served in the military is welcome to come, and anyone else who is interested in supporting our military is also welcome. Fred Larkin is the contact for Veterans' Nights and he can be reached at (315) 244-7017. VETERANS' NIGHTS are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month, starting at 6PM, at the Beaver Den. Next meeting: WEDNESDAY, May 15 - 6PM - Beaver Den.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

JUNK DROP OFF DAYS – MAY 10 & 11 (Fri & Sat)

Town of Brookfield
JUNK DROP OFF DAYS – MAY 10 &11 (Fri & Sat)
This service for Town of Brookfield residents.

Friday May 10th from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Saturday May 11th from 8:00 a.m. till 12 noon,
at the Town Highway Garage.

UPDATE:  Computers, VCR's, fax/printers -

Items taken for no charge: scrap metal, appliances, metal furniture, and water tanks. Air conditioners, refrigerators, and freezers will be taken at no charge.

Fees will be charged for following items:
Tires off rims up to 16 inch $ 3.00 per tire,
Truck tires at $ 4.00 per tire
Heavy machinery tires at $ 8.00 to $ 12.00 per tire.
Sofas, stuffed chairs and mattresses will be taken at a charge of $ 8.00 to $ 12.00 and
Televisions at $ 3.00.

Brush maybe brought to the Highway Garage, but nothing over 6 inches in diameter.

Items not taken include building materials, garbage, household trash, toxic or hazardous waste of any kind, burn barrels or batteries or junk cars.

Any questions call 899-5878
Robert J. Piersma
Highway Superintendent
Town of Brookfield

Monday, April 22, 2013

MEMORIAL DAY PARADE - Volunteers Needed

Town Parade Committee Looking for New Members

The Town is looking for those that may want to serve on a parade committee that will be charged with helping out with planning and implementation of events on Memorial Day. We would like to have some new events on the holiday such as a town wide baseball game and possibly food served at the town park. In the past it was up to one or two people to coordinate the event and this has proven to be difficult. We realize that there is a short amount of time before Memorial Day and are looking for anyone who may want to speak at the ceremony and help with parade organizing. If interested please call John Salka @ 569-5842 or Fred Larkin @ 899-3089.

EVENTS: April 22-27 and Upcoming Events

THIS WEEK....April 22-27
Monday, April 22, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BOARD - Deadline - to submit petition to run for
the one (1) seat available on the Brookfield School Board.Contact Judy Van Duren at the School.

Thursday, April 25, 2013 MADISON CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Special Hearing - Employee Discipline; Supervisors Chambers, on the second floor, County Office Building #4, in Wampsville

Saturday, April 27, 2013 ANTI-FRACKING FORUM - 10AM on; "Gasland" video to be shown; GUEST SPEAKER - 1PM CHERYL CAREY; Noller's Woodworm - 9647 Skaneatles Tpke.


Thursday, May 02, 2013 PLANNING BOARD - Regular Meeting/ 7PM - Brookfield Town Hall

Friday, May 03, 2013 JUNK DAY - Brookfield Town Barn (details TBA)

Saturday, May 04, 2013 JUNK DAY - Brookfield Town Barn (details TBA)

Tuesday, May 07, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - Tax payers' Portion available

MADISON COUNTY - More "Government" Behind CLOSED DOORS

Thanks once again to Jolene Cleaver and the Oneida Dispatch for keeping on top of the CLOSED DOOR politics in Wampsville.  This interesting little diddy showed up Friday (more behind closed door "discipline" being meated out to unruly employees? -- beginnng to sound like GITMO than a Board of Supervisors!!.... And even more interesting is the comment by "Food For Thought" who appears to have more of the story than "Swampville" will let out.  Makes you wonder: Judge DeStefano/Cerio (the judge is barred from hearing criminal cases in Madison Co. for not sending defendants to Cerios' "get out of jail/free" program) ; and now this? Appears these all involve "special treatment".....for special people.  We remain free to speculate, given the lack of credible information from the County. Check out the article and the comments at Madison County has set a meeting to review the disciplinary hearings of an un-named employee.

Stay tuned -- for this SPECIAL MEEING on Thursday, April 25 at 9 a.m. the Madison County Board of Supervisors will hold a special board meeting in the Supervisors Chambers, on the second floor, County Office Building #4, in Wampsville

Sunday, April 21, 2013



WHERE:  Noller's Woodworm (Marianne),
               9647 Skaneateles Twp.
WHEN:    SATURDAY - April 27
     10:00 AM - and throughout the Day-
                      Screening of GASLAND
    1:00 PM - CHERYL CAREY - Guest Speaker

For further information….
Contact Marianne Noller at crystallabyrinth2000@yahoo.com

COLGATE...Party turns to "A Massive Brawl" (and it was a non-alcohol party) !

OMG... what a brawl....check out COLGATE's Spring Weekend gone awry.... at RADIO FREE HAMILTON link.... ...."Gifford said HPD responded at about 3 a.m. to a report of fights at the apartments on College Street....there were upwards of 500 people inside and outside the Parker Commons, and male and female students were involved in numerous fights. He called the incident "a massive brawl."   Gifford said "an all out call for assistance" brought officers from throughout Madison and Oneida counties to the scene....".. 2 stabbings.... 7 police depts....http://www.radiofreehamilton.com/viewarticle.aspx?smid=2178&aid=26789


...FOR A GREAT JOB CLEANING UP BROOKFIELD!..Saturday morning, during the dreary, wet cold morning... Optimist members and volunteers were working hard to clean up the roadside garbage...and I mean GARBAGE.    The roadside is the first "welcoming" to our community... ...so sad to see that there remain individuals who are too ignorant to appreciate the beauty of our countryside and become a reflection of all of us.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


[Updated 4-14-13  3:20PM]

Monday, April 15, 2013 REPUBLICAN CAUCUS - 7:30PM - Brookfield Town Hall

Saturday, April 20, 2013 Optimists "SPRING CLEAN UP" - 9:30 AM -  Meet at Academy St. Park

Sunday, April 21 - LEONARDSVILLE FIRE DEPT - Monthly DONATION BREAKFAST - Beginning SUNDAY, APRIL 21....7AM-10:30AM . Leonardsville Fire Hall - Menu includes made to order eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, coffee and juice. They will continue them every 3rd Sunday through October. Great opportunity to support our fire-fighting volunteers!

Monday, April 22, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BOARD - Deadline - to submit petition to run for
the one (1) seat available on the Brookfield School Board. Contact Judy Van Duren at the School.


Thursday, May 2 - BROOKFIELD PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting - 7PM Town Hall (See new Town Website for Agenda & Minutes at http://www.brookfieldny.us/calendar.html

Tuesday, May 07, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - Tax payers' Portion available

Saturday, May 11 - OPEN HORSE SHOW Madison County Fairgrounds. ALSO ON PREMISES 10 -2:30 PM FREE! Rural Health Fair Cancer Screening for uninsured - over 40 or have a history.  Mammography, pelvic - includes blood pressure checks & referral.  Sponsored by the BASSETT MOBILE MAMMOGRAPHY  COACH & CANCER SERVICES PROGRAM.  Mobile unit on premises.  Please sign up now - need minimum of 10 ...call (315) 798-5248.  More details at the Brookfield Riding & Driving website at:  http://brda.us/Shows_Events.html 

Sunday, May 12  - FUNDRAISER TRAIL RIDE for Root Farm Therapeutic Riding Program. See Brookfield Riding & Driving website for details at:  http://brda.us/Shows_Events.html

Monday, May 13 - BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD Regular Monthly Meeting - 7PM -Brookfield Town Hall (See Town Website for Agenda & Minutes at http://www.brookfieldny.us/calendar.html

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - HEARING - 7PM OT/OP [??] Room

Thursday, May 16 - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - Regular Committe Meeting - 7PM Town Hall (See new Town Website for Agenda & Minutes at http://www.brookfieldny.us/calendar.html

Sat - Sun, May 18-19 - ACTHA COMPETITIVE TRAIL RIDE - Madison County Fairgrounds.   See Brookfield Riding & Driving website for details at:  http://brda.us/Shows_Events.html

Sunday, May 19 - LEONARDSVILLE FIRE DEPT - Monthly DONATION BREAKFAST - 7AM-10:30AM . Leonardsville Fire Hall - Menu includes made to order eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, coffee and juice. They will continue them every 3rd Sunday through October. Great opportunity to support our fire-fighting volunteers!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 BROOKFIELD SCHOOL BUDGET - Vote ! Noon - 9PM

Friday, April 5, 2013


The Madison County Fair has a new website, offering information on Fairground events and a photo gallery at www.madisoncountyfairny.com